Strong females are great, like I love Ellen Ripley in Aliens. I just wish we didn't get weak females presented as though they are strong especially when they are meant to replace an already badass perfectly fine male character, the change is political. A habit of these types of movies is to posit that the woman is badass simply cuz shes a woman then rejecting anyone who says otherwise by calling them sexist or racist. Doom is about Doomguy like Tomb Raider is about Lara Croft, Doom 2016's style would make the perfect movie. The fact this is low budget uninspired and aping off the trend of replacing a man with a woman in fiction to be progressive is not progressive its a marketing tactic designed to curtail criticism of a crap movie. The fan reactions to these changes is evident. The bias comes from experience. You could say your body is biased towards fire seeing as when you touch it your body immediately pulls you away. My body is pulling me away from this hor garbage just as fast. And its sad because they have the perfect movie in game form already there but our shitty world of licensing agreements and corporate mindsets doesn't allow for the kind of awesome shit people wanna see in entertainment, its so rare.
Like with that awesome pistol this and this doom movie there's always assholes out there just just wanna sterilize everything.
and it bothers me :(
She aint even gonna put on the Armour to even look like doomguy and pull a Samus from metroid.
Doomguy Sigh.
If the trailer had shown this Doomgirl running around killing demons that would have been fine but they aren't gonna do that
Ripley and Samus ROCK, we agree there!
You make good points but w/o a link to the trailer I was unable to watch that...
I'm Just Lazy I guess LOL
I'm sick of political BS too, we are approaching a breaking point IMO
Lol, oh christ.. I got so riled I fkin forgot to link the fkin trailer! LOL. ill edit main post...
and yes its very poltical now, like even this part in the trailer.. Wanted: DoomslayerS.. as in plural, as in all inclusive, as in a diverse background of doomslayers. Anyone can be doomslayers XD If you're black or white or trans or vegetable, we're all doomslayers now :D It not the story of the legendary doomslayer, its inclusive. Its little shit like that which on its own isn't much but when you see it everywhere all the time you can tell there just political bs afoot in what ought to be a passion project by people really wanting to create something which I spose is really where the agenda pushing comes from, its just that its making everything shit as a result
they say if you make something for everybody you make something for nobody.
yeah, good point LOL
Not the only one who thinks it lol![](