So here's a Lil ramble about that new doom movie trailer. (STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS XD)

in #personal6 years ago (edited)

Oh.. Oh great, a new doom thing...

With yet another STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER protagonist XD.. Great.. Thats what Doom Needs.

This has been a trend recently hasn't it.
They did it with Star Wars

They did it with Star Trek: Discovery

They done it with Ghostbusters

They've done it with Oceans Eleven

aaand they're gonna continue to do it with Doom I guess.. none of these changes have ever worked very well...

Doom... The series consistently about a one man army who is basically just too baddass to be killed by any level of demonic scum he might encounter.

The doom 2016 game did this really well, turning the silent protagonist into this legendary figure they call the doomslayer, that was so infamous within the realms of hell that he actually made demons so scared they tried to imprison and seal him away him in a sarcophagus but even that doesn't hold him and so the plot of the game is you've just woken up from that and proceed to murder death kill anything and everything in your path in a badass cyber suit.

The doom 2005 movie managed to do this relatively well at least in that one scene that was first person, at least they tried, at least they fucking tried.

They even got karl urban who went on to play Dredd in the best Dredd movie, so he could pull off Doomslayer pretty well.

Thats a fkin doom guy.


Enter Doom: Annihilation - An apt title cuz really feels like this film will annihilate the lil hope the fans had of ever getting a good Doom film.

Because now it seems we're getting a completely flat movie with yet another Strong Female Character who looks way too scrawny to do anything particularly cool looking in keeping with the Doom franchise.

Lol,^ Good luck with that.

Doomslayer would literally crush demon's heads into mulch but Nahh don't worry about that, we have a stern lil woman carrying what I assume is the BFG.. sigh.. You know the 'Big Fucking Gun'?

A big fucking gun for a big fucking person, not a tiny woman who will look comical trying to fire that thing.

Last guy who picked up this gun was The Rock.. Are you really gonna insult our intelligence now with this fkin Bullshit?

Its like giving Sarah Conner the fucking minigun.

Sorry ladies but this woman don't look like she got the upper body strength to be going around by herself for 87 hours killing demons with her bare hands and a big fucking gun.. Therefore, this doom movie aint gonna be a good doom movie.

Because Doomslayer silent protagonist who wrecked demon shit up to endless rock music and saved the day was really just a toxic masculine asshole who's racist towards demons or something Right? He had to be fixed Riiiight..? Sigh.

Its not like we coulda done something really cool and interesting with this movie, its not like we coulda made it all third and first person action crazy like Hardcore Henry in some cool new fancy camera filming experiment and be a love letter to the franchise, not like you coulda made it look and feel like 90s action shlock like the new game and really appease fans.

Yeah..yeah all that needed changing to a shitty bland flat looking movie following a basic bitch around didn't it I mean sure why not.

Probably only did this so that the guns she holds look bigger so they save on budget, lol, reminds me of those sketches from Little Britain XD

Doomguy is like basically a force of nature?

But doom gurl looks to be more a force of a gender. Sadface.

This is not the only problem with this movie but its the fact that off the back of this doom fans aint likely to get a colorful action packed inventive doomguy movie for at least another five years. We'll talk again closer to 2030.

Fuck guys.. Look at some of these comments from the trailer on you tube, a trailer that has 23,000+ dislikes.. lulz
Really gambled wrong on this one didn't ya.
You had 30 seconds to show something not terrible and in 30 seconds you managed to piss over 23,000 people right off.

Well done.

Here are Some of my favorite comments.






and so on

This I thought was especially apt

And thats why I'm rambling about this, we live in a world run by people so disconnected from reality they honestly don't care what they do to us, up to and including making really shitty movies that ruin people's long standing enjoyment of things.
This has happened with Star Wars and Star Trek, probably soon to happen with Marvel, it happened to Ghostbusters and old beloved Childrens movies. It happened to harry potter and lord of the rings. Its happened to Doom. Its gonna happen with alot more stuff.

Just STOP Making Absolute BULLSHIT for once!

Stuff is not getting better it is getting worse and you can see symptoms of it all over the world including entertainment.

Just Imagine for a second if you actually lived in a happy world where you got good things?
Nice things.. Like.. We all just had so much freedom and creativity that we'd already made like seven great doom movies and all other kinds of great stuff that really had soul and love put into them.. And it was normal...

Imagine THAT kinda world as opposed this one we live in now, where precious beloved stuff was NOT turned into recycled cold garbage churned out of a money making machine run by the wholly disconnected...

Magine thattt.

I'm just sayin'.... Doesn't gotta be like this.

It doesnt have to all feel like Doom :/

Ramble over.

Link to the 30 second trailer that pisses so many people including me off here if you dare


I know this might seem inconsequential but its emblematic of a larger issues in the world that everybody pretty much just accepts begrudgingly or otherwise, and it just results in people being conditioned to expect shit. and I think thats sad. People Deserve to be able to enjoy things and not expect the worst shit imaginable as a matter of course.

Real Men love strong Females, Just sayin'!

As for this movie, I will try and check it out. The last Doom I saw was the one with "Da ROCK" and I enjoyed it. Also love the game franchise, so I might be hard to please. Low Budget could kill it quicker than a babe who does not look like she could wield the mighty

BFG 9000

but then again, the FBI killed the mighty 10mm S&W 1076 cuz of limp wristed agents who could not handle anything about the awesome pistol or the awesome round. I can't find a decent S&W 10 Series (I prefer the 1006) so I bought myself the best substitute...



The numbers are for the features of the weapon, and it has a LOT of them! It had better be loaded for a $1200 hand cannon 😎 MF'er weighs THREE POUNDS without a magazine inserted 😎 GLOCK ruined the LEO pistol market with their "plastic fantastic" series, the lighter weights just make the recoil more harsh even with the proper slide tuning to reduce it. A heavy hand cannon tames recoil much better than a lighter one! The BFG would of course be a composite or graphene body, powered by a small battery triggering a Tesla Generator (overunity device) to charge a lightweight graphene capacitor bank that builds a charge to create a Plasma Burst. No recoil from a Directed Energy Weapon! I think she could handle the BFG, personally...

Good "preview" even if it is not unbiased, anyway!

Strong females are great, like I love Ellen Ripley in Aliens. I just wish we didn't get weak females presented as though they are strong especially when they are meant to replace an already badass perfectly fine male character, the change is political. A habit of these types of movies is to posit that the woman is badass simply cuz shes a woman then rejecting anyone who says otherwise by calling them sexist or racist. Doom is about Doomguy like Tomb Raider is about Lara Croft, Doom 2016's style would make the perfect movie. The fact this is low budget uninspired and aping off the trend of replacing a man with a woman in fiction to be progressive is not progressive its a marketing tactic designed to curtail criticism of a crap movie. The fan reactions to these changes is evident. The bias comes from experience. You could say your body is biased towards fire seeing as when you touch it your body immediately pulls you away. My body is pulling me away from this hor garbage just as fast. And its sad because they have the perfect movie in game form already there but our shitty world of licensing agreements and corporate mindsets doesn't allow for the kind of awesome shit people wanna see in entertainment, its so rare.

Like with that awesome pistol this and this doom movie there's always assholes out there just just wanna sterilize everything.

and it bothers me :(

She aint even gonna put on the Armour to even look like doomguy and pull a Samus from metroid.

Doomguy Sigh.

If the trailer had shown this Doomgirl running around killing demons that would have been fine but they aren't gonna do that

Ripley and Samus ROCK, we agree there!

You make good points but w/o a link to the trailer I was unable to watch that...
I'm Just Lazy I guess LOL

I'm sick of political BS too, we are approaching a breaking point IMO

Lol, oh christ.. I got so riled I fkin forgot to link the fkin trailer! LOL. ill edit main post...

and yes its very poltical now, like even this part in the trailer.. Wanted: DoomslayerS.. as in plural, as in all inclusive, as in a diverse background of doomslayers. Anyone can be doomslayers XD If you're black or white or trans or vegetable, we're all doomslayers now :D It not the story of the legendary doomslayer, its inclusive. Its little shit like that which on its own isn't much but when you see it everywhere all the time you can tell there just political bs afoot in what ought to be a passion project by people really wanting to create something which I spose is really where the agenda pushing comes from, its just that its making everything shit as a result

they say if you make something for everybody you make something for nobody.

yeah, good point LOL

Not the only one who thinks it lol