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RE: Moved to another home

in #pets3 years ago

Same thing happened to us during lockdown, except it was so the landlords daughter could move in as she allegedly had no where to stay. 30 days we were given too. Silver lining was we ended up in a far better houses in a far better location for more or less the same rent.
I am sure your pup will love it now 😁


Wtf with these landlords.. is that even legal in your place? For us, the contract I signed was not notarized by a lawyer so I wasn’t protected for anything but still 30 days notice is short. Wow good thing you found a better place for the same rent. Also probably better to not deal with those types of landlords lol

yeah they are fricking arses. Here the only way they can do that duting lockdown was by saying a relative needed it urgently to live. A complete con as a neighbour said she (the landlord) put it on the market to sell after we moved out. Well it worked out better, still a pain to move though!

They can at least just be honest about it. 🙄 Oh well…

landlords and honesty 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for an afternoon laugh!