I Am Just Steemiting To Get My Mind Off Things and Keep My Sanity Intact

in #philippines7 years ago


I can't see much with my left eye while typing or viewing

Sometimes thinking deeply or worrying into something can make us lose our minds. There are cases where it happened to some people that I knew. There was one time that this happened on a mother of a groom that on his wedding day the bride didn't appear to their wedding. I thought that it only happens in movies but this time it was in real life. Weddings here in my country is a big deal because it doesn't happen everyday. There are many preparations and there are lots of food and often prepared by the families besides the catering service.

So after all that trouble, preparations, planning, phone calls to friends and relatives come the wedding day and the bride somewhat ran away. This just is not only too much to bear for the groom but unto his mother which took it mentally. Maybe she got so embarrassed and lost sleep and went crazy as in no more hope for going back into her own frame of mind. This lady was the wife of my father's cousin.

I do not know why such people could get so affected so easily with such life traumas as I call it. In other way around in my own life case, why I am still not get crazy with this kind of unbearable problem that I got. I don't think that I am that so strong that I can still hold my composure but I am holding. Probably that I am so used to being like this that this had become normal for me and that any ease in life is just like a winning lottery ticket to me now which is good luck for me if I can get a relief in life.

I might believe that the hardships that I already and continuing to experience in life made my mental faculties hardened enough that it made me more numb to somewhat for me a very trivial events in life. I am not saying that do not get affected, but to lose my mind over something I think won't happen unless I didn't go to sleep for three day maybe.

Now that I have discovered steemit and I have a lot of problems. I might as well go steemiting and take my mind off things. This I think is a kind of therapy for me so I can exercise my mind too and let me think and then forget my problem that will otherwise make a person crazy if they were to carry my payload of medical problems.


Wow, man. I'm so sorry to hear this! The only solace I get think of is you losing yourself in the world of Steemit and keeping on keeping on, man. I admire you for your immense fortitude and resilience. You're in my thoughts, bro. Keep fighting.

God Bless you.The caring and support that I get from the world of steemit is something I cannot get from most of my blood relations @ezzy and it gave me a great deal of ease from what burdens me and I am grateful and thankful for such friends like you which seem like a total stranger but supports like a real brother.

I wish I can say something, but you have said already. Prayer I think is still the best... He knows...

A person must endure the trauma and continue to make his way in this life
Because life is difficult and not easy

Clear your mind, think of happy things.

I can't seem to watch it @weirdheadaches

Your payload comment just made me think of it, plus music is good for mind also. Wonder why not..

Keep on fighting Man, I was moved by this blog.

Don't worry my friend, life is to short to be stressed and worrying. Look 4 the good things around you, if there ain't any around find them in your mind my brother. My thoughts are with you. You keep pushing,fighting, and typing my friend. Best wishes from kenentertainment!

Upvoted! Focus on the good in life :)

the level of your thinking is very admirable and i think many people dont reach that level of introspection (i cant explain) literally and figuratively i think. you should think about trying lsd maybe.. you know you can buy with crypto online and they will send anywhere in the world. i think to expand your mind is something on the same level of thought as you. and might get you closer to what your trying to find. i dont know and again i dont knw the law in your country. but the websites will send anyway..

you know life is a movie.. the more i live the more i see this. and the secret is no-one knows what is going on. but there is clear reactions like a stone thrown in a puddle..

Don't know what to say.
I'm praying for you..Hugs for you @cryptopie

God Bless you for all you had done for me.Thank you for your Prayers @sunnylife because I need them.

I've done nothing. Wish could do more for you to ease your pain.
hugss for you.xxx@crytopie God bless you too.

Small parcel on the way. I had planned to send so much more but I haven't been able to get out. So when my mother visited I had her dash to the post office with the things I had.
I will do another when I can get moving. X

Although it is registered and sent fast ,they don't call it snail mail for nothing. They said it could take just over 2 weeks. @papa-pepper has photo verification of the things I have sent. Plus a couple of other small things just for you.

My back is so unbearably painful I have to lie down halfway home from the dialysis center.
I take some Gabapentin and it gives me some relief.God Bless you @girlbeforemirror for all your efforts for me.

I would be waiting for your package and had taken note of what you wanted me to do with some of it.
I also hope to produce some laboratory exam tests by friday so I can get them to my nephrologist for the consultation and hope for a referral to another specialist.
These medical workups are just such a burden for me and I still feel uncertain for what is ahead but I will strggle through it because of friends like you who keeps on fighting for me.
God Helps us all.
I am wishing for the best on your health too @girlbeforemirror

Your resilient spirit is an inspiration and a valuable message for everyone, not just those feeling the pain of life. As I've said many times here and in life, the key to success is simply to keep trudging forward when it seems that you cannot or will not.

Stay true to yourself and take solace in the love and support from those who know and love you. Know that there are many here in Steem who hold you in our thoughts and prayers... Keep the faith, man.

I really don't know what to say man. Whatever positive that come out of my mouth, I am sure you have heard it before.

Please continue being you. You're an inspiration.

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Hello there @cryptopie, I have not been online for a couple of days... lots of things going on here and there in my life. Then I saw your post. How can I even feel desperate and frustrated when there are other things to be thankful about? You are really something my friend. I admire your strength and positivity. Keep being strong. God bless you.


God bless you and keep you.Hi @arrliinn I appreciate your unwavering support and I thank God for such a friend like you although we haven't met it feels like we are as close like blood relations. I sincerely treasure that.