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RE: Human values: Truth ( Love in speech), ( ecotrain)

Throughout my life I've met many people who claimed they possess powers etc., and among them I met a person who converted a family to Sai Baba's teachings, and he had a ring Sai Baba gave him that he kept like Golum. That was the first time I heard of him, so I dug a little and that doc was among the things that came up. When I showed the video to the family and the ringbearer, they said that wasn't Sai Baba, it was a doppelganger, an actor the BBC hired to impersonate him. I'm used to all kinds of excuses from the faithful! It doesn't matter, I've yet to be shown any proof that anything supernatural exists, but I'm still open, and will forever remain open, even hopeful!


I understand! When u dig deep you will find the supernatural is very much present everywhere.. but it takes a real earnest search and journey to be graced by miracles. Sai baba is just one example of many.. but really u wont find the truth on tv or by talking to others. Only through your own direct experience will you find the truth.. stay open that is great! Maybe visit India one day where the supernatural is normal and a way of life

Wouldn't it be very easy to prove though, like, very easy, if anything of this sort existed? That's why belief in the supernatural I find often goes hand-in-hand with conspiracy theories (governments trying to suppress the truth etc.) Like in India, one of the things you often find is meditators levitating. That would be extremely easy to prove, if true.

well i can prove it from my own experience.. but youll never see these things on TV.. you have to .. find it.. experience it yourself.. then you will have proof! I can never prove my experiences to you because you will always doubt.. Only when u taste the diving magic yourself, then you KnoW!

here where he claimed he could leave his body, and I said "why that's one of the easiest things to prove!" Then he said it's not always successful, or that both parties involved have to believe in it, etc. The usual excuses! Sometimes I wonder whether the people who say they believe in their mystical experiences, actually believe in them!Well if you can prove it then I can't doubt! .. The nature of belief is, I think, divisive. This religion believes this thing, that religion believes that other thing, so let's kill each other to decide who's right. .. Science leaves no room for doubt, it gives the same results despite of your race or talents or location, and so it naturally brings people together. .. @rieki and I had a conversation