Human values: Truth ( Love in speech), ( ecotrain)

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

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Human values: Truth ( Love in speech)

'Speak with Love and it becomes Truth.'

Sathya Sai Baba

Today I will have the same introduction, with a few changes, for people who didn't follow the first post, but will use a different human value. The value of Truth and it's sub values to pick from to explore what Truth means to you and what it can bring to your life.(See for post about the first human value Love: and: )

Truth is a very interesting subject to ponder over as it is often not black and white as are many things in this world. I am excited to explore Truth through its sub values in the coming week and I hope you will journey with me.

 Sathya Sai Baba, a Divine incarnation living from 23 November 1926 to 24 April 2011, from the south of India, has extracted five human values from the Veda's ( ancient sacred texts from India). Though there are five, they are all based on Love. They are Love expressed on different levels, which is tickling my curiosity.


2. Truth (Love in speech)

3. Right conduct ( Love in action)

4. PEACE (Love in thought)

5. Non-violence (Love in understanding

 He created educational programs for both adults and children with them, called EHV. Many people all over the world have studied them and benefitted from them.

As I always like to find my own way with things and believe in checking in with my inner compass, I must admit I have never really studied them even though I consider myself a Sai devotee. They somehow seemed to me like outer values that I would have to make myself adapt to, with will power. 

But when I asked Sai Baba inside 'What shall I write on Steemit, what will benefit people?' He answered: Human values.

I was a bit surprised as I didn't have a strong connection with them and I might even have had a little resistance up till then, but maybe the time was ripe now. I felt inspired or at least curious to give them a try. I was joyfully surprised to find that:

Human values are the qualities that are already present within each of us. They come with our human blueprint. The five human values are the essential human traits that need to be remembered and brought in to our daily consciousness so that we can become what we were meant to be: the salt of the earth. Beings that benefit society, rather than harming it. Human values are that which unites us in our apparent diversity as they live in each of us.

While I was reading up on them, I found that each value has sub values to give us more substance to the value Love. To shine light on its many forms of appearance and expression. I also noticed a similarity with the value/needs lists of non-violent communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Non-violent communication is teaching us to become aware of the needs that drive our actions and to own them by becoming aware of them so that in communication we can be more transparant and authentic. 

Today I am exploring TRUTH, the second human value based on Love as Love expressed trough speech. I think these sub values of the second  value, which you can find below can do the same for us as the needs/values lists of Non violent communication do. We can use this list to remember them and to become aware of which sub values lie closest to our heart at this point and we feel inspired to express Love in speech ( Truth) with throughout the day. 

In other words:

What would you like to express?

Truth (Love in speech)

  • Consciousness,
  • creativity,
  • curiosity,
  • discrimination,
  • equality,
  • honesty,
  • integrity,
  • intuition,
  • natural environment,
  • optimism,
  • quest for knowledge,
  • reason,
  • self-analysis,
  • self-knowledge,
  • self-worth,
  • sense control,
  • spirit of inquiry,
  • synthesis,
  • truthfulness,
  • unity in thought word and deed,
  • unity in diversity (21)

So at first sight it seems these sub values of Truth, are qualities of the thought world, but when I thought about it, it became clear to me that, it is these qualities of thought that we would be expressing when we speak Truth.

To become reacquainted with the ones we may have lost touch with, we can dedicate our attention to one of these sub values each day and see what it brings up for us and what it may possibly bring out in us! My experience in life is that things will flow better if we give these things first to ourselves. For example when we choose tolerance, we give ourselves the gift of tolerance first and then when we feel the Love flowing in that sub value we can start giving it to others too. In fact I think that will happen all by itself at that point.

Are you ready to become reacquainted with the five gems inside of you? I invite you to pick one of these sub values today, the one that attracts you most and see what it does for you and the world around you. If you feel inspired to do so you can pick more values for the other days of this week, I will do so too. At the end of this week I will share my experiences with you that I had with this journey with the sub values of Truth. It could get very interesting. It actually already is. I'm journeying  with the sub value 'integrity' today. I'll tell you all about it in my next post.

I would be very interested to read about your journey with the sub values of Love in the comments, if you feel like sharing. 

Love Clara

For more great ecoTrain posts and highlights from last week please visit:


I must honestly admit i never heard the "speaking with love = truth" and i think it is a wonderful saying that will stay with me long time. Thank you sai baba and thank you for the reflection Clara...

Yay! I'm glad it's been of value for you.

I love these reflective posts. Thank you. The truth about me this morning is that I am overloading a new group I'm "helping" without taking the other members into consideration. So I'm slowing right down. Reading your post was a reminder to reflect more and remember everything I don't know so thanks for the perspective :)

Interesting what happened with you this morning and that you could relate it to truth. Which sub value of Truth would you say was most desired by you in your situation?

Thank you for that stunning question, which stopped me in my tracks. Many of those sub-values, actually; nearly all of them. It's a strange situation because the truth is that I'm finding myself addicted to Steemit and working away at 100 mph really enjoying it. (I'm forgetting so many of my responsibilities. I don't have many but dogs need walking). And now there is this brilliant new group so I have to get serious and address the issue that I am working with others - which brings a totally new set of responsibilities. And these can be sharp about turns to take in a short period of time. Which inevitably churns stuff up. Particularly when you're working at 100 mph. I hope some of this makes sense. (BTW I'm taking responsibility - not blaming the internet for my addiction to it, even though I might like to.)

Hi healingherb, So ecotrain is the group you are talking about right? And your challenge is to divide your time responsibly? If you feel like going on this journey with us to explore truth. I would suggest to take one of the sub values to focus on, even though more of them resonate, as it wil bring clarity to all of them as they are all related. I'd be interested to read your experiences. I'll be posting about mine at the end of the week. <3

Thanks for this opportunity, clara. Deffo some homework here, speaking as a long-term slob :-)

Do you want to share which one you picked?

Thank you. I actually woke up this morning considering this question. I could go for so many of them but I'm choosing optimism for today at least. We have a social activity to attend and I have to be on my best behaviour, so to speak. I'll see how that goes today and will perhaps pick another tomorrow.

During my time in the Yoga Vidya ashram I was always happy to wield the sharp sword of satya although it brought me in conflict with ahimsa quite a few times.
Satyam eva jayate!

Oh yeah, that is interesting. Learning to speak truth without being violent. We Dutch and Germans are quite direct, being in India it makes me contemplate this as Indians are not direct at all. Did you read the quote at the top? 'Speak with Love and it becomes Truth.' That is a pointing in the right direction for me on the journey with the sub values.

Deep. Very deep. I look forward to reading your conclusions at the end of the week. An interesting exercise indeed.

I have become often frustrated at how difficult it is to know what is true in the world - particularly with so many false or half true stories going around the various media, claiming to be true. I tend to believe that the only way to really find the truth is to look within. I think I shall look into self knowledge.

Oh great you're participating Gideon! :-)

Every one of the posts in this series is a major warning to humanity to notice now that those running our governments and major corporations are too often criminally minded and at worst absolutely psychopathic and a danger to all life everywhere.Some cases have more supporting evidence thanothers though and in the case in this post there is a wealth of official government papers and human testimony involved to show serious criminality.

The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War is a 1999 book by Eileen Welsome.It is a history of U.S. government-engineered radiation experiments on unwitting Americans, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning series Welsome wrote for the Albuquerque Tribune.

The purpose of the experiments was to assess the effect of radioactivity on the human body.For example, between April 1945 and July 1947, 18 people were injected with plutonium by doctors associated with the Manhattan Project.None of these men, women, and childrenwere told what was being done, and none gave informed consent.Most of the subjects, Welsome writes, "were the poor, the powerless, and the sick -- the very people who count most on the government to protect them".

Hi, glad you're interested in my post somehow. I have no clue how your answer relates to it though. Maybe this what you wrote belongs somewhere else?

I think because your post is about the value of truth and @zulfahmi2124 described one of many such true stories in which governments have lied to and deceived their own citizens in the most terrible ways imaginable. Lying and deception, of course are the opposite of Truth.

Hmm, I somehow doubt it, I really think he just read the title.

Perhaps we shall never know the truth. Some things may remain a mystery

Beautifully written post.

But when I asked Sai Baba inside 'What shall I write on Steemit, what will benefit people?' He answered: Human values.

Human values, we all have them :)

And to answer your question "What would you like to express?" there was so much to choose from, but right now I am on a quest for knowledge :)

Thanks for sharing @clara-andriessen

Hi markwhittam, Thanks! And goodluck with your knowledge quest. Which knowledge is it that your are questing for?

Hello @clara-andriessen, How to grow food and a successful thriving eco community is the knowledge I am seeking :)

Aha, very clear purpose. That's a good thing!

Im going to focus on self worth..

@eco-alex We shall know them by their fruit.....and your bowl is overflowing :)

Aw that's so sweet.

Thank you Clara :) I've been studying Nvc and really appreciated this article

Oh wow, you are also interested in NVC! Yay, yes I felt the link between education in human values and NVC I'm glad you felt it too.

Hi @clara-andriessen! You did a great article on Human Values: Truth. It is funny how Sathya Sai Baba asked you to do human values and area you felt you weren't as connected to you. I think you were given this area because he probably felt it would be a learning opportunity for you too. I love how we are usually given things that we need more growth in.

I am looking forward to future posts. I always found myself drawn to areas of spirituality and human kindness so your area of focus is something that I can connect with. I tried to pick out a sub value but many of them resonated with me. But at this point in my life I guess my first choice is integrity. I also felt strong with intuition as well.

Good luck and am wishing you all the best success with Steemit. I know with your positive essence you will definitely add value to everything! Please have a wonderful weekend! ......Cabbagepatch :D

Thanks cabbagepatch! Yes, we are both writing about spiritual matters! This is a good thing, a lot of kindness is needed. I just posted my review of the weeks journey with Truth and my sub value was integrity too. Would you like to share your findings about integrity in the comments?

Well Sai Baba himself could learn a thing or two about integrity!

lol. another unbiased media production! not...
perhaps if u experienced yourself u would know the truth... the BBC are the worst for biased docs. the real issue was that Sai Baba was 'taking money' from the Christian community donations and he had many people out to put him down...

Throughout my life I've met many people who claimed they possess powers etc., and among them I met a person who converted a family to Sai Baba's teachings, and he had a ring Sai Baba gave him that he kept like Golum. That was the first time I heard of him, so I dug a little and that doc was among the things that came up. When I showed the video to the family and the ringbearer, they said that wasn't Sai Baba, it was a doppelganger, an actor the BBC hired to impersonate him. I'm used to all kinds of excuses from the faithful! It doesn't matter, I've yet to be shown any proof that anything supernatural exists, but I'm still open, and will forever remain open, even hopeful!

I understand! When u dig deep you will find the supernatural is very much present everywhere.. but it takes a real earnest search and journey to be graced by miracles. Sai baba is just one example of many.. but really u wont find the truth on tv or by talking to others. Only through your own direct experience will you find the truth.. stay open that is great! Maybe visit India one day where the supernatural is normal and a way of life

Wouldn't it be very easy to prove though, like, very easy, if anything of this sort existed? That's why belief in the supernatural I find often goes hand-in-hand with conspiracy theories (governments trying to suppress the truth etc.) Like in India, one of the things you often find is meditators levitating. That would be extremely easy to prove, if true.

well i can prove it from my own experience.. but youll never see these things on TV.. you have to .. find it.. experience it yourself.. then you will have proof! I can never prove my experiences to you because you will always doubt.. Only when u taste the diving magic yourself, then you KnoW!

here where he claimed he could leave his body, and I said "why that's one of the easiest things to prove!" Then he said it's not always successful, or that both parties involved have to believe in it, etc. The usual excuses! Sometimes I wonder whether the people who say they believe in their mystical experiences, actually believe in them!Well if you can prove it then I can't doubt! .. The nature of belief is, I think, divisive. This religion believes this thing, that religion believes that other thing, so let's kill each other to decide who's right. .. Science leaves no room for doubt, it gives the same results despite of your race or talents or location, and so it naturally brings people together. .. @rieki and I had a conversation

Thanks for sharing your opinion alexander.alexis. But I would be more interested to hear how things are with your own integrity instead of hearing you talk about other peoples opinions about someone elses integrity.

Well, it depends what you mean by integrity. I guess the word means standing by the words you preach, or by your values. I studied philosophy, so I always tell the truth, for instance, or try. There are some exceptions. For instance, if I'm asked about affairs that are very personal, I believe I have the right to lie. Or the well-known philosophical example of the SS knocking on your door and asking you if you're hiding Jews in your home. I can imagine that maybe in a critical situation I would be at a loss and might tell a lie. I can imagine a whole lot of very difficult life-or-death situations that might challenge my values. But Sai Baba became filthy rich due to his con-artistry, it wasn't a life-or-death situation. Sorry about using those terms! But I grew up with James Randi and his cohorts, and I can tell a bad magician when I see one. Gurus are just part and parcel of Indian culture. I admire people like Krishnamurti who could have the world in their hand but chose not to. Now that is a man with integrity! That's a man that ought to be admired! But back to me, since that was the question. In my everyday life, far from the extreme examples of philosophers, I believe I have high integrity: I don't cheat, I don't lie, I don't use people, I actively research things that will teach me to be a better person, like feminism, racism, etc. I haven't delved deep into vegetarianism cos I'm worried I'll stop eating animals! :P

Hi alexander.alexis, Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. I think it is beautiful if we try and become a better person every day. I think that is what human birth is for. I won't go in to what Sai Baba did or didn't do, that's your own little quest there. See you next post maybe.