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RE: Toxic New Age Beliefs vs Consciousness, Ego & Kindness

in #philosophy8 years ago

Thank you for this very indepth, deep article. I agree with you that this "positive thinking" is actually very dangerous because it denies all the deep inner work.

I went to a new-agey-type conference in Berlin last year. I won the ticket. I felt very strange and alienated there because I could sense these people's shadows. I could sense beyond their commercial masks and into the insecurity and terror underneath. I couldn't listen to most of them.

There were a handful of people though, who were very genuine, very honest - and put me in tears a few times. Those were the ones who had as much grasp of their darkness and fears as their light.

Good article - I'm following you and look forward to more like this.


Hi Alexc, yes we have to be discerning in such times, with so many offering answers. I lived in Berlin for three months in 2013, I was living in an apartment which a woman was subletting, she was a cult member unbeknown to me, and when it became apparent I wasn't going to be taken in and follow their cult leader, they gave me less than a day to leave the apartment I paid a deposit for, and while I tried find somewhere to go with my two dogs. They went to my work place to try and slander my name and even called the police on me and brought them to my hotel because I asked for my deposit back in exchange for the keys, they only ended up embarrassing themselves as police soon saw that the problem wasn't me but them. They claimed to hate new age thinking but they were the typical poisoned New Age cult members.