Toxic New Age Beliefs vs Consciousness, Ego & Kindness

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

A big misconception is that if you think positive thoughts then only positive things will be seen to manifest in your life. To a small degree, feeling and thinking positively can help how we experience life when navigating or respond to a challenging situation and what we learn from that experience; However, if we could change negative forces or evil people around us by merely thinking positive and sending them love, they would have all disappeared by now and we would be omnipotent beings that would have also gotten rid of the greedy elite, pedophiles and evil in general and we would say goodbye to the suffering and injustices in the world!


New Agers don’t fully understand how it really works and there isn’t anyone else that really knows 100 percent, the truth is there is no secret and most people who are peddling secrets to manifesting your wildest dreams or wealth are asking for you to spend hundreds of dollars being coached by them or to go to a conference all and listen to them repeat the same droll than someone else has already said and gotten rich from, they are the only ones getting wealthy because so many people want to manifest wealth for themselves.

Anyone that buys into it, is wasting money or ends up beating themselves up by attempting to be positive all the time and then denying their other emotions, as shit happens to them which in effect is denying one's humanity to respond with anger or sadness when an unjust situation arises. Positive thinking is a valid approach but it cannot ward off evil or make us immune to loss, death of a loved one, disease, exploitation, theft, rape, murder or war.


If you think it can then you can fall into pitfalls of toxic thinking because no one that peddles New Age beliefs or ever tells you the true details behind how the power of positivity realistically works and the limitations involved and that its not the answer to all your dreams without you taking responsibility of your own internal work too.

We do not fully create our reality, if we were fully able to do so with positive thinking alone, we wouldn't be seeing the world as it is. None of us consensually agreed to being born into paying to live, to become pawns to a psychopathic elite that behave like parasitic entities hoarding gold and the hard earned taxes of the rest of us which are perpetually used for a war mongering industry. Those that are at the top mostly share a lower level on of consciousness, it takes a conscience that lacks guilt or empathy to get to a place of power, because of the bad things one does to get there.

When an New Age thinker talks about sending love and light to such folk, they are not acknowledging the dense level of consciousness of psychopaths, so any energy they send them, they feed off, good and bad, there are certain negative people in this world that cannot be changed by any amount of love you try to send them, they are like benthic dwellers of the ocean, they will feed off anything we give them, the fact that we acknowledge them and respond to them via fear or frustration or anger even feeds them.


New Age thinking is entirely delusional in believing that way of thinking can transform evil by sending love and light and fluffy pink loving thoughts to a psychopathic being.

We can send loving thoughts to people that are not without sentience. We can send loving thoughts and feelings to friends and family or people we do not know that well and contribute in some energetic vibrational way to their healing. However, Love and Light or Positive Thoughts don’t help an animal abuser or child abuser or a psychopath or sociopath, these are stuck levels of consciousness that are incapacitated due to mental illness and delusions or even what some call a psychopathic Wetiko virus as described in Paul Levy's book ''Dispelling Wetiko'' on the Wetiko virus that is plaguing humanity, the name Wetiko comes from an Native American Indian name meaning 'white psychopath' which was used to describe the white colonists.


Karma & Love and Light?

Another toxic New Age belief is that there is no good and no evil? There is no duality? Seriously? Wake the Fuck up, what world do people who think this live in?

The New Age belief that people who become victims of torture and rape, including children, brought it upon themselves solely because they were thinking negative thoughts or not thinking positively all the time or because they are working out some collective karma, so that would mean that the Native American, Jewish, Bangladesh, Armenians and countless other genocides happened because these souls agreed to partake in collective misery and torture? Or that they are to blame for thinking negatively instead of the psychopaths that tortured them being responsible for their suffering. The other aspect to this, is if this is a universal law then how come psychopaths and evil people are immune to Karma?

In that context you can see how insane, immature and flawed these New Age beliefs are in attempting to justify these great injustices so one can go and hide and live in candyfloss land forever, it's an excuse to escape doing the internal work, if everything is supposed to be predestined, what's the point on working on yourself if your path is already mapped out for you because of ancestral karma that you cannot change?

Psychopaths and torturers are part of the lower or negative frequencies or expressions of consciousness analogous to parasites or the benthic ugly sea creatures dwelling on the bottom of the ocean in the darkness and cold environment that they have evolved into. There is little we can do about their existence, sending love and light won’t change their internal make-up or stop them affecting us or the rest of the world in the way they do with their greedy or cruel actions, just as sending love and light to a tick or a flea won't stop it feeding off of its host. They are part of the bigger picture, they exist and show us there is ‘free will’ in existing states of consciousness. Sending evil beings positive thoughts does nothing but feed them with your precious energy, it would be arrogant to assume we can change evil with just sitting and meditating and sending love and light or that if we envision only positive things happening to ourselves or that we will be immune and protected always from nasty people or negative events.

Archonic entities depicted in a painting by Alex Grey

The role of the evil present in this world is a mystery, an expression of infinity, perhaps a lesson for those of us to understand sentience, empathy and kindness as opposed to soulless evil, the opposite of a feeling caring human being with a conscience, to see the value of love and kindness in a mostly unkind world, to be everything that a psychopathic being is not capable of being, save your love and light and your energy instead to give to those around you that would benefit, like the sick, the homeless, the elderly, the disabled, don't waste it on the psychopathic entities that are trapped in a lower and denser vibrational field.

Each of our soul's connection is to a unified field of consciousness, this field connects us all to nature, Earth and other animals, there is an effortless ability to connect, this is through the Aetheric field of consciousness, through the life force Ether, that is the basis for all life on the planet and off planet, we are inseparable, in the sense that we share a unified field of consciousness whatever level of consciousness we are at, what makes us unique is that we all are made up of different aspects of consciousness.

When we are not seeing ourselves as one with nature, when we see ourselves as superior or separate to nature, it is destructive to nature, ourselves and fellow species that we co-habit this Planet with. The illusion of separation with nature is destructive to Earth and ourselves, anyone that isn't a psychopath can see this.

flower of life in nature.jpg

Science is merging with spirituality in a time where we are even discovering plants have a consciousness and respond to our own thoughts and emotions, experiments have been done on this that you can read about in Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins book ''The Secret Life of Plants''.

Reality is layered into a multidimensional tapestry, not just polarized but in an energetic holographic field too and part of our evolution of understanding is to move from the polarized reality that we currently live in to a holographic field of consciousness, which is of a higher level of awareness and which requires a deeper understanding from each of us that we all are connected, but some of us are far more empathic and compassionate than others, the very fact we feel sad when we see a huge earthquake kill millions of people on the other side of the planet shows how we are all connected. We are co-creators with the field of consciousness, but we are not omnipotent beings that can transform evil beings or make them disappear with loving thoughts.

We can work to free ourselves from the domination of their control and it seems that this is our desire and ultimate goal as we awaken to see the veils of corruption that exist in this world in order for us to see we need to bring more harmony to all beings and to stop Earth being destroyed through the greed of corporate imperialism. However, its going to take a great deal of effort and mindfulness and hard work on all levels to collectively eradicate the corrupt.

Ascension and Enlightenment?

I don't know about anyone else, but I am not deluded or waiting around for a global ''ascension'', or for the Pleadians to come and save humanity, there are far too many billions of people struggling in the most unjust and appalling living conditions to even have the luxury of time and energy for themselves to barely survive, to even entertain the idea of ascension. If a global ascension was possible it would have happened by now. The only way we can help ourselves is by taking responsibility of ourselves rather than following blindly those in authority pretending to take care of us which really mask their own needs to stay in power at the cost of exploiting humanity and the Earth,


There is no mystery to being a truly good person, the only way we can improve things is by practicing the currency of kindness and working on our own personal issues to make ourselves better people and the world a better place. If you want to find enlightenment, be kind to animals and adopt an abandoned dog or cat, they are the best teachers for learning how to be a better human being because animals demonstrate unconditional love.


All human beings demonstrate the polarized world of good and evil through the levels of consciousness expressed through our behavior, words and actions. A perspective which is analogous to the biodiversity of creatures that inhabit the oceans or forests, there is a great diversity of levels of consciousness expressed through the billions of human beings on the planet, good and bad, intelligent and stupid, awake or asleep, some seem to be completely soulless, the infinite frequencies or expressions of God consciousness, where every possibility is expressed into this reality.

As we have awoken to see beyond the veils and corruption of the old consensus. Some of us are gathering now to reshape and investigate what our consensus of truth reality is. We are choosing to opt out of having our ’sensus´ (perception, sense) conned…by the cult-ural consensus of the global governed hive mind or the global con-sensus of conventional reality, pertaining to convention or agreement…..the truth is awareness expanding beyond the hive mind and beyond a conned or conditioned sense of reality.


We are able to affect our own immediate reality and our own lives with changing how we think and feel, this does affect our own immediate lives to a certain degree, but it does not directly change the way anyone else works unless they are open to changing themselves, it may change the way we perceive them to be. All free will of all beings wouldn’t be a universal law if we each had some influence or control over someone else’s will, but this is where the big bucks seem to lay, this is why mind manipulation and the stealing of our creative imagination is a big money venture, why do movie stars earn more money than a doctor or politician? Because of the value of their role and the magic created on the silver screen in an attempt to hijack human consciousness and keep it at a lower vibration frequency in an attempt to put a spanner in the works of our evolving consciousness, by feeding us a diet of violence, materialism, extreme pornography and vanity.

Hollywood use a cast of actors (stars, celestrial, celeb-rities or gods, that we give our energy and attention to in a form of worship), to cast a spell that creates a collective programme, a vision or story that could be manifested into our collective future reality because of our ability to manifest both good and bad things into reality on an unconscious level as well as a level where we are aware of that ability and use it with intent. If this was not true to a certain degree then there would be no big benefit or money in the film industry or in studying the collective consciousness of humanity which is a very real thing, since one of the top Universities at Princeston have a whole well funded department to studying the Noosphere which is the collective consciousness of humanity.

Don't kill the ego.

Most people into the New Age beliefs share a collective belief that we need to annihilate our entire ego, the ego certainly benefits from being tamed rather than allowing it to dominate our minds and emotions but if we were to completely kill the ego we would essentially be also killing our creative abilities and our motivation to play and connect with other people, if we entirely killed the ego, it would be great for those that seek to have full control over our minds and hearts.

The ego is not all bad, it can trick us at times but it just needs taming to keep insecurities and anger in check so that its not destructive to ourselves or others, but don't turn the ego into something that is all bad because it isn't, its a great gift that helps us create art, architecture, music, writing, science, projects, the ego has even provided us with ethics, morals and part of what is right and wrong as the ego is that little warrior that comes out when we feel people have overstepped our boundaries and it is what drives us to connect with one another. It protects us from being completely mind controlled so for those that see the ego as all bad, this is a misconception, there are so many gifts that the ego gives us when it is tamed and kept in check, its not something that needs to be seen as the enemy or killed as part of a spiritual practice, its just a little loveable monkey that we can't allow to trick or rampage our minds or emotions or hearts, that is all. So appreciate the creative qualities that the ego has to offer and just keep it tamed.


Don't deny your humanity

When we are being co-creators and seeking truth and new knowledge inside as well as outside, we actually take responsibility of ourselves. Not forgetting to balance this with compassion and kindness through self acceptance to acknowledging our darkest and most human sides that reflect our insecurities, fears, guilt and shame and sadness and even rage which are a result of the deformations of the old consensus of reality. Our emotions are also like road signs directing us to our truer selves and its healthier to process them and let them out rather than repress them and just seeing them as bad emotions that if expressed will bring further misfortune to us because we are not thinking positively.


All emotions have validity in pointing us to our truer nature and where we need to change things in our lives that make us unhappy. Breaking away and allowing our vulnerability and sadness, and sorrow, grief and loss or disgust and anger are feelings that allow us our humanity and indicate what has been wrong for so long and what is injustice and what is a violation of our freedom or a violation of respect to the sanctity of life or to what makes us happy and what makes us sad, these are important elements connected with our egos and our hearts.

Emotions are all part of this learning, we were not meant to just be happy and blissful all the time, we were designed to feel everything, its all part of the path, that is what makes us so unique and it is a reflection of why we are such infinite complex beings and what helps us learn and evolve are all the spectrums of emotion we are capable of feeling.

We can each practice on a personal level to hold a space for our feelings of vulnerability and our fallibility which we all share, we can allow ourselves and those we love the space to make mistakes, being human is to be flawed and imperfect, perfection itself only exists as an ideal, so we need the ego and all of our uncomfortable emotions to learn from and allow ourselves the space for our humanity. In accepting all of the junk in our attic room we can sort through what we want to discard and what we want to improve upon to evolve.

Acceptance is what defines someone with sentience and empathy in contrast to someone who is a psychopath because they haven't the capability to learn from their mistakes or forgive others for theirs, they just keep doing the same thing over and over again without emotion or conscience .

New Age beliefs that wholly condemn the ego, our humanness, our humanity and our imperfections, are a passive aggressive way of denying our humanity and ability to make mistakes, by not accepting our humanity is a guaranteed way to avoid healing and avoid holding a space to process uncomfortable or painful emotions, or doing any inner work to progress and become a better person.

We can only do internal work when we embrace our imperfections and embrace our messy emotions and embrace our humanity, holding a space for the awkward insecurities, fear, and baggage or any unconscious resistance that may be hindering us from allowing flow in our lives if we try to bury rather than process those emotions.

Life in many respects reflects our subconscious, a response to our subconscious thoughts and emotions, it is a giant external mirror, mirroring our internal processes. So if we are not getting the message and keep repeating a mistake, we may see that pattern manifesting externally and therefore, we see repeats happening until we actually get what life is trying to teach us about ourselves, then we can process that emotion or past trauma and resolve the issue by healing the cause and moving forward.

images courtesy of

I've met some New Age people who describe themselves as ''awake and aware'', they go through the motions of doing their yoga, having their daily juice cleans,e but mostly they don’t do any real inner work, they kind of hover in a point of stasis and contradict themselves by not allowing themselves to process any emotion that they see as not positive, and then they are just going through the motions of pretending to be spiritual and while they condemn the ego, they get caught up in the ego trap or self righteousness of ''positive thinking’’.

Some may be popular speakers involved in self development in the alternative scene and they have become addicted to the attention and prestige from followers that they have carved out for themselves, so they get caught up in just keeping a public face of positivity and a spiritual personal, presenting themselves as happy all the time, that feeds their egos and makes them money rather than allowing themselves to express their truer nature or allowing others to see their humanity.

These have become the pitfalls of New Age toxic beliefs ,as there is no such thing as perfection or abundant rewards of protection and happiness if you practice positive thinking religiously, its a passive aggressive action to do that to yourself or force those beliefs onto others. We live in a really challenging world of polarities and the kindest thing we can do for ourselves and others is allow a space to process through all emotions. I feel far more comfortable with someone who isn't afraid to say they are having a bad day than someone who is bouncing around pretending to be in an unobtainable state of bliss in a screwed up world.

Meeting the Shadow, painting by Colette Shaw, courtesy of my mother, please support her paintings .

Some of the kindest and most selfless of people that walk among us are those unsung heroes who have very little but a smile to give, despite their difficult pasts, they are the unknown strangers that walk among us and they don't get the chance to have their names etched in the history books or to walk on a stage in a conference hall talking about the secret to happiness for thousands of dollars. Often they just get on with their lives and spread kindness and smiles where possible, it could be the shopkeeper at your nearest store, the old lady next door or the street sweeper, all humble teachers living on the currency of kindness.

We are overrun with too many people that want to sell the answer to happiness in a time when there is so much unhappiness and war and New Agers fall into a frozen trap of denial, burying their heads in the sand, they are very good at blaming others for their internal stuff, and if you point it out to them, they use the phrase '' stop projecting onto me'', oh such a favorite saying. I have met some real self righteous aggressive pieces of work that claim to be ‘teachers’ and ‘gurus’ or ‘enlightened’ when in fact they are cult leaders feeding off of the lostness of others and the inner violence they reign on themselves and others can be very damaging, especially when they take your money and time and energy, convincing you they have all the answers to your problems, they will suck you dry if you let them.

While they sit around waiting for ascension and love and light to change the world, it really is a time where practical action is required, locally in our communities and globally to create solutions to move towards to change, while a war on consciousness ensues. It takes effort internally and externally to eradicate the greed that is driving the destruction of the planet and species.


A positive thinking regime is not going to change these external problems or make you immune to them or make them magically disappear. The best positivity you can give to the world is to be kind to others and be kind to yourself. The only thing that will help us become better human beings is a combination of kindness and mindfulness.

We cannot follow or pay anyone else who claims to have the answers to solve all wars and all corruption, if they do claim that, they are hoodwinking you. We have to do the inner work for ourselves and in our communities, we can pay a therapist or counselor to support us to make internal changes, if we feel stuck in patterns of behavior or thinking. However, no month long retreat or 12 steps to happiness or joining a movement that claims it will bring you wealth, sovereignty, freedom and happiness, nothing that anyone else can offer you will bypass the fact it's still an inside job, not something you can buy or anyone else can solve for you.

By Carlita Shaw
Author, Activist, Ecologist.


Thank you for this very indepth, deep article. I agree with you that this "positive thinking" is actually very dangerous because it denies all the deep inner work.

I went to a new-agey-type conference in Berlin last year. I won the ticket. I felt very strange and alienated there because I could sense these people's shadows. I could sense beyond their commercial masks and into the insecurity and terror underneath. I couldn't listen to most of them.

There were a handful of people though, who were very genuine, very honest - and put me in tears a few times. Those were the ones who had as much grasp of their darkness and fears as their light.

Good article - I'm following you and look forward to more like this.

Hi Alexc, yes we have to be discerning in such times, with so many offering answers. I lived in Berlin for three months in 2013, I was living in an apartment which a woman was subletting, she was a cult member unbeknown to me, and when it became apparent I wasn't going to be taken in and follow their cult leader, they gave me less than a day to leave the apartment I paid a deposit for, and while I tried find somewhere to go with my two dogs. They went to my work place to try and slander my name and even called the police on me and brought them to my hotel because I asked for my deposit back in exchange for the keys, they only ended up embarrassing themselves as police soon saw that the problem wasn't me but them. They claimed to hate new age thinking but they were the typical poisoned New Age cult members.

I generally agree with you that positive thinking is useful, but doesn't actually create a reality; it's more about how you respond to the reality you are dealt. I once read a book by someone who among other things was into the New Age. She lost a baby shortly after birth, and she wrote all about how she really didn't want the baby and as a result the baby died. I remember thinking, wow, even if there was something to that, I sure don't want that kind of responsibility. Imagine the guilt a mom would feel if she had ambivalent feelings about being pregnant if she believed those thoughts alone could kill her baby!

I could have written this post. I got involved in metaphysics/new age movement back in the 80s, but I've always considered myself a realist. For all the positive thinking in the world didn't make my life any easier, but these same people would give me the "you're projecting," or "your negativity caused this or that." I was often accused of having "heavy energy" so because I wasn't bouncing around talking light and love, I was constantly called out for the way I made them feel, so I didn't keep friends long who were in that world. Pretty soon, I preferred the company of just regular every day people who didn't have to explain everything away due to some "energy" being off, or someone else's negativity, etc. Just folks who could say, "hey, I'm having a shitty day today" or I could say "I really fucked up" without getting a lecture on how I shouldn't think that way.

So thank you for keeping it real and saying it like it is.

Thanks Chaeya, It was written probably because I have been quite traumatized by some New Agers, I have to say I have met some really mean people who you could put into that genre of thinking, and it just boggles my mind how those that claim to be conscious and awake can treat their fellow human so badly!

Sigh, I hear you. Well, you I'll give you nothing but real, down-to-earthness. :) I wish your post had gotten more hits because you're telling it like it is. Slowly, I'm finding out that isn't necessarily what people want to hear.

No it doesn't seem to be! Writing about environmental issues isn't very popular either, not sure Steemit is for me but will hang in here since there are excellent people like you around! Nice to meet you!

Holy crap, you put a lot into this post!! You are spot on, and there was so much here I am going to read it again to make sure I did not miss anything or find something to debate you on! Nice work...

debate is good!

Cool Post
Good Points