
Proponents of a flat earth theory will tell you that there are boundaries set by the elites so you can't go beyond them. Such as no fly zones over antarctica...

I would ask them how can they explain the midnight sun, in which some northern countries experience 24 hours of sunlight at a certain time of year, while people living else where don't experience this.

Wow that's fascinating. I wonder if they have tried to talk to people who claim to have either flown or boated or swam around the world and asked if they were stopped by authorities. Or if they think all those people are lying or something?

And that's an interesting point in regards to the "midnight sun" and how certain areas get sunlight for extended periods of time like that. That makes much more sense on a type of sphere than whatever exactly it is they claim the shape of the flat earth is. Heh.

PS Thanks for the info.

Not according to this guy. He makes a very compelling argument that the midnight sun actually PROVES the flat earth. I'm sure you'll completely ignore it though.

Didn't ignore it.. Watched it and not sure how that proves the FE case.
Why is the sun not out 24 hours everywhere if the earth is flat?

Why just like it is in a number of different places? Also why is it out for like 2 and a half months straight in Cape Town, Norway?

In my opinion, this kind of stuff makes a lot more sense on a spherical model than a flat earth, or plane or whatever you wanna call it.

This guy says the Midnight Sun actually PROVES the flat earth.

That's literally my number 1 method of debunking the flat earthers. I usually don't get a response.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, I'm rather new to the debate and have sorta kept my distance cause while I find it interesting, it's not as important to me as other subjects like war where people are dying.. But.. Just got into a debate recently and I've been thinking about it and then that came to mind, so.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that! :)

No problem, I'm happy to relay my opinions!
The flat earth comes to my mind as one of those particular theories that can be debunked rather easily and is sort of forced into the conspiracy world to distill all the other countless reasonable theories. Seeing it in this way, it casts doubt on all other conspiratorial concepts since flat earth is just so outrageous. In my opinion it makes people who are new to this topic to hold preemptive doubt consequent to other theories since flat earth gives such bad rep. My 2 cents :)

I also don't get what the point of the theory is. Why would elite care whether the world was a sphere or flat? What benefits would that bring them to hide the shape of the earth, does it actually matter? I haven't really researched it, but I wonder how the earth has a day and night cycle if it's flat? You need a sphere shape to block out sunlight in certain areas, if it's all flat then the sun would shine on everything equally, thus making time zones irrelevant.

You need a sphere shape to block out sunlight in certain areas, if it's all flat then the sun would shine on everything equally, thus making time zones irrelevant.

That makes sense to me.. But for others.. They don't agree..

I also don't get what the point of the theory is. Why would elite care whether the world was a sphere or flat? What benefits would that bring them to hide the shape of the earth, does it actually matter?

I agree it seems kind of silly and it took me a while to figure out how it might matter. If it were true here are the two main reasons I've found.. There might be more land out there unknown to us and they don't want us exploring it. Like down off in Antarctica and such, they think it goes on and the elite keep all that land to themselves sort and keep us caged in here.

The other reason I've heard the most is.. That they just want people to be misinformed about virtually everything and not know what is true and not.

Oh also.. I think some think like, if they could prove flat earth it would help them prove the existence of their God, cause.. How could a random big bang create like a flat earth, it would kind of disprove science and help prove their belief in God.. That God made the earth as like the center of the universe, ya know? Like.. We've never been to space and that's all fake, we are the center of the universe according them it seems like.

Hmm, that's not a good argument.

I could respond by simply saying you appear to be shying away from a little creative thinking. I could come up with a handful of possibilities as to why no one finds an "edge". None would matter since I do not know for sure.

Based on the flat earth map, all compasses would point to the North pole located in the center of the map. So you could travel east/west and make it back to where you started.

However, if you were to travel north/south and made it back to where you started, this would prove that Earth is not flat. Or, it would mean that you enter into some sort of portal that brings you back to where you started. lol

If only regular people were able to fly north/south. One would assume that with technology advancing rapidly it would be possible in the very near future. If it is not, then flat earthers are gonna be all over that.

I still think it's a good argument, just because theoretically you could swim or fly or boat around all the continents.. How do you swim or fly or boat around the whole world like so many people have claimed to? Are they all liars? Or were they all tricked into thinking they were going around the whole world when they weren't? Doesn't make a lot of sense really.

That doesn't make much sense to me. The world is really big so how would you know you were flying/sailing "around" it when you could just be traveling in a circle.

Flying in a plane or sailing in a boat from destination to destination is not solid proof that Earth is globe.

Compasses point North on both style of Earth.

I realize I said "magnets point North" in the first message. I meant to say compasses point North. And since North would be in the center of the map, traveling east/west would not proof Earth to be flat or a globe.

So you're saying you think it's possible that all these people who have flown around the world numerous times were just confused and lost and didn't realize there was a much bigger world out there? Am I reading that right?

Traveling in a circle IS Traveling around it. God damn, how hard is this for you people understand. It's ALWAYS A CIRCLE, whether it's flat or globe.

I think what apolymask means is, going in a straight line and ending up back where you started. That is going around the world

Take a pair of compasses and place the point anywhere on the flat earth image Ive attached. Draw a circle, as large as you like. The circle is you on your path flying or boating around the world on a flat earth. Didn't you just travel around the flat earth in this experiment? So what's the problem exactly? Also the image is just the first one I came across, so please don't attack the map like whatever you find offensive about it would make any difference to the inescapable conclusion that you can travel around the earth whether it's flat or sphere.

I'm not saying you couldn't travel in a circular way around that map you've provide or around the contintents if we were to use our imagination.. But.. What about all these people who have claimed to fly swim and boat all the way around the world, are they lying? Did they just never reach the edge to find out yet still claimed they went all the way around the world even though them and no one else in the public world has ever found the edge? Somehow all these people who claim to have flown and boated and swam around the world either lied or were tricked into thinking a smaller area was the whole world when it wasn't? I mean really.. It's not as simple as you try to make it seem. Quite the opposite.

Whenever you're talking about going 'around' something you are ALWAYS talking about going in a 'circular way'.

Ohhhh,are you thinking that, on a globe for example, a person has started in say Chicago, and flown basically due-North (through Canada etc) all the way 'around' the world in that way ending up back in Chicago? Basically going purely North until they approach for their final arrival from the South? If so, no one has EVER claimed to have flown, boated, or swam 'around' the earth in that manner. Interestingly it is IMPOSSIBLE to naviagate the globe in that way. No one has EVER done it, or EVER claimed to have done it. And that's what's the globe people say, not the flat earthers.

And yeah man, by the way, ANYONE who claims they've SWAM AROUND THE FUCKING WORLD IS A LIAR. I mean come on. Who the fuck even claims that?

I dunno man, it usually seems like people are doing it for good reasons.. To like help charities and bring awareness to issues and to challenge themselves to their physical limits.. What's so bad about stuff like that?

Oh I guess they're just lying about wanting to help others or challenge their minds and bodies. Gotcha.

The earth is 25,000 miles in circumstance. You really think someone out there swam 25,000 miles straight huh? That's incredible.

I guess they're just lying like all of the astrophotographers and pilots and so on so forth. A lil while ago you claimed something was impossible and that not even official story believers admitted it, and then I found numerous links within seconds proving otherwise.. So.. Until you acknowledge and explain that one I'm going to have to wonder about all that.

You didn't find numerous links, you found 2; and both in reference to the same one supposed example. Which, if you'd taken the time to fully examine, reveal this expedition hardly circumnavigated the globe North-to-South. Rather it navigated the 25,000 mile circumference of the globe, and at one point when near the South Pole and at another point went near the North Pole, but these were not the beginning-end of their journey, just different parts of it. And hardly in anything that could be considered a 'straight' line. Instead, they traveled a total of 100,000 miles on the 25,000 mile circumference globe, at one point going near the South Pole, and another 'near' the north.

Who told you someone has flown, navigated, or swam around the world?
Have you researched how that works on a Flat Earth?
And if you could not show the edge of the universe, does that mean Earth is not a sphere?

There's many sources on the internet that claim such. And before the Internet I saw it on TV or read about it in a book. So all those people must be lying I guess?

I have researched a lil how it works on the flat earth model and it's not enough for me.

The edge of the universe? What does the shape of that have to do with earth being a sphere?I'm a lil confused.

If you have not done the task yourself why would you believe in claims? People lie all the time on TV(ie. Brian Williams, NBC). There are also books about the Earth being flat, are they lying? Would you rather have questions that cannot be answered or answers that cannot be questioned? You might try questioning the Heliocentric Model before questioning the Flat Earth. For Example, what scientist and experiment proved the Earth was spinning(ie. Michelson/Morrely)? What scientist and experiment proved the Earth was spinning around the sun(ie. Aries failure)? Why do the stars spin around the North star(Polaris) and have so for as far as I remember(ie. seeing the same stars in the sky since you were born even though the Earth is spinning, moving around the sun, the sun is moving through the galaxy, and the galaxy is moving through the Universe)? If you were put in a prison cell or enclosure, would you not explore that enclosure to see if there was a way out? Or would Governments stop you from exploring that enclosure by limiting your travel(ie. Passports, Visas, Permits)? Answers will only come from within, if you allow yourself to question what you are told.