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RE: A question about flat earth.

in #philosophy8 years ago

I'm not saying you couldn't travel in a circular way around that map you've provide or around the contintents if we were to use our imagination.. But.. What about all these people who have claimed to fly swim and boat all the way around the world, are they lying? Did they just never reach the edge to find out yet still claimed they went all the way around the world even though them and no one else in the public world has ever found the edge? Somehow all these people who claim to have flown and boated and swam around the world either lied or were tricked into thinking a smaller area was the whole world when it wasn't? I mean really.. It's not as simple as you try to make it seem. Quite the opposite.


Whenever you're talking about going 'around' something you are ALWAYS talking about going in a 'circular way'.

Ohhhh,are you thinking that, on a globe for example, a person has started in say Chicago, and flown basically due-North (through Canada etc) all the way 'around' the world in that way ending up back in Chicago? Basically going purely North until they approach for their final arrival from the South? If so, no one has EVER claimed to have flown, boated, or swam 'around' the earth in that manner. Interestingly it is IMPOSSIBLE to naviagate the globe in that way. No one has EVER done it, or EVER claimed to have done it. And that's what's the globe people say, not the flat earthers.

And yeah man, by the way, ANYONE who claims they've SWAM AROUND THE FUCKING WORLD IS A LIAR. I mean come on. Who the fuck even claims that?

I dunno man, it usually seems like people are doing it for good reasons.. To like help charities and bring awareness to issues and to challenge themselves to their physical limits.. What's so bad about stuff like that?

Oh I guess they're just lying about wanting to help others or challenge their minds and bodies. Gotcha.

The earth is 25,000 miles in circumstance. You really think someone out there swam 25,000 miles straight huh? That's incredible.

I guess they're just lying like all of the astrophotographers and pilots and so on so forth. A lil while ago you claimed something was impossible and that not even official story believers admitted it, and then I found numerous links within seconds proving otherwise.. So.. Until you acknowledge and explain that one I'm going to have to wonder about all that.

You didn't find numerous links, you found 2; and both in reference to the same one supposed example. Which, if you'd taken the time to fully examine, reveal this expedition hardly circumnavigated the globe North-to-South. Rather it navigated the 25,000 mile circumference of the globe, and at one point when near the South Pole and at another point went near the North Pole, but these were not the beginning-end of their journey, just different parts of it. And hardly in anything that could be considered a 'straight' line. Instead, they traveled a total of 100,000 miles on the 25,000 mile circumference globe, at one point going near the South Pole, and another 'near' the north.

Well. According to the etymological dictionary "numerous" just means a number.

"numerous (adj.) early 15c., from Latin numerosus "numerous," from numerus "a number"

In regards to the specific details you mentioned. I admit I'll need to dig deeper but.. You claimed no one has circumnavigated north to south, and I found what appeared to be two different examples.. BUT.. If they truly are the same expedition and the other stuff you said is true, I will look into it and consider it.

It still seems incredibly unlikely that all of the explorer pilots in history are lying and that somehow no one has ever flown over the edge of the flat earth or taken pictures of it and that somehow the governments of the world have enough manpower to patrol the entire world and keep people away from the edge.

" According to the etymological dictionary "numerous" just..."

Oh for fucks fucking sake.