Why not start putting the vegan products next to their counterparts at major grocery stores?
Keeping them off in their own area prevents most people from seeing them.
I bet if the vegan substitutes were side by side their real counterparts a LOT of people would try more of them and the world would be healthier as a result. -.-
Then again.. I wouldn't be surprised if vegans wouldn't want their products next to rotting flesh and blood and pus and stuff like that. The more I think about it.. I wouldn't necessarily want my food next to the rotting flesh and blood and pus...
I guess they could do both, they could have their own aisle, and then they could put some next to their counterparts as well. Though that's prolly not going to happen very much when it's the animal product corporations who would lose money and I doubt grocery stores want to jeopardize their biggest clients.
Then again.. You never know, things are changing a lot. More and more people are realizing how unhealthy animal products are.. Even government is getting involved in some places it's so bad.. So.. Maybe eventually they will start doing stuff like that to help wean people off of the animal products.
You're right...I've never seen vegan products in my local grocery stores aisles so ive never thought about trying it since I've never read the nutrients label....
Are you concerned about your health or morality in regards to how we treat animals, or the health of the planet? Those are all good reasons to think more about your diet! If you have any questions feel free to ask, I know a lot about the subject.
PS.. Reading labels is just important in general, they put so many nasty chemicals in a lot of this stuff, but there's certain chemicals that are way worse that I avoid products that have them, and did even before I was vegan..
You should be careful, you only get one body!
Animal cruilty has been gaining a lot of traction recently and I have become conscious of it. I have tried multiple attempts of going vegetarian for a few weeks but my family is filled with carnivores so by default I eat whatever is readily available on the dinner table.
To be honest I haven't looked into going vegan - I don't know much of the health benefits associated with it either. I did see the debate post you shared earlier so I'm hoping to listen to that on my way to work sometime this week. Will get back to you if that's inspired some change in my diet!
Sounds great - so long as we also place meat products next to the tofu in the vegan section.
I could live with that if it meant less animals would die needlessly and the health of the planet and other people would improve!
"I wouldn't be surprised if vegans wouldn't want their products next to rotting flesh and blood and pus and stuff like that. The more I think about it.. I wouldn't necessarily want my food next to the rotting flesh and blood and pus..."
Um. What stores have you been to? Rotting meat is almost never on display, and when it is, its an oversight. Pus is never found in any meat for sale.
Would you describe a produce aisle as being "full of rotting produce full of canker and blight, salads oozing black slime, slugs, and E. Coli"?
Lets have a bit of reality here. If you cant make an argument without this kind of nonsense, then you really dont have an argument.
The major stores we have here are Bashas, Safeway and Walmart. I'm not really talking about smaller chains, we also have a whole foods.
Do you understand that meat is rotting the moment the animal dies? All meat is rotting.
Preservatives only slow the process. And go look on YouTube and you might be surprised about the videos with customers finding rotting meat, the corporations can actually legally spray it with chemicals also that makes it look good for weeks, or longer when it usually goes back in a couple days.
Blood and pus are in the milk, this is admitted. All cheese and milk has blood and pus in it.
In regards to plants with E coli, you fail to mention those are virtually always attributed to diseased animals shitting on them..?
I'm not saying there's no risk of plants going bad, they go bad too. Though.. It's rare you hear of people getting sick like that from plants, much more common from animal products.
What was my argument? I claimed eating plants is healthier and animal products are unhealthy which I can backup with a lot of studies, and I also claimed it might be a good idea to put animal product substitutes made with plants elsewhere in the store to promote people to be healthier. What did you say that counters any of that? You say I have no argument, but I just picked apart everything you said with ease. How much have you researched this subject? It doesn't seem like much based on your response.
"Though that's prolly not going to happen very much when it's the animal product corporations who would lose money and I doubt grocery stores want to jeopardize their biggest clients."
Again, most stores also are beholden to the big agribusinesses, like corn and soy. Not exactly a winning argument there either.
Which 90% of that corn and soy they feed to animals. Or something close to those numbers anyways..
SO.. Once again, you fail to understand the intricacies cause you haven't researched this very deep like I have.
Good ideas in this post.
You can also have pictures or signages next to the area that stocks non-vegan stuff which also state their health benefits. People will see them and some will certainly move to the vegan area.
Now this would take intelligence from shelf stockers! hahaha Could be a tall order =)
Lol.. I think they could handle it, it's not much different from what they do already.
Here's a post Idea for you, compare grocery savings between eating vegan and eating non-vegan.
People are price driven. It's why places like mcdonald's thrive.
If you can prove a benefit on cost, i'm sure plenty more people would join!
As for me, I like ice cream too much...
Plants are way cheaper than meat at every level, and this is also considering the government MASSIVELY subsidizes meat and dairy.
Go to taco bell instead ask for "fresco" which is vegan get two bean burritos for cheaper than 1 hamburger at mc donalds. Not to mention just the price itself in growing the produce..
Your comment is coming from a place that has likely done no research on just how much it costs to feed livestock compared to just growing plants without feeding them to livestock.
It's one of the biggest problems in the world that is destroying our planet.. Animal agriculture. Cutting down is not just for your health or for moral purposes, it also helps heal the planet as well.
Also there's plant based ice creams that taste identical. BTW.
Oh by the way, I was wrong.. When I said "AT EVERY LEVEL".. If you go to a restaurant there's a good chance some vegan things will cost more just because they know they can get away with it because it's not as common and they can mark it up, not cause the plants actually cost more to produce. though
First off, as a fat guy, I eat any and all food. Meat or non-meat. for instance, I had both a salad and a pizza today.
That being said there is an obvious difference between vegan and non-vegan ice cream. Which is why I will always enjoy my cream-based ice cream. I've yet to see vegan ice cream that costs less than animal based ice cream.
Second off, as a tax accountant, all farmers get subsidies and plenty of favorable tax laws. Some may get more than others to not grow certain food or what not, but the important thing to remember is they are all doing ok in terms of tax treatment and subsidies. obviously not as good as other industry's, like gas and oil, but you get the idea.
Honestly, the answer to your question is profitability. If you can improve the profitability of vegan products, you'll get what you want. Hell, they may even take the spot of meat products. But until that happens, things aren't changing.
Also, I find it ironic that you think I haven't done my research but provide no citation for your own.
what i mean is, assumptions are bad, and don't do any benefit to discussion.
For clarity here - I eat mostly vegetables these days - I grow a lot of my own food, chemical and pesticide free (NOT LIKE THOSE CORPORATIONS THAT GROW GMO SOY FOR VEGANS!!!) :)
But I believe there are reasonable and ethical ways to produce and consume both animals and plants, and that the answer is the same in both cases...
The big battle is between corporate agriculture selling a mass product that disrespects the environment, applies chemicals, and produces substandard food, and human-scale agriculture - locally grown, seasonal, respecting the organism, and gown sustainably and ethically, reducing waste as much as possible.
If you are going to eat pig, for example, it should have a natural life, running semi-wild in forests, rooting for anything it can find to eat, and it should be eaten snout-2-tail, not just some filets cut off and the rest thrown into the garbage.
Similarly, plants should be grown in sustainable ways without insecticides, pesticides, GMO, and they should generally be grown on medium-sized holdings with great ecological diversity in a way that doesnt harm the soil or the water.
Both of these are best satisfied together - for example, chickens make great pest-eaters (and fertilizers), and every pond is better with a few fish in it.
But rather than throwing the chicken in the garbage when its life in the farm's ecological balance is over, it should be used, not thrown away like garbage.
But yes, we need as a society to eat less meat. And of the meat we eat, we need to ensure that it is grown or collected sustainably.
To believe that corn and soy monocultures are the solution to all evils.... Nope.
So lets abandon our labels and religions and work together to build a better world for all.
That is what packaging is for. To protect the product
Grocery stores are businesses and they do what makes money. They probably don't do this because it would decrease the amount of things they sold. Nobody wants to be preached to or a recruiter trying to recruit them for a cause when they just want a hot dog.
The greatest nourishment the typical vegan gets from the food they eat is the idea that they're better than other people.
Actually the markets are changing, dairy and meat have been going down plants have been going up. In the industrialized world anyways.. China and other places are still going through their barbarism phase,and we are as well.. But it's changing.. So you're wrong. Thing is, big dairy and meat companies are keeping plant alternatives out in some ways and this has been documented.
So yeah it is business, but it's also corruption in some ways too. And most of the plants get fed to animals anyways.. So.. I'm not sure what your point is.. I don't think you understand how nutrition works that well.. Have you studied nutrition? I'm just curious.
You sure have a problem with people doing good in the world, this makes me think you're really insecure about your own life or something.. Cause.. Why else would you spend so much of your time ragging on people who are trying to help others? I don't get it...
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Well, I can't say if this an extraordinary claim without knowing what "up" and "down" are supposed to mean. So, what do they mean, and how do you know that?
I'm calling bullshit: https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/soy-milk
What u say? Grocery stores are corrupt? In what ways are grocery stores corrupt?
I haven't, but my girlfriend has a college degree in it. Now, that doesn't mean I know anything about nutrition, myself. But... I don't remember saying anything about nutrition in a literal sense. I wasn't saying that Vegans lack vitamin B, I was saying that they tend to be pretentious assholes. :)
Let me guess, it's "all for the greater good?" :) Was the link to Walmart with no less than 8 pages of soy milk "ragging" on you? I don't get it...
BTW, if you were to claim that most Satanists were outright assholes, I'd agree with you 'cause that's a fact, jack. :)