Thanks for your thoughtful response.
I'm aware of the Punisher comic book and the movie yes.
I didn't see the movie and it's been a long time since I read the comics.. But.. The story of that is basically him getting revenge for what happened to his family right?
I personally don't have an issue with that per se, if someone killed my family I'd try to do something about it too. I'm not a perfect "Jesus" though I do strive to be moral in my views and I personally think self defense and the defense is a moral and loving thing. I think it's more loving to value live and fight for it. Yet.. What is happening in the world is not that. At least not what I'm talking about in regards to millions of innocent people being murdered over seas just by the US alone in the last couple decades.
Are you trying to say.. Our involvement in the middle east is somehow like the Punisher story and it's okay for us to go kill millions of innocent people over there? I personally don't remember Punisher ever killing a single innocent person in the comic book? Am I wrong?
The perception of what determines the good or the bad should be based on their actions right? Now this is my grand question, when a fellows good intentions results in bad actions, is the fellow good or bad?
I think in order to answer that more context is needed, like.. Could that fellow have possibly educated themselves better and for example.. Not signed up to the military to go drop bombs on little kids?
When does common sense and basic morality and humanity come into play and the "golden rule"?
Should anyone really even have to teach us what right and wrong is on that level? Or should we just know it's wrong to drop bombs on little kids?
I mean.. You could almost use that argument to justify any horrible crime.. Hitler I'm sure had good intentions. I think every person sort of "justifys" their bad deeds in a good or "necessary"light.
What if a rapist thought raping was good, would that then be okay? I mean.. Good intentions are not a magic cure to atrocity or harming others.. You can have all the best intentions in the world, but if you're unjustly infringing on the rights of others. That is wrong in my opinion. Hope that answers your question.
oh right, you totally have me there. Thank you so much, infact i just followed you. Thanks again
You're welcome! Also thank you for the follow as well. I'm on my way out the door, but I'll check your blog out later when I get back and if I like your stuff I'll give you a follow as well. Cheers!
I will so much appreciate that. Have a great day. Cheers