I enjoy talking to secret society members.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


For anyone who doesn't know this about me.. I sort of treasure every encounter I get with someone in a secret society..
Because they show me a window into a world most people are unaware of and mostly oblivious to.

It wasn't that long ago that I thought this stuff was kind of crazy..
When I heard people talking about bloodlines or certain secret groups or the beliefs these people hold, etc.. I was extremely skeptical.
I was probably even one of those people who would sort of joke about the "Illuminati" when someone talked about secretive forces.

And don't get me wrong, this isn't because I necessarily doubted such powers exist, it was more because I felt like if it was truly secret, we in the public couldn't know.

It made logical sense to me since a young child that the true powers in the world are secret, the presidents and politicians we see are just the "public image" of hidden occult world.
However.. I just never got deep into the subject for the reason I mentioned and because I felt like there was enough out there obviously and clearly wrong that we should focus on that first and then worry about the more secretive stuff later.

Boy was I wrong.

I think it was around two years ago when I saw a video on YouTube, a conspiracy video about secret messages hidden in the movie "Back To The Future".

I was skeptical of the general claims, though in one scene they showed how the director or whoever of the movie had snuck in an "Eye of providence" or.. "The all seeing eye" in one of the scenes..
It was something most people wouldn't even notice, you almost had to be.. Looking for it or at least aware of the potential meanings.

As a movie maker myself. I'm under the impression and others have confirmed this sentiment.. That almost nothing in major Hollywood movies is an "accident".. Like the props are virtually all intentional.
The odds that that eye was put in there without the director knowing the meaning as just a sort of.. "coincidence" I think would be astronomical odds.

That moment was my.. "Wake up" call so to speak, even though I had been heavily researching the world most of my life and was into politics and I even knew about Bush and Kerry admitting being in Skull and Bones during the presidential election..

So.. I mean.. I KNEW.. That on some level, there were secret societies and all that I just didn't think we could really say much about it in the public world.
And there is still a lot we can't know, there are many secrets that haven't got out to the public.. YET.. There's enough out there especially now that we can paint a fascinating picture, even without having any involvement ourselves in secret societies.

Another thing that helped me really truly come to terms with this reality most are unaware of is that.. As I kept posting my new findings and research.. I found I had numerous friends who were in secret societies and they.. Sort of.. Shared little scraps and bits of knowledge with me and helped me confirm a lot of these things I was researching.

I have a few good friends in secret societies and I won't reveal who they are or what groups. However, I've also met numerous others on my path who aren't necessarily my friends and one of those encounters is what this post is about.

Before I get into that.. I just want to say that.. There's secret meanings behind almost everything in the public world.
There's hidden codes in movies, video games, comic books, cartoons, music, literature, news, history, architecture, city layouts and even the words and letters we use to communicate.
One of my major discoveries that others have also discovered is that the first letter of the alphabet in upper case.. Is the pyramid with the capstone/eye as well.. A

The S likely represent a snake, including our money sign.. This probably goes back to the story of Adam and Eve and the snake.
You can also find the word Wizard hidden in the alphabet if you reverse all the letters in the word with it's opposites like A-Z B-Y.
I don't wanna get too deep into all the examples here it will take too much time and text, however.. I do believe these people think they are "wizards" and "warlocks" and things like that.

I think many of these people in the secret world literally believe they are casting spells. And.. In a sense.. They are.
Let's just look at one case real quick.. "Hollywood". The word holly comes from the holly tree which was named that based on my research because Jesus's crown of thorns was made from the holly tree.

It's also sort of synonymous with "holy".. The holly wood is suppose to be like the "wizards" wand of choice and even Harry Potter has a holly wand. So when I look at Hollywood.. I sort of see.. Holy Wand.

Almost every major movie has cryptic messages hidden in it and symbolism most people don't understand.
Yet.. Movie theaters are packed with all the new stupid movies that are basically just repetitions of older movies and stories..
Like zombies, people go into these places to basically be hypnotized on a regular basis.

If you ever see a movie with real military gear in it, in terms of tanks and jets and such.. They almost certainly only got that because they worked with the military and made a deal to portray them in a positive "heroic" light in exchange for the use of the props for their movie.

All these movies about hero snipers going off to murder people and movies about war, they don't barely ever get out there unless it's under the watchful eye of.. "Them".
I would posit and suggest that most of the mainstream movies you watch are subliminally programming you in various ways.

I think that's one reason why things are so messed up in the world.. Satanic ghoulish art is celebrated while those who are trying to heal and help are often "obscured".

Obscurantism. The Illuminated ones don't just seem to bring light, they also bring a darkness that hides.
Young men and women are being trained to be violent in almost all ways, from their food choices to sex to dehumanizing people in other places in the world to the point it's okay to go bomb and murder them in the hundreds of thousands and even millions. I'm just talking about the US Here right now.. Our government is responsible for millions of deaths in the Middle East in the last couple decades..

Seriously.. I look around me, and almost all I see is violence and hate and a system of "authority" being trained and ingrained into people.

I'm not a Christian nor do I belong to any religion, yet.. If you try to honestly look at the world in an unbiased way, after years of hardcore research... I think the only conclusion you can come to is that much of the world is indeed being trained in a sort of "satanic" mindset.

The reason why I think this is is because the people in power have that mindset, so if they imbue it among their population.. Then it's easier for them to do all the evil things they wanna do.. Cause almost everyone is corrupt anyways! So how can they speak against corruption if they are corrupt themselves?

What is crazy though is how they've managed to SO WELL also imbue the duality of that and the "good/light" side into the fabric of our Nation.
By that I mean.. Most of these people who think it's okay to go to other lands and murder innocent people.. They think they are the "good guys" and the "heroes"..

It's truly fascinating and amazing how the dark forces in power have trained their plebs to be dark like them, BUT.. To also simultaneously believe they are good.

I think this creates a schism, or a.. "split" a psychological break in most of the population where they are living in ways that are contradictory to the ways they think they should be living, yet they can't seem to see it most of the time so it arises in the form of cognitive dissonance.

People like myself who speak out against injustice and atrocity and corruption and abuse become targets to these people because we present a version of reality that creates a major conflict with the one they believe in.

So not only are these individuals so brainwashed they allow the dark forces to rule and even go around murdering millions of innocent people for them.. But.. They will also like a guard dog sort of attack anyone who tries to show them the truth of what they are doing.

That's an amazing spell! Seriously.. If you can get people to give you half of their money, and also go off to fight and die for an illusion and then also to attack and target their own brothers and sisters and family over it.. Is amazing.
It's truly fascinating and mind boggling how "they" lead the masses, and how much the masses allow themselves to be led.


One of my major goals in life is to help bridge this gap between the public and the hidden world.
Recently I've spoken to some secret society members and one expressed to me that they are sick of all the conspiracy theories and he thinks they are a good group.
I think most people think they are doing good and find ways to justify it, yet I admit I don't know.. I try to stay open minded...

I think this is one reason secret society members feel more comfortable talking to me.. Cause I'm willing to listen and consider what they say and not just accuse them of evil outright.
Now.. That may sound weird in light of everything I ranted about above, yet.. I admit I don't know.. Maybe there are good groups, and at the very least there are good individuals cause one of my best friends and most favorite people is in a secret society.. I definitely don't think they are all bad people!!

I talked to a past grand master not too long ago and I feel like we had a good conversation and.. We're able to get pretty deep into some things and he once again helped me confirm some of my suspicions.

However.. This recent experience I had.. I don't think was as "positive". And this is one of the reasons there ARE so many conspiracy theories surrounding the subject and why secret society members should not be so upset when they hear such things.. There are a lot of good reasons for us to be concerned. The Morgan Affair is a good one, I suggest you look it up. It also happened on 9/11.

The other day I got a message here on steemit in response to a thread I made almost a year ago asking if Bush was a Free Mason cause I found a pic of him surrounded by Free Masons.
And.. I got this really interesting response which I don't think helps put to rest the idea of conspiracy theories, it only helps fuel them.

"Texas Masons have always been involved in the public school system. Many early lodges had a school house on the bottom floor and a lodge room on the second floor. My lodge was responsible for opening the first public school in Williamson County, Tx. I believe that's Past Grand Master Mike Gower (1999-2000) https://grandlodgeoftexas.org/grand-master/w-m-mike-gower/ just to the right of Bush, which sync's up with the event that took place in this photo on or around Feb 16th 2000 where Bush formally recognized to continue the previous governor's efforts to improve the Texas public school system. Masons and Lodges give hundreds of thousands of dollars in education scholarships each year and to those saying we're trying to take over the US, my thought to leave with you is; It worked out pretty well the first time, didn't it?"

Notice the very end of that.. He's rhetorically suggesting the Free Masons already took over the US.
Original thread is here if you wanna read it yourself.

Was this person joking? Or serious? Or both? Or.. Who knows? Yet.. I think that just sorta fuels the conspiracy theories and is a prime example of why there is a lot of discontent among the public and private worlds.
Through my research I've found that many in secret societies, dislike the conspiracy theories people create about them.. But when everything is so secret.. How do we know?

How do you ever expect people to stop wondering and theorizing and questioning, if you keep hiding information from us? When you hide things like that it makes people even more curious and want to know even more.

Which is one reason why it's one of my major goals to help bridge this gap.. I think too much secrecy is one of the biggest problems our species faces.
Because of this secret world the population has essentially been fractured into the esoteric and exoteric and perhaps it has ALWAYS been this way going back as far as recorded history goes..
And this fracture in the collective society is similar to a split in an individual consciousness.. The secret forces of this world have essentially given our collective consciousness a split personality.

I think our species can only benefit and be well served by the merging and coming together of these worlds.
But how to achieve this when so many are so gone into the illusion and brainwashing that they will ridicule or avoid the subject in general and those who try to talk about it?
How do we awaken the masses to the fact that almost everything in the public world they have become accustomed to is a lie, or at least a half truth?

People cling to their belief systems often like they cling to their lives, for if their belief dies, their "ego" dies.. For some people looking at the truth is like psychological suicide because the worldview they have developed has become so strong and ingrained that anyone who tries to offer an alternative is seen as a literal threat to existence to be confronted with extreme animosity and even violence.

This is a major reason why I think that if Jesus was a real person, and he did come back to preach peace and love and tolerance and understanding.. That he would likely be crucified/murdered again.
Those in power have such an amazing spell cast over the world, that even a man or woman of pure love and peace and good intentions, will be seen as a threat to existence and mobs will want to murder that person.

It sorta puts more perspective into the odd way in which the world seems to kill the good guys and put the most evil at the highest pinnacles of power.
So.. I'm going to end this now.. But.. How do we more help break this spell and merge these two worlds? How do we get people to care more about the secret world and also how do we get the secret world to care more about the public world?

Also.. If anyone in a secret society reads this, I would be happy to engage in dialogue with you.
Something we in the public world don't hear enough of is.. What people in the secret world think.. So.. If any of you are out there.. What do you think about all this? Are you sick of the conspiracy theories? Or is there really an effort by secret groups to run the world?
Thanks for sharing any thoughts you may have.

A song related to the subject I'm vibing with ATM.

PS.. I want to make it clear that I am open minded to the possibility there might be good groups of secret societies out there.. Though.. I do think it's clear there are some bad ones too, or at least bad members and.. Things are really messed up in the world and a lot of that has to do with too much secrecy, especially in government.

Additionally in the US we have a grey state and a hidden office for every major office.. Most people don't even know we have a shadow branch for every major branch.. They vote for the politicians on TV, yet.. Have no idea who the real politicians are behind the scenes who aren't elected by us.


Great post. If one does just a little bit of research and digs just a bit into the rabbit hole, he can find that the old European aristocracy never went away. They still hold functions in The EU, are in Groups like the "Knights of Malta" and their ilk. Also genetic relations between the "Elite" in the US and the british crown is well documented. The president of Canada swears an oath to the queen! So, the possibility of bloodlines and powers working in the shadows are not so outlandish by any stretch. Interestingly, on none of the "Richest person" lists you can find the name Rothschild. What happened? Did they suddenly fall on hard times? Or do they choose to keep a low profile? When JP Morgan died, it was discovered, that 75% of his fortune belonged to the Rothschild empire...

That is cool that you are in the movie industry, I'm in the biz as well, even though only a lowly actor 🙂

Thanks! Yeah.. That's one thing I'm getting deeper into recently is the royalty aspect.. Especially the House of Orange... I think there's something major going on there.

In regards to the president of Canada swearing an oath to the queen that's crazy.. I'm pretty sure like the Canadian, the Australian and maybe even the US have fleets that are named after the queen.. So.. Yeah.. Definitely seems like something is going on there!

I didn't know that about the Rothschilds not being on the richest list! That's hard to believe! I also didn't know that about JP Morgan.. Wow.. Fascinating. The red shields.. I think it goes back further to the Knights Templar. Perhaps that is connected to the Knights of Malta? I need to look into the Malta connection more.. I am unfamiliar with that admittedly.

And word! Do you have any of your acting online somewhere I can see? Like on YouTube or something?

Would you mind telling me more about the House of Orange? Ever since I moved to the Netherlands, I found their position absurd, to say the least. As if being exempt from any taxes wasn't enough, this year the royal family will get €42 000 000 of taxpayer money in handouts, effectively stealing €2.50 from every single citizen, if newborns and the homeless are included. This handout has only been growing. Soon, we'll also be required to fund some 18 year old's decadent whims, worth €4 000 a day.

Meanwhile, the leader of what seems to permanently remain our largest party vehemently defends the status quo, to the point where it starts to sound as surreal as a forced North Korean "confession". And somehow, the majority of the robbed is falling for it... Especially the children of the petty elite, the ones that seem well-off yet mediocre and hold no other political views than "my parents vote VVD".

Whenever you mention the absurdity of the situation, there is bound to be at least one person in the room (or rather a few, as such people always stay in groups) who takes you on a feels trip that completely ignores the monetary volume involved and presents you with a binary outcome: submitting to the robbery or a little girl in poverty. Subsequently, uncaring of any real poverty but that of his rump-fed parasite, the defender will avert his eyes in discomfort from any counterargument presented hereafter.

I admittedly don't know a lot about the House of orange. I need to research it more. I just know they are powerful royalty and may be related to the rothschilds/redshields. I also think the USA Russia and many others are under their banner unknowingly. I think they are one of the top groups of power in the world.

Here's a link from a video series on the subject by a channel on YouTube called Truthiracy. I couldn't find the first one, so I picked the one on 9/11 but I think there's like 6 or more in the series if you wanna watch the others.

Also I didn't know some of that stuff you mentioned, thanks for sharing.. Seems pretty absurd in this day and age, or any day and age for that matter in my opinion.

Whenever you mention the absurdity of the situation, there is bound to be at least one person in the room (or rather a few, as such people always stay in groups) who takes you on a feels trip that completely ignores the monetary volume involved and presents you with a binary outcome: submitting to the robbery or a little girl in poverty. Subsequently, uncaring of any real poverty but that of his rump-fed parasite, the defender will avert his eyes in discomfort from any counterargument presented hereafter.

Very interesting words.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad to see you're not so asleep to a lot of this as so many others are!

Acting, as I said I am not a very bright light. But if you google my name you might find some stuff.
Alexander Leeb. But nothing worth mentioning.
Fun fact: Did you know that the King of Spain also wears the title of "King of Jerusalem"?
Hard to believe, huh? And Bibi is cool with that? There are so many things going on, so much to discover, so many coincidences, it get's very hard to keep track of everything...
Oddly enough many "Crazy Theories" turned out to be true. So who knows what is really going on behind the curtain...

I didn't find any on YouTube but I found your channel and the tulip mania video was really interesting! I never knew that.. I also subscribed on YouTube, I hope you post more interesting stuff like that in the future!

Did you know that the King of Spain also wears the title of "King of Jerusalem"?
Hard to believe, huh? And Bibi is cool with that? There are so many things going on, so much to discover, so many coincidences, it get's very hard to keep track of everything...
Oddly enough many "Crazy Theories" turned out to be true. So who knows what is really going on behind the curtain...

I did not know that, I'ma have to look into that.. And yeah I totally agree with your sentiments there. Thanks for the info!

LOL, not on youtube. I did some TV shows and movies. My youtube stuff is only something I played around with...

Here is the link to the King of Spain, just thought that this is curious, right...
https://www.google.com/search?q=alexander+leeb&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_titles_and_honours_of_Felipe_VI_of_Spain

Ah you worked on a Transformers movie? That's cool. Pretty sure there's a buncha symbolism in those movies. Heh.

In regards to the King of Spain.. It does say this.

"* are historical titles which are only nominal and ceremonial."

And the Jerusalem is marked with the asterisk star thingy. So lemme google this now and see if I can get a lil deeper. Hmm.. Still pretty interesting stuff.. A lil too much for me tonight though. I need to go to bed.. But I'll make a note. Thanks for sharing.


only nominal and ceremonial

Its just curious. And Netanjahu seems to be cool with that.

If you look at all the "nominal and ceremonial" titles and secret societies these people gobble up, it really must be completely meaningless...They can't have real power anymore...🙂

I admittedly don't know a lot about the House of orange. I need to research it more. I just know they are powerful royalty and may be related to the rothschilds/redshields. I also think the USA Russia and many others are under their banner unknowingly. I think they are one of the top groups of power in the world.

Here's a link from a video series on the subject by a channel on YouTube called Truthiracy. I couldn't find the first one, so I picked the one on 11 but I think there's like 6 or more in the series if you wanna watch the others.

Also I didn't know some of that stuff you mentioned, thanks for sharing.. Seems pretty absurd in this day and age, or any day and age for that matter in my opinion.

Whenever you mention the absurdity of the situation, there is bound to be at least one person in the room (or rather a few, as such people always stay in groups) who takes you on a feels trip that completely ignores the monetary volume involved and presents you with a binary outcome: submitting to the robbery or a little girl in poverty. Subsequently, uncaring of any real poverty but that of his rump-fed parasite, the defender will avert his eyes in discomfort from any counterargument presented hereafter.

Very interesting words.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad to see you're not so asleep to a lot of this as so many others are!

Hey my friend, this post was intended for @kazik but I received it. You probably have to repost at the right place or he will not see it! Cheers!

Oops! Sorry about that. Looks like I already took care of it, I don't even remember double posting this. I must be tired. heh. Too much crypto need more sleep.

PS.. I don't agree with everything truthiracy says by any means and I think he's kinda crazy sometimes, but.. He also does present some fascinating info and he's the only one I've seen personally talking about the house of orange, though I bet you can find more if you look. I need to get deeper into this subject sometime.

I'm in a secret society that is so secret I don't even know how to attend the daily meetings! and I'm the head of it!!! Peace, great article. We remain secret because most of the population want us to remain secret.

Thanks for appreciating the article. And heh.. I chuckled a lil at your joke. Also..Do you think maybe the reason why the population want you to remain secret is because you've conditioned the population to want you to remain secret? And when I say you've I don't mean you specifically but the secret world in general.

Of course I know the answer but its a secret! Without secrets there can be no more information to learn!

That is such an amazing post! I have been aware of most of these thing you talked here. Subliminal messages are everywhere, secrets are everywhere and violence is also everywhere... It's a messed up world we are living in. Basically, the whole population is controled by "them", yet most people don't even have the slightest idea all of this is happening...

Thanks for appreciating! Glad to see another who "can see" so to speak. :) Like from the movie "They Live" if you've ever seen it? There's a part where one of "They" realizes they have been seen and says something like.. "We've got one here who can see!" Hahaha.. I tend to refer to others who can see as such and I think of it in those terms sometimes.
Though who knows if the ultimate villains are aliens or just regular humans or even something else.
They kinda seem like aliens sometimes they are so inhuman in their violent and controlling ways.

And yeah another thing I forgot to mention in my post is how video games condition violence into kids..I remember when I was younger playing GTA with friends and everyone could laugh and joke around when killing civilians where on accident or on purpose.. It always bothered me a bit back then and I tried to play as if it were real and not harm innocents, but.. Seeing my friends cackling and laughing and basically getting boners from killing innocent people in video games was very disturbing. We are definitely I think being conditioned to be more violent from a young age more than ever.

And yeah.. Unfortunately.. Too few know, even in this day and age with the internet.. But I think that's changing! Time will tell though.. Perhaps it could get even worse...

I haven't seen the movie "They Live", but I'll definitely check it out!
That is true, video games make kids grow violent. Too bad that most parents allow their kids to play games that are not really meant for them. Every kids nowadays plays something violent every day and that is fucking up their psychology.
Well, it could get even worse, but let's hope the situation will get better...

Here's the clip I was referring to. I highly suggest the movie. One of the best ever in my opinion.

Also.. I agree.. It could get even worse! And I also hope it gets better. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

That was a nice long read, thank you. The way I look at "THEM ", and their word spells and other things is "them is an acronym of Meth" and we all know you can not deal intelligently with a meth head.

In my opinion, and one not many people look at is the huguenots. Try to find out something about that society. Look at where they started, and how they supposedly ended and where they ended. But I do not think they will let you get very close to the truth of their society, the real secret society behind the secret societies. Well in my opinion, they may just be simple herdsman that like to carry big guns and talk about god and all that . Have a nice evening.

Thanks for appreciating bashadow! And i think the word you were looking for is "palindrome" in regards to them/meth..But.. That's an interesting one I never heard of before! Heh. I like it. Thanks for sharing.. And yeah.. Trying to deal with THEM is kinda like trying to deal with METH heads.. Really difficult if not impossible!

Also.. I've never heard of the huguenots before! Thanks for sharing! Definitely gonna look that up!

Yeah that was likely the word I was looking for. As for the Huguenots, look before King Louis. A religious order, possible pre-templar. Possibly not related to templars at all. But when group is persecuted they tend to develop secret societies. Kind of about the time of a certain groups supposed beginning in Scotland. And then again, perhaps I just kind of like them because they believe in gun (or weapon) in the right hand, and a bible in the left.

Thanks for the tips! I don't have a very detailed response for you this time. I have so many messages to get to, I need to keep moving. But I read your message and thanks for the info!

Well, nice post here, but im sure you have seen or heard about the movie Punisher, now would you term him a good or a bad person, a lof of time these secret cults are not always wizardry and bloodsucking. The perception of what determines the good or the bad should be based on their actions right? Now this is my grand question, when a fellows good intentions results in bad actions, is the fellow good or bad?

Thanks for your thoughtful response.
I'm aware of the Punisher comic book and the movie yes.
I didn't see the movie and it's been a long time since I read the comics.. But.. The story of that is basically him getting revenge for what happened to his family right?
I personally don't have an issue with that per se, if someone killed my family I'd try to do something about it too. I'm not a perfect "Jesus" though I do strive to be moral in my views and I personally think self defense and the defense is a moral and loving thing. I think it's more loving to value live and fight for it. Yet.. What is happening in the world is not that. At least not what I'm talking about in regards to millions of innocent people being murdered over seas just by the US alone in the last couple decades.

Are you trying to say.. Our involvement in the middle east is somehow like the Punisher story and it's okay for us to go kill millions of innocent people over there? I personally don't remember Punisher ever killing a single innocent person in the comic book? Am I wrong?

The perception of what determines the good or the bad should be based on their actions right? Now this is my grand question, when a fellows good intentions results in bad actions, is the fellow good or bad?

I think in order to answer that more context is needed, like.. Could that fellow have possibly educated themselves better and for example.. Not signed up to the military to go drop bombs on little kids?
When does common sense and basic morality and humanity come into play and the "golden rule"?

Should anyone really even have to teach us what right and wrong is on that level? Or should we just know it's wrong to drop bombs on little kids?

I mean.. You could almost use that argument to justify any horrible crime.. Hitler I'm sure had good intentions. I think every person sort of "justifys" their bad deeds in a good or "necessary"light.
What if a rapist thought raping was good, would that then be okay? I mean.. Good intentions are not a magic cure to atrocity or harming others.. You can have all the best intentions in the world, but if you're unjustly infringing on the rights of others. That is wrong in my opinion. Hope that answers your question.

oh right, you totally have me there. Thank you so much, infact i just followed you. Thanks again

You're welcome! Also thank you for the follow as well. I'm on my way out the door, but I'll check your blog out later when I get back and if I like your stuff I'll give you a follow as well. Cheers!

I will so much appreciate that. Have a great day. Cheers

You surprised me that you know so much about this topic. I'm aware that this things do exist. But i'm not so deep in it.

I surprise myself sometimes, the world has got incredibly deep in the last couple years, deeper than I ever thought it could be before I went down the rabbit hole this far. Glad to hear you are aware they exist! That's important. Just being aware is super important I think. You're much less likely to get taken advantage of and you're more in umm.. "synch" or "touch" with reality in my opinion.

so I am on youtube and found a video, as you said in the text above "Eye of providence" the video was playing at that exact spot, talk aboout mind blown!!!!!!! how i got to that video, 9 eleven

Indeed. The video was on the subject of 9/11.. And there is some compelling 9/11 stuff in there, but I'm not totally convinced of that theory.. I am open minded to it.. But.. The eye of providence seems pretty undeniable to me that they are putting symbols in movies, and that led me to finding out yeah.. They are. If you look.. Type in something like.. "Occult symbols in " and then put almost any mainstream movie and you'll probably find YouTube videos of people finding many of these symbols..

I had a fascination of this for a while and I still do, but I looked up so many major movies, and there were only a few that I couldn't find anything about occult hidden symbols in.. They are in almost every major movie I think.. It's kinda crazy..

I suggest looking into a book series called Cinema Symbolism if you wanna learn more, it's by a 32nd degree Free Mason.. So.. This is someone at a high level in the occult world himself.. It's very good stuff.

i just wonder what happened to the trillions that went missing, as well as building 7 the symbolism is definitely all around us just look at the newest taco bell commercial my friend called me up because she knows how this all intrigues me. I think the more we talk about it the more people will open their minds to the fact that everything we see is not always what it is....i will definitely look into the book, thanks!

Good questions! And yeah. I definitely agree. The more we talk about it the better! And you're welcome, there's actually two of those books now. I think he's planning a third as well, it's been a very good series for him. And I think very important for us in the public.

This is interesting. I grew up fascinated by Secret Societies myself. I read Tex Marrs Codex Magica, Albert Pike's (A Grand Master) books and a few by Manly P Hall and a host of them. I think secret societies can be divided along two lines, Political ones, Metaphysical ones and those that mix the two. I dont really know how your intention to bridge the gap between the public world and these secret organizations will work out but it might be worthwhile although it's worth noting that a larger part of the human population are not too concerned with what these societies are about. Also, like most societies, the influence of most secret society only extend to where their network can be found. I believe the Masons and Templars have the oldest history but there might even be an older and unknown order which we don't get to hear of often. There are also local secret societies in different countries around the world but the masons are thought to have a wider control due to their access to international media, financial systems and powerful organizations. That is why masonic movie and music producers always include their imagery in their work and also use their work to influence the masses. I was once attracted to organizations like BOTA (builders of the adytum) because they were one of the few that tried to maintain the aim of these societies i.e teach secret knowledge. These days, the others are political actors trying to lead the society for their own empowerment and that's why the conspiracies keep growing.

I dont really know how your intention to bridge the gap between the public world and these secret organizations will work out but it might be worthwhile although it's worth noting that a larger part of the human population are not too concerned with what these societies are about.

I don't know how it will work out either. I probably won't effect much change in the world, but we'll see what I can do! And yeah.. I agree.. Unfortunately.. That's one of the main hurdles.. Getting more people to care more..

I believe the Masons and Templars have the oldest history but there might even be an older and unknown order which we don't get to hear of often.

The oldest I can think of is the Djedi from ancient Egypt but I'm not sure how secretive they were, they were occult to an extent I think, similar in the way that modern occults believe they are spellcasters and such. It's in my opinion what the Jedi from the Star Wars movies are based on. So perhaps there are good and bad sides similar to that and even a grey/middle side.

But yeah.. I think they go back to at least ancient Egypt maybe further. Especially cause of all the Egyptian symbolism all over the place.

That is why masonic movie and music producers always include their imagery in their work and also use their work to influence the masses.

I agree, though there may be numerous reasons and that is just one of the reasons.

I was once attracted to organizations like BOTA (builders of the adytum) because they were one of the few that tried to maintain the aim of these societies i.e teach secret knowledge. These days, the others are political actors trying to lead the society for their own empowerment and that's why the conspiracies keep growing.

Never heard of BOTA.. I'll have to check it out. And also yeah.. I agree that the dark occultists are the problem, BUT.. Just the nature of secrecy breeds suspicious.. It's sort of a natural human reaction I think. The less secret the better.

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback!

BOTA is directly descended from the Golden Dawn and their teachings is based on the Qabalah and Tarot as tools for enlightenment and development. They have a good rep and may be worth checking out. I did study their materials in my days as a student but other concerns have taken over since then. They are not a secret society as such in the line of the Masons, Rosicrucian etc, its more of a school and traditional initiatory rites and rituals are optional (as I heard)

About the Djedi, the possible link with Star War's Jedi is interesting but I have never heard about them ( Im checking them out now.). I also never thought about why all these societies are based on Egyptian imageries and gods/goddesses.

I hope to see how your plan works out and hope to read more of your findings and discussions with your contacts.

You're welcome and thanks.

Modern day Templar Knights claim some of their teachings go back to the Djedi. How true it all is I don't know since I think people have a hard time verifying what happened last week or remembering what they ate for breakfast the previous day, lol. But.. It is a fascinating line of study.

The Star Wars movie is just loaded with all kinds of symbolism so it wouldn't surprise me at all if that is partly what's being played at. IN fact.. When I watched one of the recent ones and it said the "In a galaxy far far away" part and it showed the planet, it looked like earth to me, and the deathstar reminds me of the moon.. As weird as it sounds, I wouldn't be SUPER surprised if the Star Wars movie was sort of based on some real ancient history. I'm into the possibility of ancient alien kind of stuff and advanced ancient technology, so.. Maybe in the past there were huge battles and wars with technologically advanced people and we've sort of just been.. "Kept" from that knowledge.

The Djedi stuff is really interesting.. Anyways.. Hope you find some interesting stuff in your research about them as well! Fascinating subject. Cheers.

Lol. I agree the general attention level is very low these days. Its also common for modern secret orders to claim lineage through ancient orders for credibility sake, we can't tell if the Templars tell the truth or not, but I would think they actually descended from the Knight Templars from the crusades.

I love the symbols in the star wars movies too and find the ancient ET theories fascinating. Im sure you are familiar with the Mahabharata and references to gods fighting with vimanas (flying machines) and also books by von daniken e.g chariot of the Gods. I read those books with an open mind, I cant confirm or dismiss them but the possibilities and evidences shown cant be easily dismissed and that make them interesting.

I hope to find some interesting stuff too. I have about 3 sites bookmarked already. Cheers :)

full spectrum dominance + 702 + stratfor/blackswan privatesec + prism + stingrays mean that every american is in a panopticon, on the outside of the secret society 'fusion centers' where all of the data is aggregated and distributed to the entity designed to handle your kind of person.

most people are sheep and are incapable of maintaining actual secrets. those who are on the outside of the pyramid, with no protection from within it, unlike epstein on his island etc, are simply going to be infiltrated and ruined.

the united states is a totalitarian system, i have seen it now with my own eyes. read my blog if you want more details. russia, china, israel and the united states are now effectively totalitarian and anyone who does not go with the flow will be minimized, and eliminated if necessary.

if your secret society is not part of that side, or opposing it, and taking the measures necessary to actually engage an entity of that magnitude and capacity, then you are simply decoration or prey.

also, telling you about it, if you are not in the society, makes it ipso facto not secret. im on the terrence mckenna side of things, im into bringing things to light and sharing ideas, not hording them.

Thanks for the interesting response, I'm mostly in agreement with you and I'm going to have to google a couple of the things you mentiond as I'm unfamiliar with them, but.. I'm a little confused on this part.

also, telling you about it, if you are not in the society, makes it ipso facto not secret.

Can you clarify/reword what you mean in regards to this and try to say it in another way? I think I know what you mean, but I don't want to respond until I'm more sure.

the set/venn diagram of those who know about the secret society but are not members of it is zero.

if they tell strangers about it, at that moment, it is just a society.

the admissions by elites that the types of nefarious stuff exist are out there, in the wide open.

why the hell did kubrick make eyes wide shut? he could make any movie in the world!

i am concerned that a lot of people who see the edge of it or who start to punch out of their own league get messed with. lot of strange deaths recently, of young people. Seth Rich, Erica Garner just recently. Michael Hastings. Paul Wellstone's entire family comes to mind.

A lot of smart people in the united states silently gave up on the idea of entering government service in the usa when his plane went down.

Anyone who has actually studied the history, as I have, is bound to get spooked out, as I have.

Like I said, I am here primarily to post about my own experiences for my own safety. For some reason steemit hasn't figured that out yet or thinks i'm LARP idk.

I'm TECHNICALLY part of a secret society too... but just a college fraternity if that even counts. Not as cool as the Illuminati lol.

Heh. Well Skull and Bones was technically a college fraternity as well. A lot of the college fraternities are sort of "testing grounds" or "breeding grounds" to select people for positions in higher groups.

Though.. Some college fraternities are just basically jokes as well or secret for other reasons that aren't necessarily political, so I dunno if the one your in is one that is grooming kids for bigger positions, or.. Just one of the more joke/regular people kinds.

It really is just a regular greek social fraternity. So the nature and its origins was a secret organization in the 1800s. Now its little more than a group of guys with common interests/values that like to have fun together/party. Yes there are a lot of deep secrets within the organization history but that is not a priority for members minds. At least in my chapter.

Good ol Vinny Paz.

philosophy blows my brain

nice topic and excellent writing,read to love it,i like your post
thanks for share

This is very deep, you see that you are interested in the subject

##Upvote/Resteem###@apolymask good news and This is great video and professional work

it is very interesting subject for me.not only me all the people want to know about it.so its amazing for me...

Interesting post thanks!
I recommend reading the 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati' book by Fritz Springmeier and there is discussion about the House of Orange and recently much about the Van Duyn (think me spelling is correct) bloodline and on-goings in Netherlands.
Any way short story is there are 2 species of humans on our planet (also 2 types of water) and the other species belong to a predatory species that have more reptilian DNA in their genes and which blocks out compassionate emotions to a large extent. Hope this explains what's happening on Earth to some extent with the trillionares keeping vaults full of gold while others live in poverty.
Interesting comments too!

About the 'Hollywood' actually the ancient priesthood of Europe let's just call them the druids for simplicity, used to make their magic wands out of wood from the Holly tree and that's where it cam from and what Hollywood is all about. You only have to look at the symbol of MGM, Pinnacle, Disney, 20th Century Fox etc the credits at the beginning of the movies to see extensions of these symbols - it's all Egyptian and Druidic.

Symbols rule the world, not words nor laws! - Confucius.