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RE: I enjoy talking to secret society members.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Thanks for appreciating! Glad to see another who "can see" so to speak. :) Like from the movie "They Live" if you've ever seen it? There's a part where one of "They" realizes they have been seen and says something like.. "We've got one here who can see!" Hahaha.. I tend to refer to others who can see as such and I think of it in those terms sometimes.
Though who knows if the ultimate villains are aliens or just regular humans or even something else.
They kinda seem like aliens sometimes they are so inhuman in their violent and controlling ways.

And yeah another thing I forgot to mention in my post is how video games condition violence into kids..I remember when I was younger playing GTA with friends and everyone could laugh and joke around when killing civilians where on accident or on purpose.. It always bothered me a bit back then and I tried to play as if it were real and not harm innocents, but.. Seeing my friends cackling and laughing and basically getting boners from killing innocent people in video games was very disturbing. We are definitely I think being conditioned to be more violent from a young age more than ever.

And yeah.. Unfortunately.. Too few know, even in this day and age with the internet.. But I think that's changing! Time will tell though.. Perhaps it could get even worse...


I haven't seen the movie "They Live", but I'll definitely check it out!
That is true, video games make kids grow violent. Too bad that most parents allow their kids to play games that are not really meant for them. Every kids nowadays plays something violent every day and that is fucking up their psychology.
Well, it could get even worse, but let's hope the situation will get better...

Here's the clip I was referring to. I highly suggest the movie. One of the best ever in my opinion.

Also.. I agree.. It could get even worse! And I also hope it gets better. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.