BOTA is directly descended from the Golden Dawn and their teachings is based on the Qabalah and Tarot as tools for enlightenment and development. They have a good rep and may be worth checking out. I did study their materials in my days as a student but other concerns have taken over since then. They are not a secret society as such in the line of the Masons, Rosicrucian etc, its more of a school and traditional initiatory rites and rituals are optional (as I heard)
About the Djedi, the possible link with Star War's Jedi is interesting but I have never heard about them ( Im checking them out now.). I also never thought about why all these societies are based on Egyptian imageries and gods/goddesses.
I hope to see how your plan works out and hope to read more of your findings and discussions with your contacts.
You're welcome and thanks.
Modern day Templar Knights claim some of their teachings go back to the Djedi. How true it all is I don't know since I think people have a hard time verifying what happened last week or remembering what they ate for breakfast the previous day, lol. But.. It is a fascinating line of study.
The Star Wars movie is just loaded with all kinds of symbolism so it wouldn't surprise me at all if that is partly what's being played at. IN fact.. When I watched one of the recent ones and it said the "In a galaxy far far away" part and it showed the planet, it looked like earth to me, and the deathstar reminds me of the moon.. As weird as it sounds, I wouldn't be SUPER surprised if the Star Wars movie was sort of based on some real ancient history. I'm into the possibility of ancient alien kind of stuff and advanced ancient technology, so.. Maybe in the past there were huge battles and wars with technologically advanced people and we've sort of just been.. "Kept" from that knowledge.
The Djedi stuff is really interesting.. Anyways.. Hope you find some interesting stuff in your research about them as well! Fascinating subject. Cheers.
Lol. I agree the general attention level is very low these days. Its also common for modern secret orders to claim lineage through ancient orders for credibility sake, we can't tell if the Templars tell the truth or not, but I would think they actually descended from the Knight Templars from the crusades.
I love the symbols in the star wars movies too and find the ancient ET theories fascinating. Im sure you are familiar with the Mahabharata and references to gods fighting with vimanas (flying machines) and also books by von daniken e.g chariot of the Gods. I read those books with an open mind, I cant confirm or dismiss them but the possibilities and evidences shown cant be easily dismissed and that make them interesting.
I hope to find some interesting stuff too. I have about 3 sites bookmarked already. Cheers :)