Great post. If one does just a little bit of research and digs just a bit into the rabbit hole, he can find that the old European aristocracy never went away. They still hold functions in The EU, are in Groups like the "Knights of Malta" and their ilk. Also genetic relations between the "Elite" in the US and the british crown is well documented. The president of Canada swears an oath to the queen! So, the possibility of bloodlines and powers working in the shadows are not so outlandish by any stretch. Interestingly, on none of the "Richest person" lists you can find the name Rothschild. What happened? Did they suddenly fall on hard times? Or do they choose to keep a low profile? When JP Morgan died, it was discovered, that 75% of his fortune belonged to the Rothschild empire...
That is cool that you are in the movie industry, I'm in the biz as well, even though only a lowly actor 🙂
Thanks! Yeah.. That's one thing I'm getting deeper into recently is the royalty aspect.. Especially the House of Orange... I think there's something major going on there.
In regards to the president of Canada swearing an oath to the queen that's crazy.. I'm pretty sure like the Canadian, the Australian and maybe even the US have fleets that are named after the queen.. So.. Yeah.. Definitely seems like something is going on there!
I didn't know that about the Rothschilds not being on the richest list! That's hard to believe! I also didn't know that about JP Morgan.. Wow.. Fascinating. The red shields.. I think it goes back further to the Knights Templar. Perhaps that is connected to the Knights of Malta? I need to look into the Malta connection more.. I am unfamiliar with that admittedly.
And word! Do you have any of your acting online somewhere I can see? Like on YouTube or something?
Would you mind telling me more about the House of Orange? Ever since I moved to the Netherlands, I found their position absurd, to say the least. As if being exempt from any taxes wasn't enough, this year the royal family will get €42 000 000 of taxpayer money in handouts, effectively stealing €2.50 from every single citizen, if newborns and the homeless are included. This handout has only been growing. Soon, we'll also be required to fund some 18 year old's decadent whims, worth €4 000 a day.
Meanwhile, the leader of what seems to permanently remain our largest party vehemently defends the status quo, to the point where it starts to sound as surreal as a forced North Korean "confession". And somehow, the majority of the robbed is falling for it... Especially the children of the petty elite, the ones that seem well-off yet mediocre and hold no other political views than "my parents vote VVD".
Whenever you mention the absurdity of the situation, there is bound to be at least one person in the room (or rather a few, as such people always stay in groups) who takes you on a feels trip that completely ignores the monetary volume involved and presents you with a binary outcome: submitting to the robbery or a little girl in poverty. Subsequently, uncaring of any real poverty but that of his rump-fed parasite, the defender will avert his eyes in discomfort from any counterargument presented hereafter.
I admittedly don't know a lot about the House of orange. I need to research it more. I just know they are powerful royalty and may be related to the rothschilds/redshields. I also think the USA Russia and many others are under their banner unknowingly. I think they are one of the top groups of power in the world.
Here's a link from a video series on the subject by a channel on YouTube called Truthiracy. I couldn't find the first one, so I picked the one on 9/11 but I think there's like 6 or more in the series if you wanna watch the others.
Also I didn't know some of that stuff you mentioned, thanks for sharing.. Seems pretty absurd in this day and age, or any day and age for that matter in my opinion.
Very interesting words.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad to see you're not so asleep to a lot of this as so many others are!
Acting, as I said I am not a very bright light. But if you google my name you might find some stuff.
Alexander Leeb. But nothing worth mentioning.
Fun fact: Did you know that the King of Spain also wears the title of "King of Jerusalem"?
Hard to believe, huh? And Bibi is cool with that? There are so many things going on, so much to discover, so many coincidences, it get's very hard to keep track of everything...
Oddly enough many "Crazy Theories" turned out to be true. So who knows what is really going on behind the curtain...
I didn't find any on YouTube but I found your channel and the tulip mania video was really interesting! I never knew that.. I also subscribed on YouTube, I hope you post more interesting stuff like that in the future!
I did not know that, I'ma have to look into that.. And yeah I totally agree with your sentiments there. Thanks for the info!
LOL, not on youtube. I did some TV shows and movies. My youtube stuff is only something I played around with...
Here is the link to the King of Spain, just thought that this is curious, right...
Ah you worked on a Transformers movie? That's cool. Pretty sure there's a buncha symbolism in those movies. Heh.
In regards to the King of Spain.. It does say this.
"* are historical titles which are only nominal and ceremonial."
And the Jerusalem is marked with the asterisk star thingy. So lemme google this now and see if I can get a lil deeper. Hmm.. Still pretty interesting stuff.. A lil too much for me tonight though. I need to go to bed.. But I'll make a note. Thanks for sharing.
Its just curious. And Netanjahu seems to be cool with that.
If you look at all the "nominal and ceremonial" titles and secret societies these people gobble up, it really must be completely meaningless...They can't have real power anymore...🙂
I admittedly don't know a lot about the House of orange. I need to research it more. I just know they are powerful royalty and may be related to the rothschilds/redshields. I also think the USA Russia and many others are under their banner unknowingly. I think they are one of the top groups of power in the world.
Here's a link from a video series on the subject by a channel on YouTube called Truthiracy. I couldn't find the first one, so I picked the one on 11 but I think there's like 6 or more in the series if you wanna watch the others.
Also I didn't know some of that stuff you mentioned, thanks for sharing.. Seems pretty absurd in this day and age, or any day and age for that matter in my opinion.
Very interesting words.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad to see you're not so asleep to a lot of this as so many others are!
Hey my friend, this post was intended for @kazik but I received it. You probably have to repost at the right place or he will not see it! Cheers!
Oops! Sorry about that. Looks like I already took care of it, I don't even remember double posting this. I must be tired. heh. Too much crypto need more sleep.
PS.. I don't agree with everything truthiracy says by any means and I think he's kinda crazy sometimes, but.. He also does present some fascinating info and he's the only one I've seen personally talking about the house of orange, though I bet you can find more if you look. I need to get deeper into this subject sometime.