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RE: Why I Stopped Being a Conspiracy Theorist

in #philosophy8 years ago

It's the land of memes, that's where it's at now, in the real wold you'd pull out your favorite quotes book and start laying down some "truths", but it's ok, you can laugh at me and my keyboard warrioring, because I basically made your "perspective" comical enough that it elicited a LOL, in internet speak you have just loled at a rendition of yourself by the bah, much welcome. Thank you for caring enough to stick by me while I figure out why and how I am the cause of my own feelings in a discussion about speaking the truth.


:) You are very welcome sir. Feel free to stop by any time.

Bingo, things are looking up already, no?

Violence itself isn't good or bad, it's how you use it. Personally I don't trust my government to have my best interest at heart or to defend me from itself much less anyone else. I prefer to rely on myself for that.