My brothers name is Andrew. 😎
That I choose Buttcoins… 🧐
What is that saying?
It made sense when I did it, then I kinda regretted it cause nobody took me seriously…
Then I just kinda became the Butt.
Now I wouldn’t have it any other way and I often feel like and embody The Butt. Whatever that means 🤓
When I go to Hivefest, people struggle calling me Buttcoins. I say they can call me Bryan. I’m not afraid of my real name.
Funny thing is this hive thing and my buttcoins persona was really always an escape from my real life. It was my little secret…
Now somehow Buttcoins merges into my real life, I guess soon i may start introducing myself as Butt in the real world 😉
You make my case perfectly. You wanted to be satirical, it was an escape of sorts. Yet, you found yourself in that joke.
It's best to laugh instead of crying. Comedy is the ultimate escape. Now, this persona of yours gives you inspiration to act in a specific way.
Listen, your persona on stage and I mean this literally, when you sing. Is infused with "the butt" persona. Over the top, like it's still the 80's and glam rock is still God's gift to humanity, but you gotta dial it down for the sake of the kids only a notch.
I insist, your name supports my little thesis! hahahaha