I was thinking about the old saying 'life is what happens while you're busy making plans' today. It's kind of interesting how true this feels to me and I was wondering why that is and what makes it feel that way. As an avid Alan Watts enthusiast and appreciator of the "anti-religion" of fundamental Buddhism, I often reflect on the concept of allowing the universe to exist and realizing that I am part of that universe. It takes a lot of the pressure off of the need to make things happen and helps me be more aware of myself, others, and the things going on around me.
It seems to me that the more we focus on things the less aware we are of anything else. I often compare this concept to the feeling of walking into a room and not remembering why I went in there in the first place. It could also easily be described as that frustration that builds when we are searching for something intently, so caught up on the idea that we have to make something happen, kind of like when we can't find our keys and know that we can't be late for work today. In the grand scheme of things, it's all kind of comical to me that we ever let ourselves believe that we really have that much control over existence. Even if we found the keys and left early, the universe can still stop us from being somewhere at a certain time if we aren't meant to be there.
Being aware of this concept and the fact that it seems to stem from focusing too heavily on something leads me to ponder the saying, 'life is what happens while you're busy making plans.' If we really think about it as a literal interpretation and accept it as that, it feels like there is a lot of wisdom in this saying to me. No matter how hard we try to make things happen or focus on them it's never really in our control when or how they come to be. However, if we surrender to that lack of control and let the universe lead where it will, I find that Law of Attraction seems to bring things and people into my life for the right reasons at the right time. I just have to stop focusing so intently on my idea of what those reasons are or who those people might be and especially when and how they appear to see that it's all already working as intended. Namaste.
just be ✌
So you think that we have no real control over our destinies? Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen, no matter what we do? I'm not saying I don't believe that, just wondering if I'm interpreting your meaning correctly. Sometimes I feel that way. For instance, it seems that no matter what I do, I can not get ahead financially. I can get even, but getting ahead enough to be able to take a decent vacation with my wife is something I've been unable to achieve. Steem is my latest attempt. I'm wondering what's going to happen to mess that up.
I'm a fatalist through and through.
Reminds me of Aldous Huxley's novel, where a bird was always saying Here and Now boys so people can focus on the present. Brilliant.
Aldous Huxley is brilliant in his own right. :)
Lol. Glad to meet another Huxley enthusiast. The brilliance of *Brave New World * will never be equaled.
Focus less and observe more, very sad to know that most people Focus too much on life's hardship that they fail to observe the abilities within them. They lose out on themselves in the end. I agree with you sir
Wow your post fascinates me as it’s filled with so much wisdom and truth. I share a similar perspective.
Allan Watts has my heart.
I spent all day meditating listening to him.
I think Watts is the first person that ever just made me think completely, "this guy gets it!" For sure, he's one of my favorites.
Wow true say.... one of a kind he is!!!🌟🤩
I really enjoyed this insight into your way of thinking - a lot of which resonates with me. As an aside I like your categorisation of Buddhism as an "anti-religion". I was recently thinking about how religions often seem to focus on wrestling the world into how we want it to be, that if we pray, and if we're lucky enough that god listens to us, then we get to transform the universe into the way we want it to be. This idea makes me really uncomfortable, it seems destructive and disrespectful to how things are. I like the way you articulate the Buddhist creed of allowing the universe to be. It seems harmonious and right.
I'm glad it resonates! Thanks for the response.