The more time I spend playing around with this dream art, the more I find myself thinking about the idea of what it would be like if we were all inside out. I don't mean that in the sense of physically being flipped in reverse, but if we appeared to others exactly as we are 'on the inside' or essentially as a being of consciousness. It's an interesting thought to me as I have been lucid dreaming for a while now and it's always sort of fascinating to me that in my dreams I feel that I see people as I truly perceive them to be.
I'm sure it's all a matter of perspective how we perceive others and how we appear to them. I stopped spending so much time comparing myself to anyone else a while back and tend to just focus on embracing my own existence and trusting that others will do the same, but I still like to imagine what it would be like if perceptually things were much less convoluted. No one could hide their emotions or intentions and perhaps there would be less self doubt in the world in general.

If everything that we could hide away from others was somehow transparent and we were able to know everything about one another from just a glance, I suppose that could make things pretty boring overall. Maybe not though. Perhaps we would just find other ways to be out of touch with each other. The mystery of the unknown seems to be as alluring and marvelous as it is terrifying in some aspects. Personally I just view the unknown as infinite possibility and embrace the surprise.
I rarely consider myself as some highly intuitive being, but it's clear that I pick up on things that others don't sometimes. To me, it's all about just being present when communicating with others, but I can recall these connections and sense of awareness of things that can only be defined as metaphysical when I was much less self aware. I just find it rather interesting that it took me so long to realize that I could be as aware of myself as I always felt I was of others. It puts a lot of things in to perspective and allows me to be much more respectful to others in general, even if they don't always see it that way.

It seems that having little regard for pretense and allusion rubs some people the wrong way and I can't really fault them for that. I just personally prefer to be very direct in what I mean or say, but I still wonder what it would be like if there was no barrier to meaning or context. Would communication really be easier if there were no white lies and pleasantries? Would we treat people differently if we could see straight through all of the illusions and masked or repressed emotions? Perhaps it's really just a matter of perspective on which way is more efficient. Either way, it's just something I think about when playing around in the deep dream generator.
This is a rather interesting thought
I imagine that there would be less friction and prejudice if this were so. Plus, manipulators would be out of business since it will be easy to discern ones character with a glass.
But then, it's all an imagination
I'm taking notes, FORREAL. My self-awareness is not where I'd prefer, but everything really is a learning experience. I think that true transparency would be a sight to see.
Secrecy in all respects I see as coming from being afraid of a negative result. Not interacting with others, or missing opportunities can be linked to fear of something. I enjoy your view of the unknown however, where a negative possibility exists, there's also positive ones.
We won't know unless we take a step forward.
I love how multimedia can be a springboard for deep thought. I got a book many years ago by Frank Peretti, they Christian author and it was something on this order where everyone feelings (or sins) came out as something as physical as, like, a black heart. I think that if we all sat back and thought about our transparency with communicating with others, it may make things more real. I think the bottom line is as many people are not truly in touch with their own feelings and selves in order to be able to communicate their true selves. This was very interesting and I liked the art. Deep Dream is cool!
I think if we could see in to each others souls instantly communication and miscommunication wouldn't be an issue any more but suspending judgement might be
That's a good point. On the other hand, it could reduce judgement if everyone could see what others were actually going through. Who knows though...
I think judgement would also be reduced because we would be more aware of where that judgement comes from. the judgement itself can come from defense mechinisms that arent even the true need or feeling that we actually have.
Lucid dreams... I've always been a bit jealous of people who have those; maybe that's a bad sign... But I will say this: If these dreams look anything like the art you've been publishing lately, that jealousy just grew exponentially ;-)
But yeah: on the one hand it would be nice to see "the whole" of other people, but I think for lots of modern people that's a scary thought. A lot of their time is spent building up a carefully maintained image, we constantly play different roles, leaving almost no time to truly be ourselves... It would be so great if we could evolve out of that and back into our true selves.
Thanks again for a beautiful post, @clayboyn!
I think we can. We just have to remember how to "just be."
These are very interesting portraits. Sometimes when sitting in public transportation I study people and try to get a feel for who they are. I don't get a biography of the person, but I can pick up on how they see themselves, who they believe themselves to be.
It's amazing how much can be picked up on just by being observant.
Its a great philosophical concept tht u shared in this site.. i just love all types of philosophy.
Thnxxx sir fr sharing.
Its amazing when you find people who love what you love.. Art blows me away..