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RE: The Fool Archetype.

in #philosophy8 years ago

I always try to embrace the fool archetype. I feel like "the less I know" the better. I try to keep my beliefs simple. I think of the fool as a blank slate while many assume they are idiotic or simple minded, I don't see that. I think a lack of defined beliefs and willingness to keep an open mind and experiment is crucial to evolution. Nice post!


Word clayboyn. That seems like a pretty healthy mindset! It seems rather rare to find other people who are similarly open minded.. Most people it seems like to me seem to claim all kinds of things they can't prove all the time, heh. Sometimes I'm guilty of this myself unconsciously or on accident, but.. I at least TRY really hard, heh. A lot of people don't even try..

But yeah! Just to add on what you said at the end there especially, I feel like.. The way our brains work, when you "clamp" down on one belief, that sort of becomes your "reality".. So.. You should be careful which beliefs you clamp down on and make as your reality! If you don't really know, sometimes the best bet is to just leave the possibilities open and that kind of mindset I think also helps open you up even more to potential solutions or work arounds or side ideas based on how the brain works with associations and such..
Anyways, don't wanna talk your ear off and I have a lot more messages to respond to, heh.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment and for appreciating! Hope you're doing well.

Nice one, I will add this embrace to my life philosophy too.