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RE: Summer Reflection #35: Roots of Gold

in #philosophy7 months ago

You seem to be getting along well based on your posts and what I can see of your family. You are letting those branches grow and experiencing life still. Some people will just sit on the old roots and rot. I know I did that for a while.

Your doing more good things than you may know in life and here in this online community. Sometimes people are growing those leaves and making an impact when you don't even realize it.

Maybe some day I will think ebough about my hometown experience and what I've learned from it, to make a refletive post. I try to not think about it much though.


Some people will just sit on the old roots and rot.

I understand the desire to do so - but it isn't helpful to dwell. Learn and move on.

I do wonder if the impact I have in this world is positive or not.

Sometimes, looking back and reflecting is just not worth the effort.

I know your impadct here is positive. Looking forward to reading and being challenged by your posts daily. It has helped me become a more reflective person, to challenge my own thinking, and just be better. So you at least have a positive impact on one knuckle dragger from across the pond.

There is a song by Garth Brooks called The Dance. In it he says "I could have missed the pain, but I'd had to miss the dance."