The question of "Is God real?" has occupied the minds of many intellectuals.
However, the question is impossible to answer without first asking the more direct question; What is God?
Religions around the world use ancient texts such as the bible, the quran, the sumerian tablets, etc, to describe God as they see it.
Most religions manipulate the text to create a mass following, and some religious institutions, like the vatican, are actually more satanic then God-like.
The problem with religion is that it has nothing to do with what we call God...period.
Religious text, however - at least the text that has not been dramatically altered - does carry with it some truth, and yet it is mostly to be taken metaphorically.
In the same way alchemy is supposed to be taken metaphorically.
Religious texts, such as the bible, have much wisdom to offer us.
Yet religion in itself is just an institution which takes this text, and alters it for its own purposes.
Religions such as modern christianity tell us that "God" is a higher dimensional human-like being named "Jesus"; and tell us to bow down to this figure because he is the true God.
However, the letter J was invented in the 1600's , and the man mentioned in the bible who many think of as "Jesus Christ" is actually mentioned as "Yeshua" or "Ben Yosef" , and was called "Hamashiach", meaning "the christed one". The word Christ means anointed, and to be anointed was to be initiated into an order or mystery school, symbolized by having oil rubbed on ones forehead.
If we take the idea of "God" and add on all of our human aspects, of course we will end up with a deity, who probably looks human.
Now, what we have just created in our minds is a deity. We have taken our 3D understanding and applied it unto something that is most high, something that is a part of ourselves (and everything), yet is the highest aspect of all of existence, and so couldn't possibly be a physical being, or any kind of sapient life form.
I would describe God as a kind of living intelligence, that makes up and is all things....and, to be honest, I wouldn't use the name "God" to describe it.
In Exodus 3:9 - 19, King James Version, Moses asks God what to call himself so that he may be trusted as one who hath speaketh to God by the jewish children of egypt, so that he may lead them elsewhere to their safety.
God, who has appeared to moses as a light, burning within and yet not consuming the surrounding bush, tells moses that he must pronounce " I AM THAT I AM" , and he is told to say to the children that "I AM" hath sent me onto you.
What does this mean?
It is clearly metaphorical, and yet at the same time it is direct.
God tells moses to tell the children "I AM" has sent him.
I AM meaning god.
He is meant to say I AM THAT I AM.
Meaning that he is God and God is.
God just is.
Everything that we can experience is this same isness, is it not?
Meaning that God is in everything, and is the substance which everything consists of.
God is just conscious energy - high vibrational energy; etheric intelligence.
In the Kybalion, three initiates tell us that " God is infinite living mind....the illumined call it spirit"
God is Infinite Living MInd.
Think about that.
God Is not some face in the sky - God is the force which dreamed up the sky, the force which dreamt up space and time...Infinite living mind.
Simultaneously, God is also in the particles which make up the sky.
God is in everything, as a part of God; as Gods dream.
Yet there is also an aspect of God called Intelligence.
This is the Infinite Living Mind which dreams up universes.
......And there is a part of you that is God....the real part of you...there is also a part of you that is ego....and that part is the illusion....but more on that in the next post,
To conclude,
It would seem that God is some kind of mysterious force which we know little about, but it is definitely not a man in the sky, and it is something that can be experienced.
So if you are still asking "what is God", just look inside yourself - the kingdom of God awaits you.
Stay tuned in to our frequency for part two; The oneness of God and the illusion of ego.
Your attention is appreciated
Please comment and lets talk :)
Faith and supernatural beliefs are a private matter, and should never be institutionalized. Hypotesys should never be taken as a confirmed truth.
Yes. I should have known. Thank you for telling me. I went off track in this post and I apologize.
my people
Steemit is a community of wizards
I've been getting that idea too. Are you speaking straight, rebel, or are you joking? What makes you think so? (I'm very new to steemit.)
Among my other crafts, I also do liberations as a Christian minister. Looks like I came to the right place, LOL! I just checked out your I'm impressed. also looks good. Congratulations and thanks for your solid work there. I'm going to pray for many of our steemers who do not know what they're getting themselves into with all this "sex, drugs and rock and roll" leading to witchcraft and hell. God have mercy.
institutional religions, or, as John Adams called them, "ecclesiastical corporations"
institutionalized beliefs?
that is implicit; institution organized around religion will have homogenous groupthink
Yes. Thank you.
Sir, there are probably a few million Islamists around the world who would hack your head off for saying that. Convince them first! Not easy. Check out this 45-minute video by Dr Bill Warner. He does a great job of compressing 1400 years of bloody Islamist history and putting it all in context.
Nobody can Hack my head off you fool.
Excellent post!! thank you for sharing
Yes it is, if not, who has creat this universe ?
and do you believe it is okay that many different opinions exist about what constitutes this Thought or God might be? because I think that is the crux of all differences across the religious spectrum, and why many people identify themselves as spiritual rather than religious
I don't know what I believe.
I Know that I am alive and I know that I am connected to a higher source and that this source is an aspect of who I am, and yet not.
If I identify who I am as ego, than I am not GOD_FORCE but if I am so in touch with this energy that I AM this energy, then I AM GOD.
This is something that I KNOW.
And I believe in honouring all opinions, perception and knowledge.
However, I do hold steadfast to the idealogy that one should look inside themselves to find their truth, and that the outside world is an illusion (yet real) that has been created by THOUGHT.
I will be doing a post about the law of attraction next month, pert of the universal law series.
Lookout for it. I'll do my best to explain it well.
if you want to know more about God, I suggest reading the Bible. That's the best place to start. I don't want to start a controversy but i had a lot of questions about the existence of God when I arrived for my first semester of college. I rejected the church, God and everything He stood for because i thought he had taken my friend from this earth. His name was Simon and he died the summer before that semester. I blamed myself, i blamed God and I blamed him. I never really got over that feeling of guilt; that feeling that i could have done something to keep him from dying. That year I experienced a life without God in it. It was one of the loneliest, and darkest places I have ever been. I tried to fill that void in my heart with anything i could. I tried sex, alcohol, I even tried to get through it with my writing but nothing worked. I felt like there was no point anymore. So I considered suicide. Every day i woke up and thought about how easy it would be to just end everything. I wouldn't feel that horrible feeling anymore ...I wouldn't feel empty. But i couldn't leave my family like that. It was a struggle to get out of bed in the morning, a struggle to eat, sleep and the simplest things felt like a chore. It felt like nothing...empty, and what was worse, it looked like nothing. No one knew how much i was suffering but then someone did. On what was supposed to be my last night on earth, i made a friend. And just like that, there was hope. That friend encouraged me to go back to church. And that hole, was filled by this light. of course it wasn't instant and it took me fighting with everything in me but eventually the guilt lifted and i could breathe again. I could feel the sun and the wind. Before, it was like they were there but i couldn't reach through the darkness. I couldn't feel them. I never knew how lucky i was that my friend came into my life but if he hadn't i wouldn't be here today. I believe God was responsible for that. If you don't, that 's okay but this is me.