

and do you believe it is okay that many different opinions exist about what constitutes this Thought or God might be? because I think that is the crux of all differences across the religious spectrum, and why many people identify themselves as spiritual rather than religious

I don't know what I believe.

I Know that I am alive and I know that I am connected to a higher source and that this source is an aspect of who I am, and yet not.

If I identify who I am as ego, than I am not GOD_FORCE but if I am so in touch with this energy that I AM this energy, then I AM GOD.

This is something that I KNOW.
And I believe in honouring all opinions, perception and knowledge.

However, I do hold steadfast to the idealogy that one should look inside themselves to find their truth, and that the outside world is an illusion (yet real) that has been created by THOUGHT.

I will be doing a post about the law of attraction next month, pert of the universal law series.

Lookout for it. I'll do my best to explain it well.