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RE: How "Real" Are We? Does Everything Ultimately Boil Down to Math?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Try to think of even one element of your personality which was not shaped by past experience. Every individual is basically a remix of all the other people they interacted with, having adopted elements of other personalities that they liked.

This got to me.... We are a simple total of the people we meet and interact with.... The Power of influence is like an electric current.

It's strong to sway even in our conscious and unconscious state....

This is more reason I always try to surround myself with people that would rub off positivity in me.


So is there a real "you", that is original? Or are you made up of little pieces of other peoples' personalities, like how a quilt is made up from pieces of other blankets?

Haha... Not to the extreme anyways.

Right from childhood, we've been experiencing contact, and interaction with people.

Apart from the books we read on our own. Our imaginations, actions are fueled by what we see others do, act and behave.

I stand to be corrected. Even the books are written by people.

In essence. We are simple total of PEOPLE we've had contacts with directly or in directly.

The original me is the me that's a total of everything that has came in contact with me 😁😁
Best regards