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RE: One Coin To Rule Them All?

in #philosophy7 years ago

In June Howie and I had a similar conversation, and this was his vision of the future at the time: *The endgame of the things we call cryptocurrency is a merging of man and machine. AI takes care of the blockchain, the maintenance of it etc., man offers his creativity attention and ability to share. All cryptos are experiments and they're taking the best of the best ideas of technology to be incorporated into the end game token which will be the reserve currency of the world at some point. (side note: nvidea and amd, two companies on the forefront of AI are the same companies that manufacture the video cards that many use to mine crypto currencies)
This entire experiment as a whole that we call cryptocurrency is an inevitable result of a dying of old ledger based currencies and economic systems, due to the displacement of people by machines in almost every point of society. Universal basic income is being talked about as a solution for those displaced people, but the UBI won't be free it will require anyone who receives it to plug in and offer their creativity attention and ability to share into the collective. AI will take care of the rest, and as a result of that will be a blockchain based currency that will be the reserve currency of the world, man and machine merged.

The singularity being AI achieving consciousness or something like it, which he sees as occurring on or around 10/10/2020.

And more recently there is the introduction of the new exodus/eden wallet. These biblical terms are not a coincidence, just further example of how they use the 'scripture' as a script.

So, what you are suggesting isn't just possible it's probable.


Thanks for adding all the things I decided to leave out cos I didnt want to appear overly conspiratorial. :)

First Ive heard of the exodus/eden wallets but that makes perfect sense of course.

So what do we do since we can see the future? Do we do our best to try and stop something that we probably have little chance of stopping by refusing to interact with the new emerging world or do we use the knowledge we have to try to ensure we have a foothold in it?

Is tgere any point in trying to help others who would call us crazy and ignore our warnings or should we liok after ourselves and our own?

These are genuine questions that I don't have any answer to.

To look out my window it wouldnt appear as if the world is that much different than it was when I was a boy and technology certainly does 'appear' to be improving our lives so it is no wonder there sre so many if us ignorant to what the future might hold and hard to blame people for not seeing the true nature of the system that enslaves them when they have little time to stop and think about it. Most people on steemit now wouldnt even know what transhumanism is and see AI as something from tge movies. I luve in a major UK xity and could probably spend tge whole day asking prople what transhumanism and AI are and wouldnt find anyone who could answer me.

I just wish I was smart or strong enough to be able to do something about it. I'm sure thats what frustrates so many of us who see the truth. We feel guilty about how little we can do to change things. A lot of us have the experience of not being able to convince even those closest to us so to cobsider convinxing the world by finding the right words, the platform to speak them or the action that inspires is not exactly plausible.

I hope we're both wrong my friend but I think we both know thats clutching at straws and going against our intuition.

Maybe there is someobe out there smart enough and strong enough to stop it. The world does need a saviour. :)

I spent years of my life worrying over this, telling myself that I had a duty to enlighten people. My husband, he was even more adamant than me, and he didn't just talk about these things, he did everything he could think of to hold back the tide. It got to the point where instead of people looking forward to seeing us- -we were once the life of every party- -they dreaded our appearance. They knew we would make them face things they didn't want to face, think about things they didn't want in their heads. When you mentioned not being able to convince the ones closest to us, that brought back so many memories. So many conversations around dining room tables or campfires. So many wasted words that did nothing but cause bad feelings.

I was the first to stop. Not stop thinking about it or looking into it, but stop trying to tell people, stop trying to make them see. I started thinking that what we were doing wasn't a whole lot different than what adamant Christians do, preaching at people who did not have eyes to see or ears to hear.
The year we spent in the Ozark mountains, away from society for the most part, is one I will always cherish. It was good for us. But it wasn't sustainable. At least not without a community. Maybe if we had a network it would have been different.
I still dream of a place like that. In fact I literally dreamt of a place like that this past winter. I wrote a post about it, and I haven't given up on the possibility. But neither Howie or I offer the red pill to anyone anymore. The only time we talk about it is if someone asks or makes a statement that leads us to think they are of the same mind. I have definitely found more people on steemit with thoughts like this then I have anywhere else. But even here, very few see the likelihood of what I wrote above.

The only way to have real hope is to keep in mind that no matter what, this life is temporary. And maybe one day we'll be in a place where we'll laugh at ourselves for taking it so seriously. Perhaps the secret is to remember not to always take it seriously for that reason.

I know your right dreemit. I just have to learn to keep it from negatively affecting my life and my thoughts. I've been trying to think and feel positive thoughts and feelings but I keep drawing a blank. It feels like acceptance to say I'm not going to talk about it anymore but I have more than just myself to think about and it's not doing me any good so I will have to find a way of letting go of the negativity and finding a positive outlet.

The only way to have real hope is to keep in mind that no matter what, this life is temporary. And maybe one day we'll be in a place where we'll laugh at ourselves for taking it so seriously.

If you can promise me this is so, I'll be happy but there are times when I doubt this as well and wonder if its all just another part of the psychology thats used against us. Who put these thoughts in our heads dreemit? Can we trust ourselves or our thoughts at all? :)

I've had enough....and that might apply to steemit again as well. Don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. If I can't write about the things that I feel are important then why am I here? I wouldn't even have earned any rewards if it wasn't for you and Linda and most of that has been given away to others in my contests yet there are plenty of people who joined after me who have been 'playing the game' and are supposedly more reputable than me now. I'm not a positive guy and I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not or act in a way that isn't me just to make a few dollars or any amount of dollars and I'm not going to put on a smile and play the game pretending everything is wonderful in steemitland but I don't want to be the guy that moans all the time either. :)

Thanks for the advice and for being a good friend Linnet. I appreciate it more than you know.