He hated eating broccoli hmm a metaphor of his life. Broccoli is good for you. As David Ikes expressed so well the H W Bush was a pedophilia and puppet of the dark world. i believe he was instrumental in the death of JFK and obviously thousands in 911. The conscience is muted and destroyed when you dance with the devil. May the God of justice prevail and safeguard America from those who think they control is big old world. Thanks my friend.
What about Dr. Pieczenik's viewpoint? I'm pretty sure he believes what he is saying just as much as David Icke believes his own conclusions.
Dr. Pieczenik is a good man. and I respect him as well. I have listened to him on infowars and other programs in the past. However I have heard countless reports of HW over the years and would consider him part of the dark side.