5min 5sec
8min 15sec
How to Reconcile?
P.S. If you don't have 13 minutes and 20 seconds to watch the two youtube videos BEFORE commenting,
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although I always appreciate your upvotes :-)
Shall I tell you a funny thing that happens at that time? Few of my country media got this news as "George W. Bush passed away" and they started breaking news with his photography :D@onceuponatime,
Before I see the videos I have to say that I liked George Bush! I do not know if what I see will change my mind, I was not a close observer of US internal politics.
If I understood well, G.Bush had a good job as a CIA director and I understood how difficult it is to refuse to eat broccoli. You have to become the president of the US to refuse!
The second part is horror. I don't know who David Icke is and how credible it is. I agree that these world leaders are different than us, ordinary people, I think they don't have empathy, but it probably must be. The story with the children is too awful to be true ... or else, I cannot believe it.
However, the doubt occurred.
Thanks for showing these two opinions and generating questions and the desire to find out more.
"a good job as a CIA director"
Maybe you're right. I'll bet the pension plan was indexed for inflation!
He hated eating broccoli hmm a metaphor of his life. Broccoli is good for you. As David Ikes expressed so well the H W Bush was a pedophilia and puppet of the dark world. i believe he was instrumental in the death of JFK and obviously thousands in 911. The conscience is muted and destroyed when you dance with the devil. May the God of justice prevail and safeguard America from those who think they control is big old world. Thanks my friend.
What about Dr. Pieczenik's viewpoint? I'm pretty sure he believes what he is saying just as much as David Icke believes his own conclusions.
Dr. Pieczenik is a good man. and I respect him as well. I have listened to him on infowars and other programs in the past. However I have heard countless reports of HW over the years and would consider him part of the dark side.
He was put to death like McStain and along with him the NWO. The World wins and Gitmo is ready for the rest of the sick and evil enemies of humanity. Godspeed!
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone?
My life thus far has lead me to consider the possibility that scapegoats alone do not provide any sustainable solution. We must simultaneously purge the evil within ourselves to rid the world of "sick and evil enemies of humanity".
I'll leave it to the angels to separate the tares from the wheat....
Actually maybe we could find a good recipe for a tare sauce to eat with our wheat bread :-)
May his soul rest in peace
Actually, at least from David Icke's perspective, I think it might be resting in pieces :-)
And are you confident that he even had a soul?
Perhaps now that he is dead, the CIA Kennedy assassination files that remain sealed long after the deadline was set to expire will be released. Frankly, given the extant dynamics of power I do not expect that they will, nor that if they were there would be much ado. Most millennials I know simply give in to the panoptic surveillance for their convenience, and I fear little will rouse the rabble as long as they are comfortable enough.
All that being said, I am insulated enough from propaganda that this was in fact my first inkling that GHW Bush was dead.
The king is dead. Long live the king!
I'm pretty sure he is dead. I'm not completely sure that he died on th day that is being claimed. I think his funeral festivities may have been planned to overshadow other news :-)
Do you eat Broccoli?? I do not eat because the farts smell bad... :P
That actually might help you with your ghost problem. Might keep them away from you :-)
Hahaaa...I really did not think it very right idea but if they leave me and come to you what you do?? :)))
Ok I understand, you want, i created a new machine that it can catch the ghosts... mmmm... I will see what can I do for you... :))))))
Haha just funny one..
P.S. If you don't have 13 minutes and 20 seconds to watch the two youtube videos BEFORE commenting,
Please don't comment!
although I always appreciate your upvotes :-)
Ok, I will comment after watching the videos...
You do understand that this is still a comment? And he clearly said not to comment before watching the videos? IDIOT!
Sorry my sweet chicken :(
See see see see see see.... :))))
Why did not he even mention a small part of his achievements in the outbreak of wars and the financing of suspicious sects to create strife? Why are we afraid of telling the truth and sanctifying lies to cover the bitter reality?
That is my opinion then i didn't swim with the waves i create my own hurricane 🙂 and i hope if you can answer these questions i mointed
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