You speak the truth. I am listening if that counts for anything.
I think there's a little truth in the fact that people learn when they're ready to. You might impart some information to someone and they not be ready for it for a long time, but it still was worthwhile for you to do, because when it comes time it'll be there for them to finally understand. I think we too often tend to think in terms of the immediate result of things we do, but there's a lot to be said for slow change, and understanding that comes with time. Sometimes I think information or realizations come in pieces like a puzzle. You might contribute one piece, someone else the other. And one day, you might not even be around to know it, but the pieces will fit and that thing will finally make sense to the person. I have elders in my life who aren't even gone yet, and I already know when they are I'll have things that I wish I could thank them for. And I know half of those things I probably haven't even realized what they are yet. Perspective comes with age and takes time. And I think learning sometimes only happens after people are forced to slow down in life. Something or another forces you to sit down, to stop, and think... I guess some of us are inclined to pondering, but for those who aren't, I think that's what it takes. It's like the phrase, "to knock sense into you". In a very literal way, I think that's what it takes, something or another to knock some sense into you. Otherwise, we'd go on forever thinking we understood everything, just like most of us so famously do when we're too young or naive to know any better. And of course there's always the exception, God bless em'. You just have to speak your truth. It's not your responsibility what others choose to do with it.