I share what I learn and have come to understand in my journey on the path towards truth, but unfortunately, I can't make anyone take the time, attention, effort, dedication, determination and persistence to come to understand certain things if they don't want to.
Many people just don't care about digging deeper and finding out more that matters. They prefer to continue to engage in the daily routines of "necessity" and pleasure gratification, instead of building themselves up in awareness, raising and graduating themselves to higher conscious awareness, to evolve consciousness.
We each have this personal responsibility in life to own up to. This is part of growth, improvement, betterment, healing, change, evolution. It is the first part of the Great Work.
Giving information out doesn't mean it will reach people or we welcome if it does. Those who fail to seek or recognize truth are only demonstrating their own incapacity to recognize truth. So be it. You can't force someone to understand what they aren't ready to understand.
That doesn't mean we should stop speaking it, sharing it, outputting it in various forms. Since we can't change the world on our own as some magical king of the world, we need to get people to understand things before we can act together. And to understand things, people first need knowledge input. That;s what can be done: to inform, then to understand, then to act wisely.
We can't compromise, limit, constrict, water-down, be-quiet, or hold-back certain aspects of truth just because some people might not be able to hear it. We can't read their minds to know what they are or aren't willing to hear. We can't make them think about it either once we give it to them. Those who can't see or hear the truth are the ones who do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear.
It's by their own doing that they lack care about truth, reality and what 'is'. Excuses and justifications are abound. Keeping one's head in the sand in the comfort of ignorance or denial is more appealing to many than taking the arduous journey up the mountain of truth and keep going without knowing if there is ever an end to it. Those of us that do climb will keep drinking the life-force of truth that invigorates us to keep going.
Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Peace.
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My goal is to share knowledge, truth and moral understanding in order to help change the world for the better. If you appreciate and value what I do, please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page; or just click on the upvote button if I am in the top 50.

I have a forum to influence people. Every day I am interacting with people I have the opportunity to pass on and encourage positive behavior.
The most effective tool I have is my own behavior, and that starts with how I think of others.
First, I acknowledge to myself their inherent value as human beings, regardless of current behavior.
Secondly, if I have the chance to interact personally with them, I empower them while challenging unacceptable behavior.
This is certainly a small forum, but it is the forum available to me, and I use it every day. Rarely do I get to see instant change, but real change isn't instant.
My own life is filled with areas of gray. I cannot live a perfect life. I can't expect perfection from others either. But I can make positive changes in my own behavior and attitudes, which influences true growth in others.
Your SteemIt posting has had this same kind of effect on me. Maybe not as big an effect on the world as you would like to have, but you do impact.
Thanks for the knowledge and education you share.
Man, this is surreal. Reading you makes me feel how everything fits together when we stop to think, when we really take a koment to embrace the present and what it shows us, that if you aren't ready, you migh just miss it.
I just commented onto another post from you, and I was thinking to myself maybe not the exact things that you wrote down over here, but we're definitely on the same page right now. And your comment section just keeps shining brighter. I can't help but to feel humbled and honoured to read all of the thoughts throughtout his entry, and I'm more than aware that we are evolving into a new era. One with the possibility to really interact as people and human beings for the better. We are finally reaching the stage of understanding, and how we think makes the meaning of it even more important.
You have won me over like no other witness has, I know that I'm no big deal (yet) around here. But to show me your thoughts instead of just relying on your work gives me the inspiration to keep growing and pursuing knowledge, awareness and the wanting of being important together, we really are the change that this world's nature expects: The Multiverse itself.
Thank you. Have a great week everybody. We can be heroes! Stay true and keep learning; never stop growing. Cheers!
I appreciate your sharing your work and knowledge here. There does seem to be a lot of formerly occulted knowledge coming into view for more people, ever so incrementally slowly, so the world still needs reminders, and pushes. It could be Steemit, or just the modern internet atmosphere that is allowing a certain freedom to unveil truths, but I've never seen anything like it. Anyway, keep up the great work!
From my experience, convincing others always implies that we find our way better than the others' way. But on the one hand, what is good for us might not be good for others, and on the other hand, if we have the freedom of doing things in our own way, we should acknowledge that others too have the freedom of doing it in their own way.
As you say, poeple don't like it all to be told what to do or not. No theory in the world helps them unless they had the corresponding practical lesson. We need to experience for ourselves. ;)
When we stop fearing for ourselves we stop fearing for others, realizing that we have all tools WITHIN to find "Home", with each one choosing when to resort to them ;)
You speak the truth. I am listening if that counts for anything.
I think there's a little truth in the fact that people learn when they're ready to. You might impart some information to someone and they not be ready for it for a long time, but it still was worthwhile for you to do, because when it comes time it'll be there for them to finally understand. I think we too often tend to think in terms of the immediate result of things we do, but there's a lot to be said for slow change, and understanding that comes with time. Sometimes I think information or realizations come in pieces like a puzzle. You might contribute one piece, someone else the other. And one day, you might not even be around to know it, but the pieces will fit and that thing will finally make sense to the person. I have elders in my life who aren't even gone yet, and I already know when they are I'll have things that I wish I could thank them for. And I know half of those things I probably haven't even realized what they are yet. Perspective comes with age and takes time. And I think learning sometimes only happens after people are forced to slow down in life. Something or another forces you to sit down, to stop, and think... I guess some of us are inclined to pondering, but for those who aren't, I think that's what it takes. It's like the phrase, "to knock sense into you". In a very literal way, I think that's what it takes, something or another to knock some sense into you. Otherwise, we'd go on forever thinking we understood everything, just like most of us so famously do when we're too young or naive to know any better. And of course there's always the exception, God bless em'. You just have to speak your truth. It's not your responsibility what others choose to do with it.
In order to make the right decision in this life, we must hear our souls. To do so, we need to feel the silence; which most people fear, because in silence we can hear the truth and see solutions.
You are a wise person in making posts so your readers will think truthfully. I follow you @krnel because you are a person who has a brilliant and useful idea.
Relevance: Sharing the truth.Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
True. We are are called to spread the truth, but not responsible for them choosing not to embrace the truth once shared. For that we are powerless. You have wonderful messages that need to reach both Steemit AND the world outside of steemit. I hope you find a way to do that. IT is amazing how people can be like horses though LOL. If only they would drink the truth it would set them free. Thanks @krnel.
True story. I've been talking and writing about awareness and knowledge for many years and have met resistance from those stuck in their patterns (mind programs). Those who've bought into the MSM narrative are eager to argue with me and they get disappointed when I tell them I have no intention of convincing anyone of anything :)
....and always bear in mind the person you are telling the truth to.
Some people do not actually have the intelligence to decipher what you are saying...
A common mistake I think for misunderstandings, and a lack of accepting argument..
Those kinds of people are resonating at a lower vibrational frequency. Thus, they literally can't see what's being said...
....like a blind man talking to a deaf man - and the subject is color!
I bet the sheeple would start to think if you took away their propaganda/TV and circuses/sports. lol
Absolutely your thinking is so clear, thinking are really personal matter for everyone
true indeed! no matter how you spoon fed someone if they are that close in their head and not motivated enough to think beyond what is served, it's nothing.
This is so true. I have been working years trying to educate people on some basic concepts. But most people are too preocupied with their own lives to pay attention. And many others are swayed and led astray by lies such as fake Q anon.
Please have a look at this :
Lift The Veil chats with Q SOURCE X.
What you saying? Fake Q anon is Q source X? Or Q anon is fake? People are indeed too busy with their own crap to give a shit about looking at the larger picture :/
Q anon is fake. Q SOURCE X started the original ideas of Q anon and Trump used them. Proof is posted. People are truly missing the big picture. Fake Q anon from Q Research board stole ideas from Q Source X, from others. See the posts.
Mother Liberty.
Again, Q anon from Q Research is fake. He has made tons of fake predictions and is feeding people disinfo and telling people to trust the criminals of the Deep State. Q SOURCE X is the originator and starter of the movement. With Q Source X, it was never Q nor was there a Q when we started the movement. It always was and is about us Restoring the Republic. That is what the movement Q SOURCE X started is all about.
Mother Liberty.
Please see my comment towards the end of this thread also. I just added one more comment, linking your article here to two posts of mine.
Mother Liberty.
Sometimes there are phenomenon when human already got knowledge, they no better than animal. Some even inferior than animal.
Good post ...
There is something to think about
its very informative....there is something to think
Ohh the sweet memories... I'm having so many flash backs right now to moments when I have talked about important matters and it always ends with people leading the conversation to some brain dead topic. Like golf, cars, how their kids are doing. I don't give a rats *ss about your kids teeth. The planet is dying and you just want to sit here with your blankie and pacifier and talk jibberish.
Haha just had to rant.
We all need to bring this important issue up and yes maybe some time shove it down peoples throats. In a nice way. If you can.
But as you said, all we can do it put the information out there. If they throw it up or ignore it there is not so much we can do.
Everybody can understand what resonates with his/her level of consciousness. No matter how much we would try to explain some people fundamental truths that we believe in the will simply not understand. That doesn't mean we should stop spreading that valuable information we have. From time to time there will be some souls that understand what we are talking about, but not everybody. I remember when I was so trilled after reading Nisargadatta Maharaj's book I am that and talking about his teachings with as many as I could. There were some who got a glimpse about his teachings and started also reading it and other books similar to it, but most would continue with the normal stuff they do everyday for the rest of their life. It's good that you share your knowledge on philosophy and psychology, but don't expect too many to understand your point of view.
I just edited my post here and added a link over to your article:
▶ Lift The Veil chats with Q SOURCE X.
And I added a comment about your article here also:
If you like my content, please also link it wherever you find most relevant.
Thank you,
Mother Liberty.