The only thing I would add is that good teachers can point us to find the lies we tell ourselves. They can help us to start questioning the answers we have for questions on reality and what it is. I personally have found advaita vedanta or non dual teachings to be the most helpful in my "progress."
Recently, reading and applying the book The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira has brought clarity. A lot of what I'm seeing presented here lines up with what I see as the message of non duality.
Things like concepts never being truth, there being no path to the truth because the truth is already here, same with beliefs not being truth.
Understanding is an odd thing, you can't really put it into words. I'm no authority, but I've noticed the world opening up to me as I allow myself to let go of who I think I am. Like there was this tension before and I am slowly releasing it, and as I do the experience of life broadens.
Hopefully some of that made sense, I'll definitely check your links out.
Also, any book recommendations for Krishna? I haven't read any of him, but find a lot of value in reading a variety of teachers.
I really enjoy this kind of content, there are a surprising (or maybe not so much) amount of spiritual people here on steemit
The right comments. Consult Dr David Hawkins for the list of readings that contain the highest levels of truth. We live at a wonderful time, its all there at our finger tips , awaiting experential knowingness
As JK would agree , understanding is all.
Thanks for the tip, D Hawkins had some good quotes, the real truth isn't written in books
Non-dualism is certainly something that can greatly help a human being. The main difference is that generally Nondualism describes a form of unity; a "One" such as Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism and I'm on the more Theravada/RQM take of non-duality in "Zero" instead of "One". It's corelations without corelata.
The best example I know is the dictionary. Each word's meaning arises depending on other words which gain their meaning through other words creating a complex web which despite being limited in scope, it is without end or source. For a significant portion I'm behind non-dualism except for that primary difference.
I think the quotes are the most efficient way to capture the essence of a person's philosophy. So I invite you to try these links.
The last link would be your best guide if you want to pickup a book to start reading.
Happy steeming :-)
Thanks for the links! My understanding isn't complete by any means, I know Adyashanti talks about the nothing that is everything, but 'm not sure personally, hopefully I'll be able to talk more from my own understanding as we go this year haha. I usually write a few posts a week about my own experience if you're interested
Freedom From The Known is my favorite. Also, Think On These Things.