Non-dualism is certainly something that can greatly help a human being. The main difference is that generally Nondualism describes a form of unity; a "One" such as Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism and I'm on the more Theravada/RQM take of non-duality in "Zero" instead of "One". It's corelations without corelata.
The best example I know is the dictionary. Each word's meaning arises depending on other words which gain their meaning through other words creating a complex web which despite being limited in scope, it is without end or source. For a significant portion I'm behind non-dualism except for that primary difference.
I think the quotes are the most efficient way to capture the essence of a person's philosophy. So I invite you to try these links.
The last link would be your best guide if you want to pickup a book to start reading.
Happy steeming :-)
Thanks for the links! My understanding isn't complete by any means, I know Adyashanti talks about the nothing that is everything, but 'm not sure personally, hopefully I'll be able to talk more from my own understanding as we go this year haha. I usually write a few posts a week about my own experience if you're interested