- Can you see yourself working every single day, on your little self upvote farm to make $5 a week?
There are plenty of people around the world who work harder for less...
Now if you live in one of the super powers,were wages are double that an hr. ,it seams minuscule. but for places were $1 day can feed a family ,how can you say it is not enriching there life?
I have been on the platform since may of 17, I have a rep of 53 and just crossed the 600 hundred follower mark. and sitting at 259 SP. the value of said account vote has fluctuates from 3-15 cents depending on steem price and VP...
My post make less than$1, $2,if I am lucky. I use dmania, decent memes because I found that memes make more than my post's.
I am just an average user! never going to be a whale unless I buy SP.
...80% are never going to succeed...
That $168 a year is going to double every year,if crypto performs as past shows..that means next year it will be over 300.
I am not trying to rape the reward pool!!!! I am using a built in feature/option!
The plain simple fact that 80% of people on the platform will never make the big time,seams to escape most people... lets encourage more people to make less, yeah that helps the whales rape the reward pool more and give the average user less...
I see a lot more little minnows trying to help than I do whales! I am not saying all whale are greedy,just that minnows do more! w/less...
For an average minnow making 0.0-$2 a post not using the built in option to self vote seams foolish...
I mean no disrespect Men0, I am just giving my 2 cent..to me not using it is like not using your ac on a hot day,and refusing to roll down/open a window...
I am not being greedy,or trying to rape the reward pool,I am using a built in feature!
NAMASTE! I find these attacks on self vote funny! mainly because there is a box that you can check,that gives it a validity,and official endorsement of platform developers! Most of the users that use it are minnows! and hurt the platform less than upvote bot's! ....I find it hard to believe that I can buy a vote from a whale at neg roi and it is ok,but I am encouraged to not use a built in feature! I am judged for self voting a post yet whales circle jerk,and @ned selfvote a comment to the tune of $2000+ ...
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Its not really wrong per say jesse... I don't really see an issue with you upvoting your posts, this article was more directed to upvoting your own comments, being hypocritical, leaving spammy generic stuff on other people's post.
you know... the now classic.... "Wow... thanks for share" or variation of.. not so much your own posts.
Regarding third world countries, you are right for some of them $1 a day could be a big difference, but also they are not likely to have your account size Jesse... how many of them could afford to buy 269 Steem and power up to self vote to that 1 dollar per day?
And to be clear, you are not raping any reward pool, you are someone that I happen to appreciate and everyone else on MSP thinks highly of you too..
And i felt no disrespect in your tone brother.. none what so ever..
Thank you! for clarity.
I do agree on the not upvoting comments part as a general rule of thumb,but I have and will continue to do so in cases were I feel that my input has value and to help it be seen by author.
How many of them could afford to buy 269 Steem, I could not afford that!!!...lol...
I have bought aprox 25 sp w/ bitcoins from faucets.. and that was at 1.25,and 0.88 about half and half...lol average of $1 per SP...
Thank you for not being offended! you are good people ! I appreciate all you do!
This is exactly what debates are for - to see different views. Sometimes we can be blinkered by our own biases.
Again another validation of Steemit - people like you guys can have a fairly heated discussion but you both respect each other's opinion.
Love it! :-)
Thanks you saved me the time of spelling it out, I was just browsing to see if someone else was going to hit on it before I would. I stopped upvoting my own comments despite someone who keeps encouraging me to do it. I find myself conflicted on the issue. When you spend hours writing something and it gets completely ignored it's not hard for people to figure out an alternative way to make a few cents for their effort. The person encouraging said it's not the small timers that people get mad at it's those at the top taking advantage and it's pretty hard to tell someone not to do something when the one's at the top aren't setting a good example. Excellent rebuttal, thanks.