Great article. As a nutrition consultant and natural therapist, for a long time I felt that getting the right nutrition was the most important base, then address the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. But I've come round to thinking it's the other way around. Until the energetic and spiritual are addressed, even the best diet isn't going to do the job.
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Thanks, I think its a balance of both maybe as nutrition is the foundation of the immune system? I've neglected to be as careful as I usually am and I don't think its helped, please add any of your advice and insights?
Yes, probably a chicken and egg situation. How do you know which to address first? For me, its whatever the client wants. That's where they are ready to start.
In which way have you neglected to be as careful as usual?
I need to give up caffine lol, I struggle with that one!
There are a few things to think about there. How much are you having, in what way is it a problem, and why is it a struggle. Sometimes you rely on the coffee because of underlying conditions causing fatigue, which need to be addressed first (or alongside at least).
I already have adrenal burn out, I will give it up its just morning ritual. If you are interested in superfoods Maca poowder is incredible and its made from a root here in Ecuador.
Our replies are already nested as deep as they will go, so am replying up the thread a bit. Yes, maca is one of the things we have in our cupboard.
I'm heading for bed now, but if you're on RocketChat and want a chat, reply to me and I'll look for you tomorrow.
i've never used the chat here, I have followed you and will read your articles
Hmm. If food and sleep are addressed first, then if symptoms persist, you can proceed with looking for other causes of imbalance with the knowledge that food and sleep have been adequately addressed. If food and sleep are inadequate, this may produce the imbalances that appear superficially similar to psycho-spiritual distress, and sabotage effective treatment of the latter if it turns out to be the cause of the distress.
(Also, a person experiencing a major imbalance often works very hard to avoid conscious awareness of the cause of their distress - and so may insist that their poor diet/sleep habits/relationships/etc. are fine and incorrectly identify the problem as spiritual/energetic. A good medicine person will often have to trick the patient into doing the sensible, healthy thing by rationalizing it with the language of spirits/unseen forces.)
I should have qualified that with a "sometimes". But also, I should make sure I'm clear on what I meant by energetic. I mean the energy that runs through our electrical system, known as meridians. This is quite different from what I would classify as spiritual causes, and even spiritual doesn't have to mean spirits or unseen forces.
Yes, I agree food and sleep are often the cause. But there may still be underlying imbalances of a variety of kinds that prevent them from doing their job.