Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

The social justice movement is becoming more of a joke than anything serious, and it's lunacy is seeking to coerce people into using specific words to refer to people. The Canadian socialist government controllers, cowardly as they are, might reach new lows for society as they tend to play into ludicrous social justice issues.

At the bottom are video references on how society, politics and academia in Canada are heading towards restrictions of the use of words. It's building up and keeps growing.


With the recent Mosque shooting in Quebec, a new motion is up for review in the Canadian government, called M-103. This was introduced by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, and is referred to as an "anti-Islamophobia motion".

People DO NOT understand the words they use.

Islamophobia. What is this?

Do people even know what a phobia is?

irrational fear, horror, aversion

Take for example claustrophobia. Are smaller spaces going to hurt you just by being there? No. I recognize there are different degrees of closed spaces. I for one don't have a problem with closed spaces, as along as I am able to move. Being constricted from moving, is not something pleasant and represents a lack of freedom and self-control. If I can't move, then that's a problem for me and my freedom to control my body.

What about arachnophobia? Is simply seeing a spider, or having one around, a reason to conclude your life is in imminent danger? Not really unless they are poisonous. But even then, do you need to go into a hysterical frenzy of jumping and yellow in fear?

What about a snake? A mouse? But some people are so irrationally in fear of some things, that simply seeing them or having them around (but in no way threatening them), will send them into a hysterical craze.

True, some things can harm you, and it's not completely irrational to fear those things being around you as they can harm you. But going into a hysterical craze and yelling, jumping, screaming, or whatever else, is not a rational response. That's why phobia's are psychological issues, they are not rational.

Is a fear of people killing you irrational? It can be. But not if they have demonstrated a propensity to hate others based on their ideology and that leads many of them to kill others who don't share that ideology. Enter Islam, Judaism, Christianity or any other ideology. Go on youtube and you can find videos of crazy religionists who hate others that don't accept their lunacy. Some religionists talk vile hatred, and some of them act it out in reality to hurt others. Being cautious and not wanting to be around people who share that crazed ideology, is something rational to do.

Does it make sense to make it illegal to have irrational fears of something, like claustrophobia or arachnophobia?

Then why would it make sense to make it illegal to have rational fears of something and having the free speech to talk about that danger?

Calling someone x-phobic has become a clever manipulative tactic to silent opposition to some issue. Just as has been done with other terms like sexist, racist and anti-Semite. These words are more used as emotional trigger to invoke a rejection of what someone is saying based on them being categorized through those labels. People shut off their critical thinking by taking in an emotionally charged label.

Someone isn't being listened to when others accept dismissive labels like anti-Semite, sexist, racist or x-phobic. Talk about an issue, and someone ignores what you're saying and tries to straw man and pigeon hole the argument into a false representation of someone's identity. You're argument is invalid because you hate women, men, "Jews", "blacks", "whites", gays, etc. Then, no one has to listen to you! Amazing! Like magic!

Canada is already a "hate-speech" crazed country, where you already can't question certain things like the WWII Holocaust, or else you're automatically a "Holocaust denier" and you better get ready for jail. Free speech? Nope. M-103 is another attempt to further restrict free speech by turning certain words into hate-speech. This is akin to Orwell's 1984 thought-crime. You can't think and express thoughts freely anymore.

The authoritarian state in 1984 is also represented as a boot stepping on a human face, shoving the individual down into oppressive conformity with the collective.


The transgender issue is heating up as well in relation to this. Crazy social justice loons think they can coerce people into using certain words to refer to them, and if you don't call them the way they want you to call them, they want to charge you with a "thought crime", "abuse" and other accusations of wrong-doing because you don't use the word they want to force you to use.

The future is looking more unstable as people can't even understand the words they use. There are legitimate social justice issues to deal with. But trying to create idiotic "laws" to coerce people into -- or prevent people from -- using certain words, is bat-shit fucking retarded.

Words have specific meaning to reference something reality. People who don't understand the purpose of language or how words are created to reflect something, think they can alter the landscape of meaning all on their own through a self-deluded quest for "social justice".

If a created word is useful it will be picked up by people and used without much issue since it helps them reference something they want to talk about. If a word perverts an understanding of reality and misrepresents something, then in general people are going to have issues with this if they are thinking about what is going on. Inventing a new word doesn't have much of an issue, but using an existing word and changing its meaning will create confusion and be rejected by many who are independent and critical thinkers who see the manipulation going on.

Gender is not a "social construct", but a reference to the reality of two sexes in species. If you want to create a new word to represent something new in reality, ok. But you can't just go and rewrite a definition contrary to reality in an attempt to justify your subjective self-determined identification. And worse yet is the deluded attempt to create "laws" to coerce people so that they MUST use a word or else face the threat of violence from the authoritarian state.

Even without the threat of the state coercive apparatus, there is the social engineering alone that can pressure others to abandon reason and fall in line with the "political correctness" thought-police, or else face ostracism and physical attacks at the hands of these confused people. Yet, deluded leftists fail to see how they are being violent and claim those who don't use specific words to refer to some people are being "abusive" or "violent". This is insanity. Humanity is going downhill on multiple fronts.

Learn about hormones, chemicals, and congenital alternations that are making frogs feminine, starting to lay eggs, and other species morphing into the opposite sex. That's a causal reality for why humanity is being altered at an epigenetic level to change our genetic instructions and the resulting construct that we become. Humanity is being altered and most don't even see it! This does tie into depopulation agendas.

Post-modernism in academia and society is perverting an accurate understanding of reality, where subjective delusions are trying to rule over objective reality. Don't let the authoritarian academia or state tell you what words you can or can't use. They are trying to restrict thought with hate-speech "laws" (thought crimes) and coerce people into conformity with standardized norms of acceptability (political correctness).


Do you think it's acceptable or right to allow the government to tell you what words you can or can't use?

Then don't let a mob of confused and angry people who don't understand language and definition tell you what words you can or can't use. But please also understand the meaning of words yourself ;)

We are being led more and more away from rational thinking by the myopic polarized notions of emotional mind control to view emotions as the sole guide for what is right or wrong. If something "feels-bad" or takes you away from your subjective "feel-good" state, then it's bad! People are turning into emotional wimps and cowards yet think they are highly "emotionally intelligent". Emotion and intelligence don't go together when intelligence is dropped.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.


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Trans issues have been hijacked by feminists for some time now, not that there aren't authoritarian trans people, but we know what it feels like to have someone insist that you call yourself something that you are not just because they say so.

This is some of the stuff I've written on the subject:

I warned about this many years ago but as usual people would just think I was being paranoid. The worst thing is seeing this is not random, this is planned, I know because the Spanish speakers are now getting the exact same propaganda word-for-word. So now I have to re-live it all in Spanish and watch people react in the same ways, once again, and I'm still not sure I can do anything about it. The only thing I can do is try to damage repair for the sake of those who've already suffered enough.

Whoever is behind this just loves to hide behind groups that are very sensitive to certain words, that way all they have to do is have someone speak those words whenever confusion and strong sentiments are needed to stay incognito. All we see then is the noise from those who are being manipulated, and we think it's them behind whatever is going wrong.

A logical thought out argument. Also easily accessible. It seems like more of an American issue. But the echoes of Orwell in something that's supposed to be liberal... gud ol horseshoe politics.


Makes me think of a local friend here who likes to use the term "weaponized political correctness." What mostly bothers me is that it tends to be very indirect or "passive aggressive," and lacks the authenticity of someone simply stating their perspective from their truthful convictions.

It troubles me most that compassion and empathy-- which I see as positive attributes-- are being misused to manipulate and instill guilt.

Yup, I call that "blind compassion", where you just have to be compassionate about everything and sucker yourself into myopic positivity to denounce anything perceived as negative. Thanks for the feedback.

I like that, seems accurate

This is very true @krnel. I have just made a post on a similar topic, the death of discrimination. Perhaps what I missed is that words are the embodiment of thought, and so by controlling speech you control thought, which of course is a central point in 1984.

However I think Orwell thought too much of establishment power on this point, language and how people use it cannot really be fully controlled nor the movement of it stifled, much to the dismay of teachers of "high" language such as English professors, The Académie française, etc. I don't think there's as much to worry about, e.g. your statement "The future is looking more unstable as people can't even understand the words they use".

You are really right about the -phobic suffix, it always annoyed me that it gets incorrectly applied to political and ethnic families.

One point though

Learn about hormones, chemicals, and congenital alternations that are turning frogs gay and other species into the opposite sex. That's a causal reality for why humanity is being altered at an epigenetic level to change our genetic instructions and the resulting construct that we become. Humanity is being altered and most don't even see it! This does tie into depopulation agendas.

I am not aware of any evidence which supports this claim, either here or elsewhere that you reference so I am force to reject it. It's pretty weird to say "learn about X Y Z" to support and argument really.

If this is a serious point I'd like to see more on it.

Fish Devastated By Sex-changing Chemicals In Municipal Wastewater

Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females

Research Proves 'Gender-Bending' Chemicals Affect Reproduction

And these are only what's known.

There are chemicals and hormones in the great lakes that people drink. Hormones can change people even after they are born. People use them for "sex/gender alterations".

Men are being feminized in society. It's a demonstrable observation. This can be partly due to social epigenetic factors from psychology to affect our behavior and change what we become, but I suspect actual physical factors like chemical and hormones are turning more men effeminate.

I will check this out. It's something I have not been aware of.

It seems in the line of thinking of chemtrails and I am skeptical but no more skeptical than of any other big claim.

Coercion of any kind is never "right or acceptable," except in self-defense. No neighbor, no collection of neighbors, no "government" has any right to compel me to do or say, or to not do or say, anything against my will - once again, unless I am harming another.

Such irrational behavior is also a violation of what Jesus called the second greatest command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 😄😇😄


like its hard for everyone to use common logic and dont care about the color or sexuality of each other.
AH i forgot everyone must feel better from the person next door and if you scale that big time then here you are

  1. i am better than the person next door
  2. i am white/black etc etc so if i am better than anyone and i am of that color then any of this color is above the others
  3. yes and i like pineapple pizza but because i am better everyone else that eats it differently is of lower lvl

you get the point i completely agree with you krnel it was one of the best posts-articles i have ever read about this matter, i got 100% the same opinion

M-103 is a Motion, it doesn't carry the weight of law. It's basically a waste of time and energy with about as much effect on Canadians.

Sorry, thanks for the correction. I cleaned up the confused misinformation on my part. Thanks again. I still see "social justice issues" as gaining favor in society, and suspect Trudeau is easy to get on board these types of issues as they pick up in society. We have some tough hate speech laws already while the US has more free speech so their social justice "hate speech" issues will not likely pick up much steam.

The Liberal party has generally championed social justice tempered with fiscal reality. The NDP tends to lean more toward championing social justice without regards for fiscal reality.

I'm not a fan eliminating words from our language because it might offend but I do find it disturbing to hear the level of hate that is creeping into some attitudes even in my own circle of acquaintances where they feel it is okay to indiscriminately dislike or hate a whole group of people.

Indeed. I dislike the conservatives, like Harper. I dislike all politicians and political parties pretty much hehe. In no way do I hate Muslims, gays, transgender, etc. I am just not going to be calling someone by one of the 40 plus "pronouns" or whatever as if I need to be careful not to "offend" someones self-identified label of themselves ;)

Oh I get that .. well with the exception that I do support women using Ms rather than Mrs or Miss .. it not only makes things less complicated for them but it removes the vestiges of patriarchy over them.

I've heard there is supposedly many gender labels these days. That confuses the hell out of me. I get male, female and trans for those moving between. I don't get what else there could be and why. Maybe I'm showing my age lol

Great to see fact checking here, I am now following you

The University of Delaware has redefined 'Racist' to apply exclusively to white people. Double plus bad in my opinion!

Academia is a joke, it's turned into a socialist PC degenerate play-pen for morons to not think and accept social norms of conformity. Mass retardation being programmed into consciousness.

I can't help but think that a lot of this can be traced back to the "self-esteem" movement of the 60's and 70's where some people suddenly had this (really BAD, in my opinion) idea that we are all "entitled" to feel really good about ourselves at all times, no matter what... so they started handing out "participation medals" to those who finished last in the race so they wouldn't have to sit with the unpleasant thought of not being very good at something.

40 years later, sociologists are scratching their heads, wondering why mediocrity is taking over the world... well, HELLO... if you render excellence meaningless by rewarding stupidity, why bother to accomplish anything...

Hell yes. Oh poor us, we wouldn't want reality to set in so we can properly navigate reality at all... nah...let's just make people "Feel-good" so they can delude themselves and keep going into something they aren't good at! Double-plus good!

I hope Steemit doesn't go that route. There are no measures for how to reward anyone, and some "equal" distribution ideas are popping up it seems... everyone deserves a reward for posting LMAO.

I'm a newcomer to Steemit so I won't get too vocal about that till I feel better informed... but I'm all in favor of a quality/merit based curation system, even if that will still be somewhat subjective. IF, of course, the true objective of Steemit is to create something of lasting value. But that's for a different discussion...

Very good point @denmarkguy, I think there may be some truth to this. I'm going to consider it further.

Not just mediocrity but an aversion to being uncomfortable with idea, thus we have "safe spaces". I still can't quite believe how they were ever accepted, @krnel I guess you're right, Universities are just a play-pen. Maybe they should just be dismissed outright as such.

Agreed. You want to know how it happened? The most instructive hour you'll spend on this subject...

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

your post so incridible :)
But i hope your vote my post too,Thanks

That makes a whole lotta sense. I like that t-shirt find, too.

It's all part of political manipulation...a Marxist technique! Here's something to consider...

Yup, cultural marxism. Destroy everything and rebuild in a new dystopic image lol

It's a nihilist wet dream!

I wonder why people of Jewish ethnicity were so over represented in early communism. Barely 2% of the population yet like 80% of the first commissars were Jewish. These commissars would go out confiscate farms and churches from Russian peasants. Maybe as a payback for Christian persecution these Jews received before they became communists?