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RE: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?

in #philosophy8 years ago

This is very true @krnel. I have just made a post on a similar topic, the death of discrimination. Perhaps what I missed is that words are the embodiment of thought, and so by controlling speech you control thought, which of course is a central point in 1984.

However I think Orwell thought too much of establishment power on this point, language and how people use it cannot really be fully controlled nor the movement of it stifled, much to the dismay of teachers of "high" language such as English professors, The Académie française, etc. I don't think there's as much to worry about, e.g. your statement "The future is looking more unstable as people can't even understand the words they use".

You are really right about the -phobic suffix, it always annoyed me that it gets incorrectly applied to political and ethnic families.

One point though

Learn about hormones, chemicals, and congenital alternations that are turning frogs gay and other species into the opposite sex. That's a causal reality for why humanity is being altered at an epigenetic level to change our genetic instructions and the resulting construct that we become. Humanity is being altered and most don't even see it! This does tie into depopulation agendas.

I am not aware of any evidence which supports this claim, either here or elsewhere that you reference so I am force to reject it. It's pretty weird to say "learn about X Y Z" to support and argument really.

If this is a serious point I'd like to see more on it.


Fish Devastated By Sex-changing Chemicals In Municipal Wastewater

Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females

Research Proves 'Gender-Bending' Chemicals Affect Reproduction

And these are only what's known.

There are chemicals and hormones in the great lakes that people drink. Hormones can change people even after they are born. People use them for "sex/gender alterations".

Men are being feminized in society. It's a demonstrable observation. This can be partly due to social epigenetic factors from psychology to affect our behavior and change what we become, but I suspect actual physical factors like chemical and hormones are turning more men effeminate.

I will check this out. It's something I have not been aware of.

It seems in the line of thinking of chemtrails and I am skeptical but no more skeptical than of any other big claim.