To go somewhere with others, we have to be walking the same path, to be on the same page, united on the goal or objective to reach. Truth in reality is the basic same page we need to be on to go forward, but moral truth is even more important to walk the same path and really be united.
For people to walk together in unity, each individual needs to be in unity as well, within themselves, to be united in their thoughts, emotions and actions. How can we expect to be united with others if we ourselves aren't united within?
Unity is the state or property of being one, from the Latin unus. When things are united, they form a cohesive, integrated and harmonious unit. If our thoughts, emotions or actions are in conflict, contradiction or opposition, then we are in disharmony within, disintegrated within, disunited.
Click the first image above for the 15m DTube video, in case you didn't know ;)
The degree of truth, especially moral truth, that is embodied in each of our choices, actions and behaviors will be the measure and determinant for the degree of true unity, true freedom and true peace we can achieve collectively. Morality is the foundational baseline for true unity. All other differences are less significant. If we are more united with the moral truth of how to act and behave towards others, then we will be creating a more moral way of life.
Until we reach a certain level of comprehension of morality, unite with it in our thoughts, emotions and actions, we will not be able to truly create, lasting, effective freedom, peace and unity with each other. Morality is the key to opening a higher, realer and truer authentic way of life. Morality is the way and the path, the light that will lead us away from darkness. We must delve deeper into moral comprehension.
Morality leads to greater wisdom of right-action which lift us up. Right-actions support a higher consciousness way of life. Connection to moral truth is real knowledge, clarity, freedom and anarchy to live our lives free from master-slave dominating relationships with others. This is being a higher, realer and truer self. This is living a connected, united, integrated, and consistent way of life.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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Morality has its roots in a property each individual’s thoughts and actions, and the element of behavioral coordination inside a group of individuals in social interactions.
Morality has permanent impacts in our decisions and our conscious's choices.
That chart you've constructed seems like a simplified version of the noble eight-fold path, nice work, working it through!
Basic Buddhism says compassion for others (as the root of morality) is one of the paths to higher consciousness, and I couldn't agree more.
However, as to the unified state... personally I'm almost certainly too in my head to ever get there... I'm absolutely that bloke in the temple having perpetual tea poured into his cup...
Giving up intellectualism is absolutely the biggest barrier to my unification-evolution, or perhaps I shouldn't see it as a barrier, or is that thought just my attachment to... thought?!?
"Giving up intellectualism" is not required. I don't adhere to that definition of higher consciousness. Look at the word consciousness. To be with knowledge. The more conscious awareness we have of meaningful quality truth about our world and ourselves in reality, the more we increase conscious awareness and that elevates our understanding, and evolves consciousness to higher consciousness states of awareness in reality. Emotional states or beliefs. aren't what I talk about in higher consciousness.
There is nothing wrong with thought. Thought is great. I don't adhere to any religious ideologies. Nothingness is not the way forward. Being without thought is not the way forward to resolve problems in humanity. Isolation and self-refection on the "self" or "being" alone is not the way forward.
I agree entirely, maybe I wasn't clear enough... personally I think I'm too imbalanced towards JUST thinking... I fully accept it's all part of 'evolving'.
I also don't adhere to any religious ideology...I only mentioned the Noble Eightfold Path because, honestly, your conceptualization of evolving above fits in very well Bikkhu Bodhi's conceptualization of the 'structure' of human consciousness and the evolution through higher states... up to the 'base of infinite space' and all that... - link to PDF -
It's quite an 'intellectual' account of Buddhist philosophy.
NB also this is very much 'non-ideological Buddhism - the kind that says 'listen/ read in a spirit of skepticism, and if you don't like something, reject it and if you don't like anything, go your own way (in peace, of course'!)
Anyway, TBH these days I'm leaning much more towards finding my own peace of mind in just trying to be nice to people and through living a non-harming lifestyle...
Very enlightining post, you raise a few good points. What if you prefer being alone?
Being alone how? As an island, doing everything yourself? I don't think many people on the planet are like that. We're all interconnected in some way for our cooperative survival...
I think this sentence is intriguing and, quite likely, pretty accurate.:
I personally use the term "unity consciousness" to mean the awareness of all parts of the Whole... that all individuals, together, comprise the Whole.
It's a very valid idea to have our thoughts, words, emotions and actions be in alignment, which results in harmony of action and progression towards what one desires. If all of these are in alignment, the word "integrity" comes to mind... that a person who's in integrity is lining up their thoughts, words and actions.
Nice, thoughtful post.
Yes, integrity is the opposite of disintegrated or non-integrated, like harmony is the opposite of disharmony.
Thanks ;)
The thing with morality is that it's a vague concept. It's quite difficult to set a definitive universally-applicable "north pole" to the compass of morality. Except for the principle of avoiding unnecessary pain perhaps...
It might be vague because it's a word that applies to a set of actions, whereas other words have more constricted definitions. But here is a basic moral baseline: don't steal. Now this has other implications as well, as not to steal life, sexual preference, bodily integrity, the fruits of one's labor. The concept applies beyond one action. Morality covers a lot. I view it as the most important yet most misunderstood subject in human history.
Yes, but it has many forms in diffrent cultures.Things like stealing means depriving one of a proprety he has worked for, hence spent time of his life. You basically steal life from him. Bodily integrity has intrinsic value beyond social construct, as it is not something specific to humans, it's very natural and present in all creatures with a nervous system. I think we should take a step back have a look at what`s going on in nature when talking about morality. Everything seems to be going just fine in there. IMHO, the whole issue seems to revolve around the violation of the basic needs of the individual and creating fake "elevated" needs that make people step on bodies in this rat race...
Morality is a word to describe actions. Humans are the only species that have high level abstraction of the higher order of consciousness to create words to describe abstract concepts like morality. Other animals don't have this capacity that we do. We can see and understand things relative to morality consciously, while others may or may not live morally based on more unconscious interactive reciprocal requirements to behave how we would call morally.
Some species eat other species. Some species kill their young. Some species sniff each other's assholes. I not interested in replicating what other species do in nature unless it is moral as we as humans can understand it. It's up to us to learn and do better because we can. They operate according to their own lower level of consciousness potential. We have higher potential to think, and can create more moral and moral immoral actions than they can. We have greater power and it comes with greater responsibility.
Relevance: Sharing the truth.Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
interesting thoughts on what separates healthy human relationships from unhealthy ones
Morals are not what a society dictates, but what is objectively right and wrong. I know many people misunderstand morality and think it's about subjective preferences like cultures have, it's not ;)