
It might be vague because it's a word that applies to a set of actions, whereas other words have more constricted definitions. But here is a basic moral baseline: don't steal. Now this has other implications as well, as not to steal life, sexual preference, bodily integrity, the fruits of one's labor. The concept applies beyond one action. Morality covers a lot. I view it as the most important yet most misunderstood subject in human history.

Yes, but it has many forms in diffrent cultures.Things like stealing means depriving one of a proprety he has worked for, hence spent time of his life. You basically steal life from him. Bodily integrity has intrinsic value beyond social construct, as it is not something specific to humans, it's very natural and present in all creatures with a nervous system. I think we should take a step back have a look at what`s going on in nature when talking about morality. Everything seems to be going just fine in there. IMHO, the whole issue seems to revolve around the violation of the basic needs of the individual and creating fake "elevated" needs that make people step on bodies in this rat race...

Morality is a word to describe actions. Humans are the only species that have high level abstraction of the higher order of consciousness to create words to describe abstract concepts like morality. Other animals don't have this capacity that we do. We can see and understand things relative to morality consciously, while others may or may not live morally based on more unconscious interactive reciprocal requirements to behave how we would call morally.

Some species eat other species. Some species kill their young. Some species sniff each other's assholes. I not interested in replicating what other species do in nature unless it is moral as we as humans can understand it. It's up to us to learn and do better because we can. They operate according to their own lower level of consciousness potential. We have higher potential to think, and can create more moral and moral immoral actions than they can. We have greater power and it comes with greater responsibility.