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RE: Thoughts on Addiction

in #philosophy7 years ago

I still have a homework to reverse my own question. but this statement below clearly sums it up. Saying it will always be easier and putting it into an actual action, is another problem. I'd have to go through a learning curve to finally understand to stop changing things I can't. Instead, lift up my sleeves and change things that has variable control.

Accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can.

I don't need to worry about other people or their opinions of me.

This is important. It's still necessary to listen people who has constructive criticism instead the one who just criticizing with a lost cause. However, just sometime people has their own way to get through us with their judgment and opinion. Another thing to be learned :)

someday, over the rainbow I hopefully can make peace with the past, with my problems, with myself and be more at peace :) just like you're

Have a great day, talk to you soon !


Just know that it's possible and half the battle is won. You can build off of that knowing. Thanks for reading and I always wish you the best! :)