Most people spend money they don't have, to impress people who are not even looking. It's a sad reality. Imagine 70% off on your hat...who knows if you didn't mention it? I think it has everything to do with how you carry yourself and what your goals are. Most people think of now, and not the future, more reason why this may be true to some extent: the rich keep getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. Dressing the way you want to be addressed, has nothing to do with expensive clothing and going overboard. It has everything to do with neatness and how you carry yourself. I have worn a $3 sneaker, which is like 1,000 naira (local currency), and people actually thought I bought it for higher price.
You always speak wisdom Papa. Ofcourse I buy expensive things sometimes, but it has never been to show off, but more about myself.
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