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RE: Cliques and Creaks: Designed to consume

in #philosophy7 years ago

Good piece once again and a good tie in on a piece of your recently. I told you then and will say it again that I thankfully got up one morning and untied myself from caring about brands and the value that "things"would hold in my life above my means and real happiness.

My only goal now is to get debt free, save and buy only what I really need to get on with one of the isolated few pleasures I choose to grow as either a hobby, interest, pastime or sport. Keep it simple so it doesn't become a regret or resentment.

Get debt free at all costs, buy only what you can when you have the cash for it and save as much as possible, investing it cleverly and increase your income somehow.

My plan has been some time in the doing and I'm past the halfway mark with the silver lining on the horizon.

It's the only thing that makes sense to me