Cliques and Creaks: Designed to consume

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

The first run for the season is under the belt, a short two kilometers with the dog. I am going to pretend that he got tired due to his advanced age and poor condition and that is we headed back early. It is always difficult to get out for the first time for some reason. It hasn't made it easier that I have hardly made it to the gym for almost a year. I have been doing other things.

I have been planning on getting out there for a few weeks now but, procrastination and excuses to justify me not got in the way. A client yesterday was talking about how he started barefoot running recently and how good it has felt and it was a reminder that yeah, it does feel good. Even as he talked, I could feel the tightness in my feet and the aches and pains in my back.

He was saying that his wife however is embarrassed by him running around their neighborhood without shoes and calls him a hippie. She talks about how it is dangerous and bad for the body and her mother agrees. It is interesting isn't it? Two million years of evolution and people think a company that makes its money by selling shoes knows better. I used to think the same too.

The amount of money I have spent in my life on unnecessary and useless junk is incredible I would imagine, if I could go back and reclaim half of it over the last 27 years I have been working for a pay, I would be very well-off and the struggle that I have continually faced would not have been a struggle at all.

Why do we tend to spend so much time and energy working to pay for things that we do not need or, more importantly, do not bring any significant added quality of life to our tables? Marketing is one thing but, it is also part of the communities we inhabit, the peers who affect how we feel having or not having various items.

We want to be part of groups and we want to stand apart from groups as individuals. A conundrum that leads to a simple loophole that can be marketed to. Instead of saying you need this to be associated with a particular group, they provide a range of the this meaning not only is there an external status tied to group membership, there is an internal one based on degrees of what item is held.

With another client the other day, she was talking about buying a new (used) car and how many they test drove and looked at. I added that I didn't test drive mine because it was new (when I bought it) and she thought I was crazy. But, my reasoning is this; the range of car I could afford had several competitors and no matter if I tried them all, I would be making decisions on relatively small variances (positives and negatives) considering they are all similar in size and performance. I had a cursory look online and at the range and picked the safest in the class and most reliable, a Honda.

Some people seem to have an idea that a car is a status symbol but, unless I am driving a Lamborghini (even if I had the money I wouldn't), what is the point? Do people really think that an Audi provides more life value than a Mercedes? A Toyota over a Nissan? Yet, we are not only programmed to care about the brand, the model matters too.

We have bought into a continual ramping up of our consumption of 'quality' to not only be part of an exclusive group, but be the top of that group. The competition is to be able to afford buy-in and the level of buy-in determines rank and status within the group. This is social engineering by those who benefit from us purchasing their items.

Once upon a time, this rank wasn't able to be purchased, it had to be earned. Originally through adding valuable skills to the group, (accomplishment), or taking position by force, (tyranny). Regardless of the process, direct action was required and we are likely hardwired to compete at these levels for resources.

It is a funny process though isn't it considering, like my clients wife, we feel embarrassed if we are unable to meet the expectations of the group we want to belong, even if it harms us. Rather than her being happy her husband is exercising and feeling better, she is worried about the way his exercises look to others and will even criticize it as incorrect, without ever having tried it herself.

This doesn't just cover what we buy of course, it covers every part of our society and culture and it gets drummed into us at every turn. We are brainwashed generation after generation so that we are socialized into acting like robots, believing what we do matters, and feeling that our membership to a group means something, even if we accomplished nothing to get there.

We join cliques that limit our movement and then wonder why our bodies creak. As I see it, all of these things tie in together. The news, the advertising, the FUD, the false patriotism, the polarization, useless entertainment and all of the ways they manipulate us into making decisions. It is all designed to make us feel inadequate with what we have and better people if we have more. And we buy-in, again and again and think that maybe the next purchase will be the one that fills the voids we have become.

[ a Steemit original ]


Running barefoot.... not for me, but point is if you like something and you think you should do it then don't care what will others think. I support that :-)

I don't go barefoot completely, I use minimal shoes. It is pretty good, feels like a decent massage after.

I know what kind of shoes you think of, I could run in them. Only problem that I have is that my foot is number 15 US so it is hard to find anything but sneakers :-)

Reading your article reminded me of Freud's model of the Psyche. There is Id,ego and superego. The Id part is tantamount to pleasure. The human self wants to experience gratification anf pleasure regardless of it is right or wrong. We feel pleasure buying this and that regardless of if we can afford it or not. Next, our ego,reality sets in,this is a mediator between id and superego. Sane people have their ego intact. While the superego represents the guilty feeling. After the gratification,we feel guilty about buying this expensive product that we cannot afford and realizing that its better to spend our money into something sensible and practical. And although this is a psyche theory, I feel like there is some truth to this.

I think freedom is found when we are able to detach from the ego and view what we are without the expectations and assumptions about what we think we ought to be. A different conversation I know. :)

I don't like wearing shoes. I suppose it's the weather but then again I used to were shorts and T-shirts in winter when i was in England. Wear what you are comfortable in. I was banned from fetching my kids from school as they felt embarrassed. I have never gone for names or brands but more about the fit or the style. Never understood the Bieber pants. looked like you had done something in them the way they hung down. Marketing is very clever and costly. Done right people buy things they don't need but want.
A tip on buying cars, go to an auction and find the bank repo's. They normally go for about 60 percent of book value and usually have the warranties and service plans still valid. I never buy new cars. A new car loses it's value as soon as you drive it out the dealership.

The first winter here, my body didn't know what was going on so I got away with shorts and a jumper in the winter a lot. minus 26 and I could still walk to the shops :)

A tip on buying cars, go to an auction and find the bank repo's. They normally go for about 60 percent of book value and usually have the warranties and service plans still valid.

They don't have much of that here as in general, people don't get their cars repo'd

A new car loses it's value as soon as you drive it out the dealership.

I don't normally buy new either but, I got this through my now ex's dad and he got me a very, very good deal on both the car and the trade-in. If I bought used, I would definitely test drive it.

Agreed would test drive a used vehicle first. Maybe you could look further a field for a repo. Left hand drive in Finland should be somewhere in Europe at much better prices than your local market.

Hey now, I'm getting ready to buy a motorcycle and I want to feel really cool. Don't try to take that away from me. :^)

Even as he talked, I could feel the tightness in my feet and the aches and pains in my back.

Lol why am i feeling funny about this, no way i should be feeling the same right now!😭

Why do we tend to spend so much time and energy working to pay for things that we do not need or, more importantly, do not bring any significant added quality of life to our tables

I feel sometimes we only want to support our friends business, a lot of other times, we just want to impress a group

In my society this is the order of the day, people considered to be top are lavishing on impressing their very large audience, with little or no reason to justify their accomplishments, its really sad as this is what the younger generations are filled with, so much that a lot of them loose motivation and feel inadequate because they dont feel part of a 'group'. Even adults are not exempted, lavishing because of impression or show of position

Maybe im just like them and i do it too, the message is, its all futile and never ends, get out of it

Maybe im just like them and i do it too, the message is, its all futile and never ends, get out of it

It is a hard habit to break which is why it is a perfect control mechanism

I ran once.

It actually felt okay considering I haven't done much over the last year and have put on a few. We can go for a jog when you are here :D

Oh yeah, great idea. I’ll try and manifest some running shoes black and red glove-style and I’ll be set!

I get into this banter with my wife all the time . She is an emotional buyer .
I have no emotions so I don't buy things . If I need something I will go into the store and get it and that's it . No browsing . As a result my wife will not go into a store with me . That works well until she wants to go to a store on her own LOL
I do not need to impress anyone with what I have or appear . You either like me or not . If that depends on how I look or what I have you should avoid me .
It amazes me how people change their behavior (what is comfortable) on how someone else would feel about it or say . The clique , another controlling , manipulating body .
But then again I would be laugh at if I hooked up a horse trailer to a Lambo. hummmmm could make Trending page LOL

But then again I would be laugh at if I hooked up a horse trailer to a Lambo. hummmmm could make Trending page LOL

You'd have to put a Steem logo on it at least.

Running in those blue "toe shoes" must be interesting. Did your feet hurt? I use running shoes and they cushion and protect my feet more. As I'm older I think that is best.

However, walking barefoot on a lawn/grass is bliss. It really feels good. Even if my neighbors and friends shake their heads in dismay and think I am weird, I find it very grounding and healthy. And by walking barefoot, I don't have to buy anything!

I use running shoes and they cushion and protect my feet more. As I'm older I think that is best.

The Nike lie.

And by walking barefoot, I don't have to buy anything!

It is really healthy to walk barefoot but if yo are interested, a decent (and interesting) book on the running barefoot is called 'born to run'. Well worth it.

I'll look at the book. But no promises.

Thank you sir.

A lot of troubles we put ourselves into are not because of our divers needs but due to our many wants.

Needs are limited while wants are insatiable.

I don't just buy things myself, I ponder over why I need to buy A over B before I could buy.

A lot of people can borrow just to satisfy their wants, this ought not to be so.

We need to learn to make the needs a priority and not the want.

Buying shoes is not bad, but buying just for buying sake is bad. I'm not in competition with anybody, so I determine my life without allowing anybody to determine it for me.

The appearance is seen in today's dress, I recently saw a video of a person who was dressed as a homeless person in a square and pretends to have a heart attack and no one helps him and then makes another video with the same person and He simulates the heart attack again, but this time people help him and that is because he is dressed in elegant clothes. Sometimes you work for a minimum wage and you break your back to live in a superficial society today, when we are all equal at the end of life we will become dust. Very good your post. regards

I just happened to read an article that talks about the worst fear we can live with; the fear of what others think of us... then I find myself in my feed with your publication, feeling linked to these two publications, before I start I'm going to quote a paragraph:

He was saying that his wife, however, is ashamed to run around his neighborhood without shoes and calls him a hippie. She talks about how dangerous and bad it is for the body and her mother agrees. It's interesting, isn't it? Two million years of evolution and people think that a company that makes money selling shoes knows better. I used to think so too.

It's amazing how we've been programmed to live with common rules, with a chip that has the same taste; in which you are not allowed the slightest deviation, without being judged, marked and even isolated as punishment for leaving the line that others believe is correct, in the case of brands (cars, shoes, etc.) the media have a great role, making marketing a lifestyle, where the one who has more is the most valuable, being mostly the opposite, those who really have their heart full, do not need a Lamborghini to prove it, thank you for sharing, happy night.

We join cliques that limit our movement and then wonder why our bodies creak.

But how many of us are able to spend real time with themselves?

I don’t mean with a remote or mobile device in their hand, I truly mean with themselves.

Good piece once again and a good tie in on a piece of your recently. I told you then and will say it again that I thankfully got up one morning and untied myself from caring about brands and the value that "things"would hold in my life above my means and real happiness.

My only goal now is to get debt free, save and buy only what I really need to get on with one of the isolated few pleasures I choose to grow as either a hobby, interest, pastime or sport. Keep it simple so it doesn't become a regret or resentment.

Get debt free at all costs, buy only what you can when you have the cash for it and save as much as possible, investing it cleverly and increase your income somehow.

My plan has been some time in the doing and I'm past the halfway mark with the silver lining on the horizon.

It's the only thing that makes sense to me

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Excellent written friend very good contribution greetings