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RE: Cliques and Creaks: Designed to consume

in #philosophy7 years ago

Reading your article reminded me of Freud's model of the Psyche. There is Id,ego and superego. The Id part is tantamount to pleasure. The human self wants to experience gratification anf pleasure regardless of it is right or wrong. We feel pleasure buying this and that regardless of if we can afford it or not. Next, our ego,reality sets in,this is a mediator between id and superego. Sane people have their ego intact. While the superego represents the guilty feeling. After the gratification,we feel guilty about buying this expensive product that we cannot afford and realizing that its better to spend our money into something sensible and practical. And although this is a psyche theory, I feel like there is some truth to this.


I think freedom is found when we are able to detach from the ego and view what we are without the expectations and assumptions about what we think we ought to be. A different conversation I know. :)