We can never really know beforehand where one path will lead over another, and what seems safe may be fraught with danger and what seems crazy may be the most valuable in hindsight.
Is there a right pathway for each of us?
There can be no certainty in this life, no sure thing as security itself cannot exist as everything is always in a state of flux, and our personal control is narrow and imperfect.
In my opinion, at the very same instant as soon as when you get to know yourself better with a closer glimpse about who you really are. You will never fear to take a step forward to penetrate and enter into any route or bifurcation that is presented to you along your path. No matter how dark, uncertain or insecure this may seem. Because by then, you have already gained plenary consciousness on how to enjoy of yourself in total freedom of thought and exercising your journey with absolute insight and accurate intuition in full individual solitude.
At that very instant, you will actually KNOW beyond any shadow of doubt that, we/us, as endless explorators:
"We've all arrived to this earthly plane alone, we've been experiencing and living it alone and we also will leave it alone."
¡Upvoted! Cheers!! :)
I think the fear comes in the approach as people worry if what lays at their core is as wondrous as their expectations believe it to be. What happens when one thinks they are unique and then find out they are regular like everyone else? Of course, the 'average' everyone else when viewed from the core is amazing.
That's exactly the key thing in this life to live it at its maximum expression and utmost satisfaction my dear friend. Our uniqueness resides precisely in our regular and average individuality. No more no less. Therefore, it is absolutely vain & useless try to compare us with no one else out there in order to really be able to overcome our speculative imaginary obstacles and fears which prevent us from finally reach fully our goals and seeing, confirming and enjoying what we really are in the core and about what we are made of in its full splendor. :)