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RE: How "Real" Are We? Does Everything Ultimately Boil Down to Math?

in #philosophy7 years ago

What about the 21 grams we lose when we die, man?

Just kidding. But on a less whimsical note, don't you think there is something unique that happens when matter is organized just right (like our brains/bodies) to become aware of itself? What if as we see/hear/perceive reality around us and think about it, the energy of that influences the reality itself?

It sounds a bit new-agey and ridiculous, but there may be something to the energy of our focused thoughts affecting reality in a measurable way.

And for the record, I would not use transporter technology ala Star Trek, should that somehow become a thing. I'd be the old, cantankerous Dr. McCoy, avoiding the transporter at all costs. Too many bits of me that might get reassembled out of sequence, and we can't have that.