Look at the four above and tell me what they bring to mind, four who represent good for billions of people around the world in different ways. Teachers with so much wisdom and who taught us so much about how we can be better, inspired us to become better, to reach our potential. There are many others too, I am sure you can think of more.
Do you know what these people represent to me? Failure.
Do you know why they failed? Because they are teachers and we did not learn from them. Sure, some may have adjusted their behaviour slightly but how many of the class attended but keep failing the test? It is the teachers fault is it not? They did not say it simply enough or it lacked detail, it was not tailored for me the individual and it didn't speak to everyone... Who else's fault can it be but the teacher's?
I am not religious in the slightest and I am agnostic on the existence of a God but, it does not mean that I cannot hear the words of the religious.
Take this from Jesus for example:
Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. - Jesus Christ
What does that bring to mind when you read that, is that what you see in the world, or does hypocrisy come to mind where people condemn each other for actions no worse than their own? The lesson failed did it not, they all did, except perhaps 'An eye for an eye'. Perhaps that is why we are too blind to see.
But of course, religion has failed us all and we can do much better than the diatribe designed to control the brainwashed masses. Let us turn our attention to the rationality of science instead for it is there that the lessons that lead to truth will be found.
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein
Hmm, does this mean anything to you? Do you see this lesson of one of the most celebrated minds to have lived echoing and resonating through society in your experience or, do you see the rivalry, jealousy and desire as we strive to collect more, no matter the costs we inflict upon others.
But science is heartless, we cannot put the morality of humankind into the insensitive hands of a mathematician for we are not numbers, we are living, breathing members of society. We must come together, turn to the social, the charitable, someone looking for equality.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
Are we that change, are the problems facing the world how we wish it to be? For that is the lesson, we act and the world follows, it can do no other which means what we have today, is how we wish it to be for we learned the lessons and acted accordingly. Didn't we?
But please, we all know that society and community can never please us for there is always compromise, some people will always have more and others less, the system is unfair and those that try are bound to fail. We must be individuals and we must turn to spirituality.
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Buddha
Are we there yet, do you feel enlightened, are your behaviours and emotions that of someone who understand this life, someone who is at peace with who they are and takes responsibility for the challenges faced? Do you act as if no one can save you, are you willing to walk the path alone?
These lessons and the multitude of others are not new and have been reiterated a million different ways by hundreds of millions of people for millennia. We see them in our feeds on pretty pictures of sunsets, the words of the greatest minds and the most compassionate hearts the world has seen. But, they are the words of failures nonetheless for they have failed to teach us well enough that our behaviours changed. We listened to the words over and over, and chose to remain the same. Will they always be failures though?
The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Buddha
If you read this far... Now, you know. To not act, is to fail.
[ a Steemit original ]
It is sad that there have been so many great teachers and yet we still seem to have the same problems, the same issues, the same conflicts.
As another teacher, Michael Jackson said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." And your quote from Jesus says, I have my own issues to work on and I need to make sure that I'm becoming better than I was.
It doesn't matter from where the lesson comes, what matters is if it is learned, which means it creates better action.
Kinda goes back to the article you wrote the other day about the school system in Finland that (like many school systems) rewards people for remembering facts. It doesn't reward them for learning how to think/behave. You can know something in your head, but until it reaches your heart and becomes a part of who you are (and therefore how you act) it's still theoretical. It's not tangible or, in some sense, real.
I don't believe in religion, altough i know that for many people is an inspiration and give them strenght to overcome daily difficults. On the other hand, for others, religion is a reason to commit attrocities! On the overall, i think we could be a lot better without religions because the good it does is not enough compared to the bad that it can create.
"To not act, is to fail." by Taraz - here is good quote to share in my account with who i totally agree...to many times i lost opportunities for not acting!
actually eventhough they were a great teachers for all humanity even if that we don't follow their steeps but they remined the greatest in the world for me ghadi was one of the most great teachers in the world because he adopted a really simple method to humans to love eachother live peacfully wiht eachother even if someone harm you do not do the same try to forgive him and we still can remamber his reaction to the british conquire of india and how he advice his people to avoide violance and new way for asking rights in his appeal to america, in addition to buddha who is a really an idol in the life of so many people, what i'm trying to say is that we failed not they, buddha adopted a simple fylosophy but we didn't follow them. thank you friend
Very good article. I think it is important to be reminded that you "must be the change you want to see in the world". It is easy to complain about the circumstances around you, but without action, you are essentially contributing to the word you don't like.
I recently wrote an article titled, The Life-Threatening Voyage. It also explores motivation and determination. I think you may find it interesting. Let me know what you think!
What I believed this four super human did was that...they all believed in God and also believed in themselves also...failure was always a stepping stone.
Some nice write up and quote.. We need to take responsibility and not be swayed by religion... Thanks for your post
I do not think so, the failure is because we did not learn from them. Sometimes I think that man does not have reason to think. But the mind really found us to learn a lot of them. If the mind was found to be safe in all the world. If the mind is found, a man can not think how he created his eye and his hand. From behind this creation, can a man create the same with the same design. We have to think carefully until we answer our questions dear brother @tarazkp
In my opinion, religion is just one of those "guidelines" for man on how he can live his life. He has many options: he can live in a Catholic, Islamic, or Buddhist way, among others. Or he may choose to live independently from a religion.
There may be some very devout people who really take their religion seriously, but I think the majority are only religious by name. Has religion failed, then?