It is sad that there have been so many great teachers and yet we still seem to have the same problems, the same issues, the same conflicts.
As another teacher, Michael Jackson said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." And your quote from Jesus says, I have my own issues to work on and I need to make sure that I'm becoming better than I was.
It doesn't matter from where the lesson comes, what matters is if it is learned, which means it creates better action.
Kinda goes back to the article you wrote the other day about the school system in Finland that (like many school systems) rewards people for remembering facts. It doesn't reward them for learning how to think/behave. You can know something in your head, but until it reaches your heart and becomes a part of who you are (and therefore how you act) it's still theoretical. It's not tangible or, in some sense, real.