Bubble living

in #philosophy7 years ago

We all have our views of the world, our histories and experiences that shape the way we see what we see into something it may or may not be. The bubbles in which we live that refract the light and warp our view, turn it into what we want to see, not what is necessarily there. We look at others from our bubbles and they at us through theirs and we think we know each other but, how can we ever know if we know?

We make judgements on what we see from our bubbles and we adjust our behaviors based upon them. We act in ways that we think are suitable and justify our actions as fro our perspective, it is what is right, necessary. It is easy to defend ourselves from our position as we can always say, "you don't know what it is like to be me." but, is it true as again, how can we know?

Perhaps someone knows precisely what is going on and is in exactly the same position yet, behaves differently, has chosen a different path. What makes one act one way and another act in the opposite, why can one person with power use it to heal or build while someone with the same potential uses it to harm and destroy? Are there just good and bad people in the world, are some born altruistic while others are greedy or, is it environmental, nurture over nature?

We all change over time of course, our thoughts on what is right or wrong, the things we said we would never do become common or, what we have been raised to believe is stripped away as false or harmful and we pick up better habits, or higher level sensitivities. Our view of the world changes constantly as our bubble bounces from experience to experience and the surface warps the views all over again.

If we got a clear view of our world, I wonder if we could see things as they were, people as they were, life as it is. I think our behaviors would change, I have a sense that if we all had clarity and perspective, the vast majority of us would actually come into a much tighter path forward as we realize that our goals are much more aligned than we had envisaged.

I wonder what the pin will be, I am sure it will arrive eventually.

[ a Steemit original ]


we all change because that's part of the human evolution and necessary to our own survival, but many people have different culture so they have different mindset, i think the system was intentionally divide us to conquer us easily, but there will be the time of enlightenment and people achieved "oneness".

Environment and society determines to a large extent, our view of the world around us. Yet within the same environment, we have different perspective on life.
I think the most important thing is how people react to their environment, their situation and society.
The question then is, do those who become wolves do so because they didn't have it in them to react positively to their environment and vice versa?

The question then is, do those who become wolves do so because they didn't have it in them to react positively to their environment and vice versa?

In each moment, we are all doing the best we can with the tools we have availabl. This doesn't mean we can't sharpen or add new equipment to the toolbox.

I have a sense that if we all had clarity and perspective, the vast majority of us would actually come into a much tighter path forward as we realize that our goals are much more aligned than we had envisaged.

This would be amazing if it happened, it would basically mean we would enter an Utopian age for humanity and there would be no more wars and fights over silly things, because at the core of all things, we all humans want the same thing, to survive, progress and have a little bit of happiness along the way.

But its a bit hard as you say, because every human being lives inside its own bubble and then we trap ourselves in bigger ideological or religious bubbles that prevent us from seeing whats best for us, I truly believe we can set aside our differences and wars to work together.

But its a bit hard as you say, because every human being lives inside its own bubble and then we trap ourselves in bigger ideological or religious bubbles that prevent us from seeing whats best for us, I truly believe we can set aside our differences and wars to work together.

We want to feel a part of something even if it is harmful or there are better options available. we are creatures of habit, that is all culture and traditions are.

I like bubbles. I doubt there is a single 'clear view' of the World, hence the need to have various perspectives.

I agree with you that most of us think the bubble we see the World from is the better path...perhaps that's what we should work on - to see the World through each others bubbles.

Great post by the way

I like bubbles. I doubt there is a single 'clear view' of the World, hence the need to have various perspectives.

There would still be different perspectives fro where each stand just, not through the programmed filters

I would like to think you are right but there are too many bubbles. When I lived in London there was so many different bubbles, mainly different cultures but they all thought differently. They seem to all live in a certain part of town in their own tight knit communities.
What stops bubbles being closer and working as one will be the three main stumbling blocks culture ,religion and race. Where I live there is still so much hatred. When the whites were in power here the blacks and Indians were disadvantaged and 24 years later it is worse. The whites and Indians are disadvantaged in business and is racism in reverse. There is so much resentment between everyone when you dig deeper. The perfect bubbles are a long way off.

Yeah, those three things, arbitrary lines in the sand that a breeze could blow away yet, we keep marking it again and again.

People do tend to live this way, sadly. They, by doing so often deprive themselves of learning from those around them who without their knowledge are teaching them to either behave better or different. Lots of people, I find, use the "I am a result of my circumstance" as a crutch for bad behaviour.

Hard circumstance should drive one to want to do better, be better and live better. The pin comes in many different shapes, but come for sure

I think you highlight very clear points of how things happen in different people's lives and it is possible that sometimes you do not see things in the best way and they simply pass because they have to happen and you do not understand it because instantly the shock of reality is very strong and as time passes one analyzes and knows that it was correct, it is possible that our bubble has to go through blows to learn since the experience is something that is achieved with good and bad blows however I think we have to analyze better things before doing them because sometimes they are done and they do not think, we have to be better people and if we have the power to use it for good and not to contribute to evil

I love this quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer...
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” Most if the time, we let the Ego take over and we forget what is really important in Life. Have a great day☀️

People are modeled based on the environment they grew up. The way they see life and the kinda decisions they make are all dependent on these facts

This is some deep thinking, I wish I could get to see people the way they are , people would be know for whom they are . Things keep changing, and people change too. Deep thinking my friend

Always your writings make me think, that touch of agglomerated thoughts that collide ... In life we ​​transform, we live, we learn, we change, But we will always see things from our personal approach that may or may not be appropriate for society, but It's ours.

A natural man is a product of genetical, physiological, environmental factors. Though we have the will to learn and unlearn certain behavior. But most time we allow the sentiment in our heart to blind fold us and we give ourselves to the learning of bad and negative behavior over the good and positive ones.

When the loved person do things wrongly, we try to give reasons to cover them, let the unloved one repeat the same thing, the whole world will hear about it.

The balls are all in our curt, we can decide to do whatever we like, but let's us all ensure it proper per time.

Friend personally I think that no one sees completely clear, much less act as it should be, always be the personal rules of parenting, culture and society. From the same situation you can see and act differently from me, Only God knows who is right... The behavior and what each human thinks is so complex and unique. Regards!

Most judgements are ego learning to be non judgemental of them and not of the few takes wisdom providing you can go deep in order the ascertain the difference between the two... clarity and perspective :) I think that if you don’t have clarity you won’t have perspective perhaps knowing when the best time is for this is essential too, sometimes we need to have strength just to go into stuff before we can work stuff out