As Steem approaches one dollar from the wrong side, there are plenty of people panicking but I hope, there are plenty of people returning to their posts about 'If Steem was a dollar' and buying up. Money where your mouth was? Yeah, I am pretty sure a lot less people are going to buy-in as when prices are high they wish they could go back in time but, when they are low they are wondering if it will ever come back. The time is never right for some to buy.
Of course, not everyone has the available funds to buy-in with but it is interesting to think how much people spend on entertainment activities yet, never have enough to actually invest into something that has the potential to increase in value. People playing the latest game on the latest console to avoid thinking about the challenges of life. They have a 1000 dollars to spend on a phone every year also. Ah, that is bought on credit, wise move. That dam credit cycle that is impossible to get out of isn't helped by the continual consumption of nothing of value.

I feel for the people who have been living off Steem by necessity but, for those living off it by choice, I hope that they have been tucking some away for a rainy day and not going hand to mouth every seven days. We might be here a while or, we might not. It is hard to tell really but I don't think it is going to reach an ATH any time in the immediate future. The last time it was $1.02 though was November 26, 2017. 1 month later it hit the All time high of $7.31 on January 3rd 2018. Crypto is an unpredictable animal.
The prices affect people's posting behaviour heavily and, those who are here for the cash out fast money have been steadily reducing their activities while those who think long are increasing theirs. There is just as much Steem to be made now as there was before and with the drop in activity, it is easier to get. I am not saying easy, just easier.
My process hasn't changed for a very long time although I have adjusted various positions. Consistency of movement is the key to getting anywhere and whether the steps are small or large, a new destination is guaranteed every time a move is made. If we could see how much work and effort goes into some of the large projects in this world and, how much time it takes, we would see that not much happens overnight.
Even with Steem "so low", there are still likely no better places online to earn value on content however, there are likely better places to earn. I wonder how much extra capacity people would have in their lives if instead of holding a controller and playing a game for 10 hours a day or watching every series on Netflix, they flipped some burgers instead. For many, it seems this is beneath them but for others, that extra income could change their lives if spent on growth opportunities rather than consumption activities. If you aren't producing, you are paying and if you are spending more than you are earning, you are running on debt.
People like to get lost in the complexities but for the most part, life is pretty simple and can be made even simpler if instead of acting on emotion, people acted regardless of emotion. If people work out where they want to be, all they need to figure out is how to get there which is likely to change over time. As long as one understand that the actions made are working toward where they want to be, the emotional position can be ignored.
Emotion is our own personal FUD system that generally does more harm than good when it comes to our behaviors. People like to argue about this but, for those who do they are generally not the ones enjoying being where they want to be. What they don't want to admit though is that no matter how comfortable they are with their emotions, they haven't helped them. People will claim tat I am wrong and in the next breath complain about not having what they want, not have the relationships they seek or are depressed. Emotions are awesome dictators of action but unfortunately, rarely for benefit, especially in times of hardship.
This is likely why people are revisiting the concepts of Stoicism as to be Stoic doesn't mean to be a statue, it means to act independent of emotional pulls. Emotions are the most addictive drugs in the world and the cheapest to take. Yet, they are likely the most expensive to life. When it comes to doing what you need to do, if emotions don't support the movement, acknowledge them, put them aside and do what you need to do.
Waiting for better or avoiding the bad times is yet to improve a skillset. The best thing to be when better times arrive is better than today, whatever that means for your tomorrow, work it out. You are free to go, you are free to stay, you are free to act with whatever tools you have at your disposal, what are you going to do with them?
[ a Steem original ]
I don't remember what I said in regards to buying what at what levels, but I actually did buy quite a bit around when Steem hit $1. If only I had waited a bit. :P Now I just gotta work hard and earn some fucking Steem again.
When it eventually goes, it won't matter what most people bought at.
It matters. Because if I had bought lower, I would have a few more steem. But I can trade a bit and make a few extra. Made 7 steem trading what I just bought back and forth yesterday. :)
Yes, But, there is still opportunity to earn on the climb ;)
I have been saving my coins for a better day and as badly as I need funds to replace what I recently lost, I know it's better to wait. The beauty of this wait is I am working harder than better times per say. My SP is growing impressively for someone who only scored 200SP in her first year.
Maybe the dream of getting that dream home off blockchain will take a longer time than I was earlier made to believe... But I am working on it. In my own snail pace, I know I am.
I think those who are acting consistently will see a decent increase in their SP holdings during these times and hopefully by the end of the year, there will be a pleasant surprise for them :)
I hope so :)
So Steemit was $1.02 on November 26, 2017. 1 month later it hit the All time high of $7.31 on January 3rd 2018.
Wow, I had forgotten that!
Cryptocurrencies often experience rapid and violent rallies and long and agonizing corrections.
Yep, luckily With Steem one doesn't have to play the markets to keep it ticking over.
Wo0ot, here we go $0.06 :) :P
I'd take it. 1000 SP for 60 dollars.
I've promised myself not to buy more Steem with fiat anymore but that's a deal I wouldn't be able to pass on.
In these times in the dip of the steem, is where you see the difference and You know who is here for the quick money and who do not, I think that many people will regret in the coming months, but change their way of carrying finances and see the opportunity offered by steemit
I think we should repeat this phrase every day:
Right now I’d take a site that loads and me not having endless errors when trying to post a comment! The price can wait things still need working out as past few days as evident of that. We really don’t want the prime time a higher price brings if people can’t even load the website.
While a lot many have said they would buy the scary thing is more are sharing story about how they can’t afford the price to be so low. It seems along the way many have forgotten this can and is for many an investment in both time and money (if that is route you go.) When you are your own boss you need make sure there money to weather a storm otherwise you will sink.
I can’t afford the loss where I am in my life right now so I’m not going take advantage of this low price. I would rather go without then ending up in a worse place if things don’t work out.
With that said I’m still working building up something here. People can run and cry all they want. I’m just too busy to break down. I’ve had many failures in my life. I’m just use to going as long as I can afford to then saying “well I gave it what I could” and move on with life.
Not every opportunity you take in life will be a winner. I’m just thankful a large chunk of my content could be used elsewhere if needed one day. I've almost started to enjoy a fair amount this kind of thing.
Too many have decided that living off a Beta platform is necessary. I can't imagine they are thinking with a business mindset.
That is fair. It is about knowing your limits and understanding the risks and what you are willing to take.
The many failure in life are generally by those who are working toward success. Most fail through lack of failure.
Well im new to this platform, but i already had an idea how things in crypto-world work. I have been consistent since day one just like you said.
Also please excuse my ignorance but can u tell me Why powering up is important here!
Thanks in advance
Steem Power is the vote value (draw in vests on the pool). So to increase the value of a vote requires increasing Steem Power. This happens when earing but, to speed it along it is possible to use the liquid value earned to increase the Steem power. Of course, if you buy Steem and power it up, it will happen much much faster.
This means that not only you will be able to reward other content producers, you can earn more via curation. It will also mean in the future that there will be SMT airdrops that will likely tie the amounts to Steem Power etc. Steem Power is your hall pass to many aspects of the platform and without it, you are always at the mercy of others with very limited influence.
The white paper and other articles explain it with much more depth than that but, it is something everyone should learn about as it is a core part of the platform.
That was very simple to understand and i am having a look at the white paper right now! Thank You!!
I try and stick with consistency. Over time it helps and works out best.
In buying Steem and powering up I have a minimum for the month to buy and try like hell to get above it. I have been buying monthly since the price was $7. I am glad the price has been dropping and don't think about the higher price I first paid. Long term thinking provides that ability
THe cheap prices now will offset the higher before.
If you bought 25 at 4 dollars, and 100 at 1 dollar it is the same in fiat = 200 total worth. To break even, Steem needs to get to about 1.50. Easy. If it goes to 2 dollars. You are already up 50 dollars.
I was keeping track of it until 2 months ago. Then stopped, made no sense to do it because no matter the price I was going to power up. And now I am just to busy here to do it anyway
Word of the hour
Buy on Red sell on Green. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be?
Buy on Red sell on
Green. Isn't that the way it
Is supposed to be?
- gansekirock
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
depends if the green is at a lower point than the red. =)
yes, but when exactly? Better to have a long view ?
One of my first jobs was working in a credit repair call center. I heard nothing but horror stories all day about how people were slaves to their debts. Thanks to that experience, I've lived mostly debt free my whole adult life.
Although sometimes circumstances are unavoidable, what percentage were largely self-inflicted experiences?
Well, in the US honestly a lot of the debts had to do with health related debts. As far as credit card debts, I learned that almost no one understood how interest rates work, and people were usually amazed (and angry) to find out how much they actually paid in interest over time on relatively low amounts.
Crazy isn't it? The American Dram, just don't get sick.
As a Canadian I couldn't believe it,some people had 12-15K debts for their kids having a broken bone out of state etc...
I am glad that in Europe it is not like that.
in a few words - HODL your steem :-)
or add to it if you are able :)
i'm trying to add with non-stop posts :-)
While I agree with most of this, there is a line you draw between working and reaping the rewards. I do play games, and hold that controller, but do it less since joining Steemit.
You cant just work all the time, and you need to reserve some time for other things, that maybe is gaming if you like a little escapism.
The average american watches ~5 hours of TV per day, that is 35 hours a week. Throw in gaming, social media etc and perhaps the balance of healthy escapism and avoidance of life is out of whack for many people. It is everyone's responsibility to look after themselves though.
5 hours a day? is this a stereotypical American?
I get less than a hour a day of TV at most.. just before I sleep, otherwise I could happily live without it.
here is another interesting one:
Even the pace of comments has changed in people, @tarazkp! It's as if even the urge to read had been lost. In the past, after 15 minutes you published, you already had hundreds of comments. Now they're scarce. Yesterday I was telling you that I am from Venezuela and in this country many have seen in steem the way to monetize their work and have helped each other. I hope the tide doesn't come in so high and drown us. Happy afternoon!
The comments have slowed down because many who are here for immediate payoff don't get the value they want for it. Others have no chice and keep commenting though. And, a few regulars who hold onto an image of the future keep doing what they do independent of price.
Your post has been resteemed by @ade-greenwise, a lone crusader of inspiring content in the spheres of Green, Geek and Creative subjects :)
Cheers mate.
It's all really irrational; we're now on the same level where the crazy rally started. People are upset because of the crash from heights. If the price had been flatlining this whole time, people would be bored and well, crying why it's not moving up (I guess that's no different from now). Though I feel for the new people who bought in near ATHs and are now crushed when it comes to their portfolios. I FOMOed too and bought Steem with way too many euros when it was way too many folds more than today's price. Though I'm fairly certain I've learned my lesson – I'm not even that interested about crypto anymore, except for Steem to some extent, because this is the one thing I actually use, so it has some merit to at least.
I wonder if it's the same with other people; they're getting bored and and actually getting pessimistic about crypto. If that's the case, we could be facing a years long downtrend like with Bitcoin in December 2013 topping at $1100 only to reach that level again In January 2017. But the longer the downtrend, the better for the consistent people here because they will get easier noticed here when there's less noise from opportunists.
Don't believe it, that is what they want you to think ;)
Well, I tend to get quickly bored on things so that's entirely possible.
my wife and I have a deal, anytime she buys something non essential, I get that same amount on crypto (steem or bitcoin) :)
wow, you must be close to retiring if your wife is anything like mine...
That is a joke, she is actually pretty good with avoiding non-essentials. Our bank account forces her hand ;)
She has already said that she's way more conscious of what she buys now :-) which is a good thing since we can only stretch a dollar so far.
Tell her that the money she saves on purchases can be used to stretch Steem even further and when it hits the moon, you will make up for it ;)
I'm sure she will agree to a Las Vegas vacation.... and i'm alright with that :-)
This time this world best time'
This guy has it right. BTFD!
Me gusta mucho sus planteamientos, pensamos en la misma linea; ahora bien, sobre las emociones o ese mundo alrrededor de la esfera psico afectiva, me lo he explicado a partir de esa necesidad que quedó atras en la evolucion donde quizas contabamos con un eje de soporte basado en los instintos, las emociones sustituyen al instinto en muchas cosas, como lo añoramos.Quizas deberiamos partir de nuestras necesidades mas que de los gustos para actuar, necesitamos darlo un poco mas de protagonismo a la razon. Respecto al valor "depreciado" del steem (SBD) producto de esta caida de los valores de las cryptos, se constituye en la prueba de fuego para quienes compartimos puntos de vista en steemit, quienes buscan un "crecimiento" economico esta situacion les afecta mucho; pero quienes buscamos un "desarrollo" personal y economica, steemit es una buena herramienta para compartir con otros determinados puntos de vista, para nutrirnos de otros, para exponernos sanamente a la critica, tan necesaria para nuestro desarrollo. El desarrollo siempre es en espiral e incluye el crecimiento, solo que, en su tiempo.
(I really like your ideas, we think in the same line; Now, on the emotions or that world around the psycho affective sphere, I have explained it to me from that need that was behind in the evolution where maybe we had an axis of support based on the instincts, the emotions replace the instinct in many things, as we yearn for. Maybe we should start from our needs rather than the tastes to act, we need to give a little more prominence to the reason. Regarding the "depreciated" value of the steem (SBD) product of this drop in the values of the cryptos, it constitutes the litmus test for those who share points of view in steemit, who seek an economic "growth" this situation affects them a lot ; but who seek a personal and economic "development", steemit is a good tool to share with other points of view, to nourish ourselves from others, to expose ourselves healthily to criticism, so necessary for our development. Development is always spiraling and includes growth, only, in its time.)