"Ο χρόνος είναι ο πιο διπροσωπος κύριος που θα συναντήσεις ποτέ στη ζωή σου. Κάποιες φορές είναι ο καλύτερος σου φίλος που θα γιατρέψει τις πληγές σου. Παρόλα αυτά παραμένει ο πιο αδυσώπητος εχθρός σου που αναπόφευκτα μια μέρα θα σε σκοτώσει χωρίς καν να σε ρωτήσει."
" Time is the most duplicitous gentleman you will ever meet in your life. Sometimes he'll be your best friend and the one who will heal your wounds. However, he remains your most relentless enemy who will one day inevitably kill you without even asking."
Once, somewhere, a dude named Theodoros K.
Are you perhaps trying to say that "Time heals all wounds, and wounds all heels"? If so, you are very profound :-)
You are in my mind :P ha ha ha ;)
In your mind as a healer, or as a heel? (no discussions with siblings allowed LOL)
LMAO@no discussions with siblings allowed (My siblings are not at home at the moment lol)
You are in my mind as a hill...Crypto's highest and most respectful mountain! The lawyer in me! Sometimes I even impress myself with my devil's advocate skills :P LOL
Lawyers have to put their feelings aside :-)
Time can indeed be an enemy or a friend, but I believe our choices are responsible for what time dishes to us.